chapter thirty-six

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I walk back to the Slytherin common room alone, shaking slightly, the word Horcrux echoing in my head. Do I tell Draco? Do I tell him what I now know? I can't I feel as though I shouldn't, but surely it wouldn't hurt for him to know. Harry will undoubtedly tell Hermione and Ron, so why shouldn't I tell Draco?

I step inside the Slytherin common room, which is almost entirely empty, apart from the head of blonde hair I can see sitting on one of the couches. The door closes with a soft thud behind me and I see Draco shift his weight, though he doesn't turn to face me.

"Where did you go?" He asks, and I walk over, slipping onto the couch next to him,

"We got the memory. The one Dumbledore wanted us to get." I say quietly, and Draco looks up at me, and away from the book he's reading.

He pauses, thinking of what to say, "I hope it was worth your time."

I nod, and he smiles, leaning over and kissing me gently, and I sit up, making our face level. We break apart, and I lean on him, and as he lies back on the couch I wriggle on top of him, making him laugh. I rest my head on his chest, feeling his heartbeat against my cheek. He presses a kiss into my head, wrapping his arms around me. He continues to read his book silently, leaning it on my back, as I drift off to sleep.


"Clara, I swear, old Mrs Malfoy will not care that much about how you look." Pansy groans, rolling her eyes at me as I stare blankly at myself in the mirror.

"Have I overdone it? Do I look too-"

Daphne laughs at me from the shower, and pokes her head out, "You look fine, get out of here before you're late to lunch with the inlaws. Go. Now."

I sigh, giving Pansy a one-armed hug as I hurry through the dorm room. I wave at Millie, who's busy doing homework on her bed, and grab my coat from my trunk. I meet Draco in the common room. He wears a suit, the usual, for him, and has neatened his hair with arguably too much product. I smile at him.

"You look scared shitless." Draco chuckles,

I roll my eyes, "It looks like you've used glue on your hair, not gell."

He takes my arm, and we hurry towards Hogsmeade. Unfortunately, we weren't able to meet with Narcissa Malfoy in London, where we'd wanted to, and instead settled for a small coffee shop at the edge of town. When we reach the gate in the tall stone walls, I feel Draco stiffen beside me, I take a breath, pushing it open and stepping inside. The gate shuts behind us with a loud creaking noise and rustles the honeysuckle that grows along the top of the wall. I take his arm as we walk inside.

The small shop is dimly lit, with green ivy decorations almost everywhere. Small booths line the back wall, the seats covered with a green fabric, and the room is lit only by candles and the small amount of light that spills through the lace curtains that cover every window. As Draco and I enter, a woman across the shop stands, and I squint to see her silhouette against the light from the window. Draco immediately walks over to her, and I follow, holding lightly onto his hand. The woman has light hair, the same shade as Draco's, and soft features with the same pale skin. She must be in her late forties, and embraces Draco lightly, smiling at him and neatening his hair.

"You are late" She murmurs, "How are you Draco?"

"Good, mother, thank you, and you?"

"I'm well."

Draco glances back at me, smiling, "This is Clara, mother,"

She turns to me, nodding and smiling, much more welcoming than I'd expected, "Hello, Miss Potter, I'm Mrs Malfoy, though do call me Narcissa." She extends a hand, and I shake it,

I smile weakly, nodding, "Call me Clara, please."

We shuffle into the booth, Draco and I on one side, Narcissa on the other. I take his hand under the table, and we smile briefly at each other. When I look up, I see her watching us, studying the way we move together.

"How long have you known each other?" She asks, and I glance at Draco, not sure whether to lie or answer truthfully,

"Two and a half years," Draco answers

"Three, next year." I put in, smiling and she nods, I then mentally hit myself. No shit it'll be three years next year, dumbass.

"You seem rather, uh, close." She says, nodding to the lack of space between us. Draco and I only nod, "Just whatever you do, don't make me a grandmother quite yet. Especially not with a Potter, Draco, your father would... I can't even imagine what he would do. No offence, Clara."

I shake my head, and Draco blushes slightly, "Mother, please."

"Your father made mistakes at your age, Draco, thankfully none that injured his social standing, but you are your father's son. I wouldn't be surprised if you two had-"

"My father made many mistakes, mother, most of which I plan not to make."

She sighs, leaning forward, "Some things cannot be undone, Draco."

"If I had been given a choice, they would never have happened."

Narcissa sighs exasperatedly, "I did not make you do this, Draco, I argued against it. You know that."

Her eyes then fly to me, and she sits back in her seat. I look down at my hand, which is clinging to Draco's. I sigh,

"Well, I assure you, there will be no grandchildren for a while at least, Mrs Malfoy." I smile, "Draco was far too embarrassed to ask me to be his girlfriend, marriage and children are a bit beyond him at this point." I say, trying to lighten the mood. Narcissa smiles, and even Draco seems slightly relieved.

"He was always quite shy when it came to girls. We tried to set him up with that Daphne Greengrass in his fourth year for the Yule Ball, but I suppose he took you. She was very difficult to manage." She says, smiling,

I hold down my laughter, nodding. Conversation, surprisingly, flowed quite well. We had tea, and about an hour later we get up to leave. Narcissa walks me out as Draco gets the bill, along with a little extra for assured secrecy.

As the door closes behind us, Narcissa takes my arm firmly, looking me in the eye.

"I'm sorry, but you're going to have to let him go." She says quickly, taking my hand instead of my arm, "Thank you, thank you for the childhood you've given him but you can't save him from everything. Some things are inevitable. Sometimes it's kinder just to let them go."

I frown at her, and she nods to herself, standing up and letting me go.

"I enjoyed meeting you, Clara Potter."

She apparates away in a second and when Draco emerges from the shop he frowns, sighing and taking my arm.

"Did she say anything concerning?"

"Only that she enjoyed meeting me."

"That is concerning." He jokes, and I force a smile.



First off, I accidentally posted chapter 41 the other day and I screamed and it was awful so I'm so sorry for the notification will not do THAT again.

(I had the chapter open on my phone and I dropped my phone and OfSpirallingInsanity and I had a very stressful few minutes while we were trying to unpublished it fml)

I do ask that if you did read it you keep the contents to yourself thank you don't spoil xx

Second, I'm so close to finishing this book guys you have no idea this is insane. Hopefully I'll have it done by exams.

I value each and everyone of you,
Taylor xx

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