chapter seventeen

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Slytherin lost.

We walked back slowly, listening to Millie's self-depreciating comments about how it was her fault- I didn't have the energy to argue, though I know it had nothing to do with her. At one point we were nearly knocked over by a crowd of Gryffindors, but I barely noticed. I'm not angry, nor heartbroken, just disappointed. He has the right to have his own life, right? And he probably wasn't doing anything that serious. Was he?

We arrive back at the common room and he's still nowhere to be seen. It's night time now, it's now dark outside and the curtains have been drawn. We wordlessly go to our dorm rooms, I watch, feeling a little sick as Pansy and Daphne giggle at each other. Millie and I follow behind looking forlorn, sharing sighs and melancholy glances.

Pansy and Daphne pile onto Pansy's bed, Millie heads straight for the bathroom and I walk slowly over to my bed, slipping onto the floor beside it and leaning back. I take off the jumper, throwing on the floor beside me and resting my face on my knees. I wish he'd just tell me. I'd probably be able to help. I look down at my fingers knotted together, biting my lip. Suddenly, I realise the room feels very quiet. I look up at Pansy and Daphne who are staring at me. I sigh,

"Where do you think he's gone?" I ask quietly,

Daphne opens her mouth to speak, but Pansy cuts her off, "Daphne whatever you're about to say, for once in your life think about it first," She hisses.

Daphne pauses, looking down and creasing her forehead. She goes to speak a few times but closes her mouth before she starts.

"What is it?" I ask curiously, standing up and walking over to them.

"I might be wrong, ok? So don't- Don't make any assumptions." She says quickly, watching as I sit down next to her. She pauses, glancing at Pansy, "He might be cheating on you."

I look up quickly, feeling something in my stomach twinge. Pansy groans flopping backwards.

"Great. Well done Daphne." She mumbles.

"I mean- He disappears for hours at a time, often at night, and he won't tell you where he goes or who he's with. You said the other day he wouldn't let you undress him. I just- I don't know. It seems suspicious." She says, nodding to herself.

I feel myself sink down onto the bed, my arms going limp. I'd say I want to cry, but I don't. Am I feeling- Relief? He wouldn't cheat on me though, would he? Maybe he would. Maybe he never liked me like that but last year he didn't want to tell me. I don't know what I expected her to say but this seems better. Manageable. Daphne is right though, he disappears for hours and won't tell me who he's with. It makes sense.

Millie emerges from the bathroom, her wet hair tied up in a bun and wearing white and blue pyjamas. Pansy glances around the room and sighs again.

"Aren't we just the saddest bunch of bitches."

"Speak for yourself," Daphne says, smirking.

I grit my teeth. I need answers, now. If Draco's cheating on me, I want to know. I'm sick of being a side piece. That's what he's been lying to me about. I need to know what's going on. I'm so sick of this. I get up, turning to leave.

"Where are you going?" Pansy asks cautiously,

"To find Draco." I spit,

"Clara!" Daphne yells after me, and I hear them bicker as I storm down the corridor to the common room, then out of the dungeons.

I walk the halls, knowing I'm out after curfew when I shouldn't be. I look around corners, peer into empty classrooms, finding myself following noises and shadows, mesmerised by the portraits on the walls. Suddenly I find myself victim to the cold, a touch of snow in the air and I see that the windows around me have no glass. I walk slowly to the Astronomy tower staircase and climb it.

That's when I see him, leaning on the railing and looking out at the grounds, the cold wind blowing his hair.

I cross my arms, shivering slightly as icy gusts whip at my face

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I cross my arms, shivering slightly as icy gusts whip at my face.

"Draco!" I yell. He turns, frowning at me,

"What are you-"

"Where have you been?!" I snap, gritting my teeth.

He ignores me, "You must be freezing,"

"Oh fuck off." I hiss, and he falters, "You said you would come with me to the Quidditch match. You said so. Where were you? You disappeared just like you do every night without so much as a word!"

He crosses his arms, "Do you have any idea-"

"No! Because you won't tell me! I don't know what's going on! I don't know how to help or what to do or-"

"You have no idea what you're talking about." He growls, walking up to me, so close I can see his misty breath. I try to stop myself from shivering.

"I'm so sick of being lied to and trodden on I wish you'd just-" I stop, catching myself, feeling myself start to cry. I step away from him and my eyes meet his, "Who is she?"

"What?" He says, shocked,

"The girl you're cheating on me with. Who is she?"

"Where did you-"

"You disappear for hours at a time, mostly at night. You won't tell me where you are or who you're with. You won't even touch me!"

"Clara-" He says desperately,

"Is it Katie? Is that why you were in such a state after she got cursed?" I say, hoping he doesn't say yes. "Because I am so fucking sick of being second best to whoever you've decided to sleep with. If I'm wrong and it is something else, you'd better tell me now. You'd better tell me. Now."

He opens his mouth to speak, trying his best not to cry, "I can't."

I go to walk away, feeling the world slow down. I press a hand to my mouth trying to stop myself from crying. I turn back around,

"I'm done," I say, my voice scarily even.

"Clara..." He croaks, stepping back away from me, his shoulders slumping ever so slightly.

"I'm done," I say again, turning away from him fully this time.

I blink back tears, attempting to hide the fact that my insides are crumbling to pieces. I can hear him crying behind me. I want to go back. To hug him. But I can't. I start to walk away, my fingernails digging into the palms of my hands. Whatever is going on- I can't do it anymore. I just can't.



What have you been up to today? I hope you had a good day.

My friend JuneJacks27 has been working a few stories for a while now and she's started publishing them! Please go and check her out! She's an incredible writer and an incredible friend (though she does thing that my sexual scenes are weak af but I ignore her) She's a good buddy so please  go check out her writing and say hi!

I value each and every one of you,
Taylor xxxxx

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