Chapter Twenty-Five: Words as Weapons

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When Lucius had tried to send me away the day before, I was terrified. Where would I go? Why would I leave after working so hard to get here?

But the more I thought about it, the more I realized I'd be screwed either way.

Even if I stayed, even if I lived long enough to get my degree, what would happen once I graduated?

It wasn't like I had a job already lined up.

Sure, there'd probably be ample opportunity to put my marine biology degree to use if I stayed in the Pacific Northwest... but where would I live in the meantime?

I'd be homeless. Just like I would be if I left now.

So why wait? Why delay the inevitable?

"Come to spy on me again, Miss Ridley?"

Nero's voice pulled me from my reverie. It was playful, yet cautious, like he was almost afraid of my response. My heart skipped a beat as I looked up to see him standing at the waters edge, completely naked.

"Oh God!" I turned my back to him, flushing a searing scarlet. "I'm so sorry. I swear to God I wasn't trying to creep on you!"


I could hear the half-hearted smirk in his tone.

Too embarrassed to speak, I started to head back to the university, when Nero halted me.

"Wait. Please?"

I stopped, but kept my back to him.

"I just wanted to say thanks." He paused, the sound of fabric quietly flapping filling the silence. "You know, for saving my life."

My stomach fluttered; warmth traveled south at the memory of him feeding from me. I shook my head, fighting the desire that suddenly pooled deep in my belly.

"I also wanted to apologize." He sounded closer now; mere feet away compared to the couple of yards he'd been at before. "I'm sorry for leading you on the other day. I'm sorry for not getting to you in time when you were attacked."

He was inches away from me now, but I couldn't bring myself to turn around.

He was still naked. And with the way I was feeling--confused. Miserable. Horny-- Nero's glorious nudity would have surely been my undoing.

"Miss Ridley... Audrey, please, look at me." His voice was soft, coaxing. "I've put a towel on, if that makes you feel any better."

I shook my head briefly.

"You don't have to thank me," my mouth was dry, my voice raspy. "And you don't have to apologize; the attack wasn't your fault. And as far as you leading me on goes... you were right."

You're a distraction. The Dean, Aiden and Duke--they can't think straight when you're around.

His words from the other day still stung, but he hadn't been wrong.

I took a deep breath and turned to gaze up at him. "Not about what you did, but what you said. I am a distraction. And I'm afraid that if I stay, someone will get hurt...or worse."

"If you stay?" His brows furrowed. "You're leaving?"

"What choice do I have?"

"You could stay here...with us..." His amethyst eyes searched mine, hopeful and frightened.

"What, and risk one of you killing me? Or, killing someone else because my blood drove you insane?" I sounded harsher than I meant to, so I added, softly, "you're vampires, Nero. Vampires! You can't help what you are, but I can help how you react to my blood... by taking myself out of the equation."

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