Chapter Thirty-Six: Special Delivery

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I woke up in my dorm the next day. Because I was there and not in Nero's cabin, I thought everything that happened the night before was just a dream. But when I tried to get out of bed, I could barely move.

I was sore. Everywhere.

"Oh my God," I gasped. "I really did it."

"Hmm? Did what?"

I jumped out of bed with a yelp.

Standing at the foot of my bed was the last person I ever wanted to see.

His snow-white hair was combed back in it's usual style, and his khakis were immaculately pressed. Yet despite how put together he looked, there was a melancholy air about him, a pitiful sadness just behind his blue eyes.


"Dean Lachlan," I said tartly. "What are you doing here?"

"Well," he looked briefly lost while rubbing the back of his neck. "I noticed you weren't at the banquet hall this morning."

I crossed my arms over my chest. "So?"

"So, I decided to bring you breakfast." He gestured to a cart on his right. "I wasn't sure what you liked, so I brought a little of everything."

He wasn't kidding. All three shelves on the cart were stuffed with everything from waffles and bacon to fruit bowls and toast.

My stomach growled at the sight of some scrambled eggs, but I couldn't bring myself to accept anything from him.

My pride wouldn't let me.

Instead, I stormed past him to the bathroom, wincing with every step. "Not hungry."

"Please, Miss Ridley, if you would--"

I slammed the door in his face before he could finish speaking. "Not interested."

Hoping that would be the end of his visit, I brushed my teeth and started up the shower.

But Dean Lachlan was persistent.

"Miss Ridley," he tapped on the door. "Please, just let me explain--"

I yanked the door open, stopping him short. "Oh, you mean the way you explained things yesterday morning?"

A myriad of emotions suddenly flashed across his face. His assault against me was playing in his head, just as it was in mine; I could see it in his eyes. Something else was there too, something that completely blindsided me.


"Please," he bowed deeply. "Allow me to give you my most sincerest apologies. I never intended to hurt you, my queen. I...I am disgusted by my abhorrent behavior."

"You should be." Maybe it was the depressed tone of his voice, or the amazing sex with Nero from the night before. Maybe it was both. Regardless of the reason, I could feel myself softening to Dean Lachlan a little.

"Yes. I know." He said, still bowing. "And I know that apologizing isn't enough to erase what I have done. But if you would grant me the opportunity, I swear to spend my every waking moment trying to atone for my sins."

He seemed genuinely remorseful. Heartbroken, even. But I didn't want to be foolish and forgive him just to end up regretting it later on. "How do I know that you won't do something else horrible if things don't go your way?"

"Well, I haven't harmed Nero."

My heart stuttered before shooting up my throat. "Nero? What does Nero have to do with this?"

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