Chapter Ten: Troublemaker

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A few hours later, several of the university's clubs had set up tables in the main lobby. Jo's previous mention of balls was in reference to parties; specifically, planning them. I wasn't a party girl by any means, and had no idea where to begin with planning, but Jo still insisted that I join.

"Come on, please."

She was standing between me and Connor, giving us big puppy dog eyes.

I sighed while Connor rubbed the back of his head.

"I dunno, Jo. I only know how to get wasted at parties. Besides, I'm more interested in the boxing club." Connor looked over his shoulder at the table behind us. It was surrounded mostly by guys, with a couple tough-looking girls, chatting about fights and weight classes.

"Fine," Jo pouted. "What about you, Audrey? Will you join?"

I watched Connor walk over to the boxing table before turning to Jo. "I don't know the first thing about party planning. What if I screw things up?"

Before she could reply, the girls running the booth chimed in.

"Everyone does when they first start out."

The girl standing across from me grinned.

"Yeah, you should've seen Jo last semester. She was a mess!"

The other girl exclaimed.

The girls started giggling while Jo wore a playfully incredulous expression, then they jokingly bickered back and forth. From there, they moved on to discussing past parties and their levels of epic-ness.

Suddenly I felt uncomfortable and out of place, just standing there listening--without really hearing--the girls' conversation. As a distraction, I glanced over at Connor to see how things were going. He was bent over the table, signing up for the boxing club, when I realized I never returned his jacket.

The last place I remembered having it was outside the laundry room. I cringed internally, recalling everything that happened there, but resolved to go back.

Excusing myself, I left Jo to chat with her club friends, and headed outside.

It was mild out, the clingy humidity from earlier having vanished completely. In fact, it was a little cool. Nero popped unbidden into my mind, and I wondered if he'd be able to stay warm on his nightly swim.

I shouldn't worry about him. I thought pitifully. It's pointless. I'm probably the furthest thing from his thoughts.

Ignoring the twinge of hurt that last thought carried, I walked around to the back of the building and spotted my quarry. Connor's jacket was lying a few feet away from the door, a lump of blue fabric, seemingly undisturbed.

I started toward it but froze when Dean Lachlan exited the laundry room, followed by Aiden and Duke. They stood in a circle, deep in conversation, oblivious to the neglected jacket near their feet. I idly pondered what they were discussing while weighing the possibility of sneaking over to retrieve Connor's jacket. I didn't have time to do anything though, because a firm hand abruptly snaked around the bend of my elbow.

"Does your nosiness know no bounds?"

Nero hissed, pulling me out of sight and spinning me around to face him. He glared down at me, his hand still on me, the space between us less than a foot apart.

I returned his glare, my heart thumping wildly, both from the scare he gave me and his close proximity.

"I wasn't being nosey," my voice was a small, irritated snap.

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