chapter six

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"Slytherin!" The hat yells, and I jump, my eyes flying open. I glance down at my shaky hands, blinking. Did the hat just say- Is this real? Please don't tell me I'm dreaming. No one says a word. Dumbledore removes the hat from my head, smiling to himself. I look up, my eyes meeting Harry's. He looks- sad. Sad.

"I've known you were more fitted to Slytherin for years- Bravery has never quite been your cup of tea," McGonagall says, smiling solemnly at me. I grin, standing up. "Now, I got your trunk brought up here so I could change your uniform colours if need be, and apparently I do need to!" She glances over at Harry, " Harry, go and get changed, will you?"

Harry nods. He gets up, smiling weakly at me and squeezing my shoulder before walking out of the room. Dumbledore heads down to the Great Hall and I watch as McGonagall changes the crest on my uniform to Slytherin, and the colours in my tie to green and silver. I can't believe it.

I'm actually Slytherin. It's real. Definite. I. Am. Slytherin.

I get changed in the bathroom connected to Dumbledore's office. I catch a look at myself in the mirror. My heart does a backflip. Grinning, I exit the bathroom to face McGonagall. She smiles at me.

"It brings out your eyes,"

I can only nod in response.

I hurry down the stairs and to the doors to the Great Hall, pushing them open in excitement. I step inside, grinning up at the candles. The room buzzes with excitement and hunger, laughing friends and private conversations fluttering around me. I glance over at Gryffindor. I see Harry, Ron and Hermione in the same place where I first met them, looking over at me. The nostalgia hits me hard, but I press it away, not wanting to dwell on everything that's changed since I sat, nervous at Gryffindor table two years ago. I take a shaky breath, smiling. I hear a loud cheer from the Slytherin table, and turn to see Pansy standing on the bench, waving me over.

Blushing, I look down at my feet as I walk over. I can hear them waiting for me with baited breath. I look up at the table of -mostly- smiling faces and grin.

"Welcome to Slytherin, biotch!" Pansy yells, and Slytherin claps, cheering and yelling. I take a theatrical bow, laughing at the disapproving look Dumbledore gives Pansy. She shrugs at him, jumping down from the bench and waving me over. I squish into a seat between Draco and Pansy.

Draco elbows me, grinning. "Looky here, a Slytherin girl now are we?"

"Maybe," I say. Draco glances down at my tie and uniform, chuckling,

"It brings out your eyes,"

"You really think so?"

He rolls his eyes. I smirk, elbowing him and then turning back to Pansy. The Slytherin table is such a ruckus that I don't think anyone would notice Draco and I talking.

"You two are still gross. I'd thought you'd grow out of it? Apparently not." She grins, nudging me. I roll my eyes.

"We are not gross."

"Just use protection."

I hit her with the back of my hand, and she laughs. She then tilts her head towards the rest of the Hall, and I glance over my shoulder, seeing Harry. His eyes fly away from me, and I falter.

Only just, and it's obvious that he's trying to hide it but-

He's crying.

Pansy rubs my arm reassuring me, and I turn back towards my new family, reminding myself that I'm not turning away from my old one. Not really. Not forever.

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