Chapter Thirty-Four: Damned (Gabriel's POV)

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Audrey Renae Ridley.

Ever since she arrived on the island, she was all I could think of. Despite my best efforts to pace my pursuit of her affections, I saw her likeness everywhere.

The evergreens, with their green needles and rich brown bark, reminded me of her eyes-- an intense hazel that was a perfect blend of green and brown. The way the sun glinted off the waves surrounding my island home, brought about visions of Miss Ridley's wavy dark blonde hair. Even the woods, with their curvy foot trails, reminded me of her rounded hips; the narrow path that led from her waist to her perky, ample chest, was like a trail I craved to traverse over and over again.

And then there was her scent. No matter where I went, it followed me. It was like a ghost, haunting me, teasing me, driving me mad with the knowledge that I couldn't have her...yet.

But she was mine, became mine the night my father died.

I shuddered at the loathsome memory of Gildoroy, the bastard who had fathered me. Then just as suddenly, I felt a combination of nausea and panic as what I'd done to Miss Ridley came to mind.

"You seem more lucid now." Duke said, sitting on the ground beside me. He had just returned from helping Aiden and Lucius to the clinic, and he was gazing at me expectantly.

"You know my father raped Nero's mother." I muttered, ignoring his observation. "He was so desperate to produce a Royal, that he had a Siren captured and delivered to him."

"I know," Duke spoke solemnly. "I also know that Nero is the product of that rape."

I bowed my head, speared with hurt and pity for my much younger brother.

"What I never understood," Duke continued, shifting to lie back. "Is why a Siren?"

I poked at some dirt with the point of my wingtips. "They evolved from primates, just as humans did."

"Right," Duke nodded. "The aquatic ape theory."

"More than theory. But unlike humans, they can bear the child of a turned vampire."

"Not to interrupt your biology lesson, but what has you dredging up the past?"

I glanced back to arch a brow at him.

Come now, I thought at him. I am not so old that I've forgotten about that troublesome ability of yours.

He could read my mind as if it were a book. He knew exactly what I was getting at, he just wanted me to say it aloud.

Duke chuckled. "You are quite the relic."

"Please. Four thousand years isn't that old."

"Four thousand?" Duke repeated, feinging surprise. "I thought you were turned five thousand years ago."

Grinning, I tossed a pebble at him. "Shut up."

Only Duke could pull me from the precipice of despair. It was a welcome distraction, even if it was short-lived.

"You are nothing like him." Duke said abruptly, low and sincere. "I know that was your point, in bringing up what he did to Nero's mother."

I felt my jaw clench. "I am exactly like him. How could you think otherwise? After all the atrocities I have committed? I wanted to kill you and Lucius tonight; I nearly killed you the night before. And what I did to Miss was unforgivable."

I could still feel her trying to push me away as I rocked into her. Her pleas for me to stop, the fearful and angered look that twisted her heavenly face as I forced her orgasm was like a blow to the solar plexus.

And as if that wasn't enough, I had given her my blood. Though at the time I only wanted to stop her from dying. Now she was alive, but she was damned to never leave this wretched island.

How could she ever forgive the awful things I've done to her?

How could I?

"Oh, pish posh! If you had truly wanted us dead, then we would be dead. And in regards to Audrey," Duke paused to let out a sigh. "It was horrible, yes. But I can see it eating away at you. You are nothing like your father, because had he done that to her, he would have felt justified, not remorseful."

We were both quiet for a moment. I was mulling over Duke's words as he looked up at the stars.

"Besides," Duke said casually. "When you set me on fire, I knew I wouldn't die."

I cocked my head to one side. "How?"

"Because Audrey truly is our queen. And a queen, a good queen, always puts the needs of her subjects before her own."

I thought about it briefly, and decided he was right. "That certainly sounds like our Miss Ridley, putting the needs of others before her own. So does this little pep talk mean that you've forgiven me?"

"For setting me on fire? Yes. For what you did to Audrey?" He exhaled audibly. "I think you should be more concerned with her forgiveness than with mine."

Feeling more myself than I had in days, I stood to dust off the back of my pants. "You are you smell that?"

It was faint, but I could smell a trace of Miss Ridley's blood.

"Yes." Duke stood beside me. "Her blood is everywhere, though, and Nero should be with her by now. I'm sure she is okay. Physically, at least."

"Perhaps you're right...again."

"Aren't I always?" He gave me a wink and an impish smirk, then patted my shoulder. "Just give her space, she'll come around."

"Sure," I mumbled, not entirely convinced.

Duke left me to think after that, and I certainly had a lot to think about. But all I could do was gaze up at the sky, allowing a lone tear to slide down the apple of my cheek. "Miss Ridley, I am so sorry."

*Sorry for the delay, but here is a brand new chapter! I'd been wanting to do Gabriel's POV for a while now, and I really struggled with getting in his head at first. But I hope you guys like it 😊

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