Chapter Nineteen: The Talk pt. 2

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I gaped at him, suddenly remembering my first night on the island. That night, when he had been standing in my doorway watching me sleep.

Sleep well, my queen.

Guess I didn't imagine it, after all.

"But why me?" I found myself asking. "I've got to be, what, seven years younger than you. Not to mention, you're cultured, successful..." Handsome. I paused, blushing at the thought. "Surely you could find a more suitable candidate to be your 'queen' than me."

Dean Lachlan studied me for a moment, pale fingers twiddling with the base of his goblet, when he replied with a smirk, "I am afraid the age difference between us is a bit more vast than just seven years."

I eyed him suspiciously. "Just how vast are we talking? Decades? Centuries?"

How old could Dean Lachlan be?

"It doesn't matter." He said with a wave of his hand. "What matters is that you're here now, and--"

An abrupt knock on the door cut him off.

"Enter," he called, a bit impatiently, before downing the contents of his cup.

The door creaked open, and Lucius stepped inside, a grave look marring his olive-toned face. His dark eyes widened fractionally when he spotted me, then softened.

"Miss Ridley," he gave me a light bow. "How are you feeling?"

"Fine, thanks." I smiled shyly.  "How are you?"

Whatever it was that Nero had done to him, when he was writhing in agony on the cave floor, didn't seem to have had any long-term effects. Thankfully.

"Better, now that I've seen you."

His remark made me blush, and caused the Dean to stand up. "Is there something you wished to discuss, Lucius?"

"Right, apologies." Lucius muttered, embarrassed. "There is a private matter that needs your attention."

Dean Lachlan glanced back at me wistfully.

"It's fine," I spoke before he could. "I don't want to keep you from anything. I'll just go."

Sure, I wanted, no, I deserved answers. But in that moment, I just wanted to be alone. So much had happened since I got to Lachlan Island, and I needed time to process.

Plus I really needed to go to class.

"No," Dean Lachlan almost shouted, alarmed. "No, please, stay." He added in a calmer tone. "At least have breakfast. This won't take but a moment."

I hadn't realized I was standing until I sat back down. Shooting me a grateful smile, the Dean followed Lucius out, pulling the door together so that it was slightly ajar.

Jeez, what was that about?

I glanced down at my plate, at the waffles and eggs and bacon; it all looked delicious, but I just couldn't bring myself to eat.

"You are going to waste away if you don't start eating properly."

My eyes shot up with a gasp. Standing on a balcony I hadn't noticed at the back of the room was Aiden, wearing an impish smirk.

At first, I was relieved to see that he was okay, then I remembered he was the one who'd picked out my clothes.

"I don't know whether to slap you or kiss you." I hissed after approaching him.

His grin broadened, turquoise eyes alight with mirth. "Why not do both?"

"Yeah, you'd like that, wouldn't you?" His good mood was infectious, and I found myself fighting a smirk.

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