Chapter Forty-One: Sleeping With the Enemy pt. 3 (Audrey's POV)

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Dedicated to nicholecmg

Thanks to Aiden's blood I couldn't feel the sting of Duke's fangs as they pierced my flesh. But I could tell he was holding back.

The muscles in his arms flexed around me, taut with restraint. Our chests were rising and falling in tandem, one pressing into the other as our breathing became shallow and raspy.

My heart beat resonated deep between my legs, at the spot his erection was resting against. I tried to move on it, to satisfy the ache I was feeling for him, when he suddenly pulled back.

Wordlessly, he gazed up at me, caramel eyes nearly consumed by his pupils. Some of my blood stained his bottom lip, and without thinking I leaned in to lick it off.

That was all it took.

Duke lifted me up with one arm while pulling down his slacks with the other. As he brought me back down, he tore through my panties and tossed them aside.

His wide crest waited outside my entrance; his grip bordering on the painful side, even through the haze of vampire blood.

Please, he thought at me. Please tell me you want this. Please don't ask me to stop.

Somewhere far off in the back of my head I knew this was a bad idea. That sleeping with Duke while Nero was missing would make me a horrible person. But Aiden's blood paired with Duke's extremely close proximity made it impossible to think. All I could do was feel.

And in that moment, I wanted to feel Duke inside me.

"Keep going." I opened my legs wider for him. "Please."

He let out a breath, then ever so slowly, pushed his way inside, hissing through his teeth as he did. "Gods, you are exquisite."

Just like with Nero the night before, I orgasmed as soon as Duke filled me.

He paused for a moment, giving me a chance to come down, before he cupped an ass cheek. Then he started moving me up and down his length, his other hand gliding up to tangle in my hair.

I could feel myself building up again. Warmth spread over me as Duke tugged my hair, gently forcing my head back. His lips caressed my throat, pushing me closer to the edge.

Then I thought I heard something. A voice with a very distinct accent.

But instead of freaking me out or pissing me off, it aroused me. Just knowing he could be watching shoved me into another orgasm.

I bit Duke's shoulder to keep from crying out as my climax rocked through me. When I was finished, I tasted blood--Duke's blood.

And then I sucked. Hard.

"Audrey," Duke choked out. "Please. If you keep it up...oh, Gods!"

I was riding him, spurred on by the intoxicating taste of his blood. In seconds, I was coming again, but this time it felt like I was floating.

It wasn't until I felt a tongue flutter against my sex that I realized Duke had flung me on the bed. My hand found its way into his auburn hair, knotting it between my fingers as he ate me out.

Do not react to what I'm about to tell you. Duke suddenly thought at me. We have an audience.

Dean Lachlan? I could barely form the thought.

And Aiden. Duke replied mentally.

My eyes snapped open, and sure enough, Dean Lachlan was standing in the doorway with Aiden peeking over his shoulder.

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