chapter thirty-two

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Draco and I wander back towards the common room, our fingers interlocked, in the morning sun. We walk around the lake edge, and I glance at him, seeing how the sunlight catches in his eyelashes and few stray pieces of hair. He looks ahead of him, lost in thought, but I can't help but wonder if when I look away he looks back at me.

When we reach the common room it's buzzing with life. A collection of students watch as we enter, smirking and looking us up and down. For the first time in weeks, I'm able to ignore them. Draco mutters something about having a shower and glances at me. I smile and squeeze his hand. He then turns away, disappearing into the boy's dorms.

I hurry to my dorm room, entering and keeping my head down. I know they'll notice me, but maybe, just maybe if I-

"Glad to see you're still alive," Millie says absentmindedly, glancing away from the small mirror that sits by her dresser.

"Is she back? Oh, she's back, where on earth have you been?" Daphne says loudly, looking out of the bathroom where she's pinning up her hair,

"Nothing." I answer, seeing Pansy wriggle her eyebrows, "it genuinely has nothing to do with sex. Now, would you let me get ready?"

Daphne and Pansy glance at each other, but thankfully shut up. I don't want to deal with that right now. I can't. I killed something. I killed something. I know I didn't have a choice, but that doesn't change the fact that the bird could still be alive now if I hadn't uttered that curse. I couldn't have taken it to the hospital wing as I know Madame Pomphrey would throw the bird out. She hates animals in the infirmary. Even if I had been able to smuggle some medicine out, the bird would have been dead by the time I got back to it. 

I walk to breakfast with Millie, following quietly behind Pansy and Daphne. She glances at me, noticing something is wrong, and when our eyes meet she gives me an encouraging smile.   Draco and Blaise are going to be a bit late, Draco does tend to take unreasonably long showers.

We sit down at our usual spot, talking quickly about homework and the possibility of Millie and Theodore- a small boy in our year- getting together, much to Millie's dismay. After a while I slip back into the present again, laughing at how Millie blushes at the mention of his name. Daphne nudges my arm, and I look up from my porridge with a grin on my face. She nods towards where the teachers sit, and I glance over my shoulder. I frown, unsure as to what she's motioning to, but then I stop.


Harry is talking to her, and though I can't hear their conversation, I already know what it is about. She looks tired by whatever he's asking as if she's been asked it a million times before. Who did this to you? Do you remember? Have you tried to remember? 

"What's wrong with Draco?" Millie asks, and when I look over at her, she's staring at the doors to the Great Hall. 

Draco stands, his face pale, his eyes glued on Katie. Blaise pushes past him and over to our table. I watch as Draco turns and hurriedly leaves. I turn away. I'll give him some time to himself. He'll need it. After I finish my breakfast I'll go and find him. I take a mouthful of porridge, frowning. Suddenly, Pansy elbows me in the side. I go to snap at her, but she cuts me off, 

"I think you're going to have to do some damage control. Harry just followed Draco out." She says quickly, and I widen my eyes. Shit. 

I get up and out of my seat, pushing through the crowd and towards the door. When I step outside, I spot Harry out the corner of my eye, hurrying around a corner. I start to walk quickly, pushing past groups of students and trying to keep my eyes on Harry. He kicks off into a run, I follow, attempting to meet his pace but failing. He disappears around a corner and then another, and then I lose him. 

I slow, putting my hands on my knees and breathing deeply, trying to calm myself. Shit. I have to find them. They'll rip each other to pieces. I attempt to listen for any sign of where they are. 

Then I hear the sound of breaking glass. I turn towards the noise, walking quickly around the corner and then pushing through the closest door into a boys bathroom. 

I step into a puddle and looking up I see that one of the sinks has been broken. Draco skids out from behind the line of cubicles, his hair a damp mess atop his head, his face tear-stained, holding his wand out before him. His eyes are terrified. He throws a spell down to where I assume Harry is, and I my heart stops, 

"No!" I scream, "No- Boys stop! Stop-"

Then Harry casts a spell from where he is. Draco flies onto his back and the room falls quiet. I reach out for the wall behind me, staggering as I see blood start to seep through Draco's shirt. Harry stumbles out from where he was, and I look up at him, unable to form the words that I want to say to him. I can't. Draco splutters, and I hurry to him, falling to my knees, and cradling his head in my lap, biting back tears, gingerly reaching a hand down and lifting his shirt to reveal his torso ripped with deep cuts. I drop the fabric with a choked sob, pressing my face into his hair. You won't die now. I won't let you. 

I look up at Harry, shaking, "Leave. Now." I croak in a voice that doesn't sound like my own, and Harry turns away. 

Snape appears in the doorway, and I watch as Harry is escorted away by Pansy. Snape and I make eye contact as he kneels by Draco's side. The water on the floor no longer looks like water, for it is polluted with blood. There's blood on my hands, in his hair, on my uniform. The smell fills the air, my lungs, it collects at the back of my throat making my stomach turn. 

I press my face to Draco's, his eyelashes brushing against mine, and I take his hand, holding it firmly as Snape begins to heal him with a low, hypnotic spell. I watch as the blood slips back, absorbed into Draco's cold and pale body. Draco hisses as his body knits itself back together, and squeezes my hand until I can't feel my fingers. Eventually, Snape finishes and watches as I let go of Draco's hand and press mine to his cheek, smearing his own blood onto his skin. 



So BuzzFeed unsolved is literally my life I love it so much

Also, my NaNoWriMo recap will go up tonight/tomorrow so yeah there's that

I'm thinking of doing a reading your comments for wattpad video thing. Thoughts?

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

I value each and every one of you

Taylor xx

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