Chapter Thirty-Five: Damned (Audrey's POV)

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I don't know how long I sat there, soaking wet and shirtless, but my anger and despair soon evaporated. Instead, as I absentmindedly licked Dean Lachlan's blood off my lips, I was flooded with hunger.

Hunger for his blood... and his body.

And then I was angry again.

How could I want him after what he did to me? I thought, slamming my fist into the ground.

I hated him with every fiber of my being. Yet, more than anything, I wanted him to find me and soothe the throbbing ache that was building between my thighs.

I wrapped my arms around my legs and rested my chin on my knees with a groan.

Deep breaths, Audrey. I told myself. It's just his blood turning you on. Relax.

But I couldn't. My body was craving release, painfully begging me to track him down. Before I could obey it, I stood and bolted for the woods. My jeans were still wet from my impromptu swim with Nero, and the legs scraped loudly against each other as I ran.

The sound was deafening.

Just as I thought about ditching the clothes, I came across a cabin. It was dimly lit, with plumes of smoke wafting out of a stone chimney. Thoughtlessly, I went inside and leaned against the thick wooden door.

I felt a bit better, having some distance and four walls between me and Dean Lachlan. But I was still horny. Very, very horny.

"You know it's rude to enter someone's home without knocking."

My heart stopped.

Oh no.

My eyes snapped open to see Nero standing in front of the fireplace... completely naked.

Oh, fuck no.

I couldn't speak. All the moisture left my mouth as my heart rate kicked into high gear.

He had a towel thrown over his shoulder, and didn't even bother using it to cover himself up.

"Duke said you ran off after Gabriel gave you his blood," he said, scrubbing his lavender hair with the towel. "I was getting ready to go find you."

The way his long, lean frame was silhouetted by the fire crackling behind him made it impossible to think. I closed my eyes and took in a shaky breath.

Not that it did any good.

I could still see his firm muscles-- particularly the delicious looking ones that led to his thick cock--in my mind's eye.

Finally, I opened my eyes and forced myself to speak. "You weren't there?"

I was relieved Nero hadn't seen me feeding on the Dean. But I couldn't help feeling a little hurt, too.

I was dead-- at least, I was pretty sure I was before Dean Lachlan brought me back. And Nero couldn't stick around long enough to see if I could be saved?

"No. Don't you remember what happened?"

I shook my head. "Last thing I remember before Gabriel brought me back was that thing biting my neck. Why? What happened?"

Nero moved away from the fireplace to a chest of drawers on the right side of the room. "Don't worry about it."

He came to stand in front of me, a wad of fabric clutched in his long fingered hand. "Just know that that thing won't be able to hurt you ever again."

I got a chill from the dark and final tone his voice held, and I carefully took the clothes he offered.

"Bathroom's through that door." He pointed to a door on the left side of the room. "I'll take you back to your dorm when you get dressed."

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