EPILOGUE 1: Audrey's POV

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I woke up in my own bed, fully dressed in warm flannel p.j's and completely spotless. There were no blood stains on my skin, no bruises, no physical evidence of my...God, what would I even call it? Orgy? Gang bang? Cluster fuck?

Slowly, I sat up, wincing at the stinging ache hitting me from both the front and back. It was a painful reminder of Nero and Gabriel, Lucius, Duke, and Aiden. I groaned, putting my face in my hands.

I really did it. I thought, shocked. I fucked them.

Everything started to replay in my head; waking up chained to the floor, Nero being possessed, all the awful things Gildoroy said. And then I remembered Gabriel's sacrifice, and the memories he revealed to me, and my chest began to ache.

"You know, I think Audrey can tell when a vampire is around. Even before one of you speak." She said in a breathy tone. "She's usually doing cartwheels in here, but when any of your kind are near," she paused to shrug. "She just settles down."

"Perhaps she grows still from fear?" I suggested, disguising my own lingering fear as curiosity. "Perhaps she can sense my kind and stops moving in order to conceal herself for fear of discovery?"

She let out a light chuckle, and gave her belly a gentle tap. "It'd be pretty tough to hide this, don't ya think? Plus I don't think that's it at all. I think you bring her peace. That's how it feels to me. A warm, peaceful feeling. Like home."

My heart swelled at the thought. "She feels like home to me as well, Vanessa."

I felt like home.

That's what Gabriel had told my mother.

As I eased out of bed, I couldn't help but wonder if he felt that way now; now that I had screwed him and his coworkers.

Shame began to creep into my bones, tried to weigh me down, but I shook it off. I wasn't going to slut-shame myself for what happened. Yes, I had sex with five different guys at once...surrounded by dead vampires while high on vamp blood...and without any kind of protection.

I smacked myself in the forehead. God, how could I forget about pregnancy and STD's?

I began to get lost in a wave of panic and nausea when a quick knock sounded at my door.

"Miss Ridley, it's Dean Lachlan."

I didn't reply.

"I wanted to check on you." He said, voice muffled by the door. "May I come in?"

It took me a second to finally answer. "Yes."

The door whined as it opened, revealing Dean Lachlan in a royal blue three-piece suit.

Holy shit.

His white hair was combed back in it's usual style, handsome face bearing an enigmatic expression. And his eyes, those crystal blue orbs, they were heavy with apprehension.

The look sent a lump up my throat.

He quietly closed the door behind him, but made no effort to approach me. "Did you sleep well?"

I nodded. "I did, thanks."

"How do you feel?"

"Pretty sore, but no worse for wear."

"Good." He seemed relieved, awkward. "Miss Ridley, I wanted to discuss yesterday's events with you. May we sit?"

"Of course." I motioned to the only places we could sit--the beds--and shuffled to sit on my bed. "I'm just not sure where Jo is, or when she'll be back."

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