Chapter Nine: Awkward Questions

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After my second encounter with Nero, Aiden and Duke conducted a fairly uneventful tour of campus. They showed me the clinic Dean Lachlan had mentioned earlier that morning, as well as the bookstore, both of which were housed in the same building as the dorms. Then, they took me across an unsettlingly high bridge that connected the dorm building to one of the academic buildings. There were two others on either side of it, both as big as the one we were in, though not as impressive as the dorm building.

"You won't have to worry about the other buildings until next semester."

Aiden explained as we exited the two-storied building.

"How come?"

I asked, eager for a distraction. I was still raw from seeing Nero again; his last words dug into me like a thorn covered in salt.

Just stay away from me.

It would be better that way... for all of us.

I didn't blame him for wanting to distance himself from me. No one could. In the short time we'd known each other I'd caused him so much trouble, probably more if Duke or Aiden tell the Dean about what happened in the laundry room.

I shook my head.

Let it go, Audrey. I told myself. What's done is done.

But was that really it? Was there nothing I could do to atone for my actions?

"Um, Miss Ridley,"

Duke was watching me warily, concerned no doubt by my absentmindedness.

"You okay?" Aiden asked, confused.

I looked back to see the bridge behind us. We'd crossed it without my noticing.

"Yeah, sorry about that." I scratched my head, surprised by how lost in thought I had been. "Kind of spaced out there for a minute."

"Clearly," Aiden chuckled dryly. "Does that happen often?"

Before I could say anything, my stomach growled, helping me avoid discussing my thoughts.

"Only when I'm hungry," I smiled, a little embarrassed, but relieved. "Can we squeeze in a lunch break?"

"No need, Miss Ridley." Duke opened the door leading into the dorm building. "That was the end of the tour. Do you have any questions?"

I couldn't think of any then, at least, not any that were academically relevant. "I have a few, actually."

We were heading towards the banquet hall, our slow steps echoing off every guilded surface inside.

"I'm afraid that we are pressed for time," Duke replied smoothly. "But I may be able to answer one or two."

Okay, what was I most curious about? There was something that I probably shouldn't have brought up, something that never really struck me as odd until that moment.

And now that it'd finally dawned on me, I felt dumb for not asking about it sooner.

"Why was Nero naked?"

Aiden and Duke froze in place, visibly stunned by my offhanded question.

"Um," Duke cleared his throat. "I'm sorry, is there something you wish to say?" He asked Aiden impatiently, who was snickering beside him.

Aiden straightened up, trying half-heartedly to pull himself together. He shook his head in response to Duke, failing to hide the giggles that wracked his body.

I gawked at him incredulously. Was he high? My question wasn't funny... Was it?

"Well, Miss Ridley, Nero is an excellent swimmer." Duke began, rubbing the back of his neck. "And the reason why he is such a great swimmer is because he swims--ahem--nude."

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