chapter twenty-seven (+ camp NaNoWriMo)

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"You could have been killed," Pansy states, dropping the Daily Prophet onto her bed and tightening her ponytail. "It's a miracle you weren't, really."

"But she's alive and that's the main thing," Daphne says quickly, rolling her eyes and examining her makeup in the bathroom mirror.

I frown, tapping my fingers against the wooden post of my bed as I watch the two. They move in very similar ways as if over the years they've rubbed off on each other. Their faces form the same half pout when looking in the mirror, and they tilt their heads the same way when they read. Yet, even with they're similarities, they are so different. Pansy moves heavily, she wears boots and takes large treads, while Daphne walks quietly with small, graceful steps and soft hands.

"I've gotten used to that. Almost dying." I say briefly, absentmindedly. It's true, anyway, I've gotten quite used to being a target.

Millie scrunches up her face, looking up from her book, "That's awful."

"Yeah, well it's the truth," I murmur, reaching a hand out behind me and stroking Ink's black fur. She's curled up into a black ball on my bedspread and purrs happily as I scratch behind her ear. I look up, staring at the door. I wonder if he's-

"Clara, yes, he's probably here by now." Daphne sighs, not looking away from her reflection.

I roll my eyes, slipping off my bed and stretching my arms up. Pansy scoffs, "And off she runs to lover boy, once again, as always."

"I'm not-"

"Bull. Shit." Pansy crosses her arms,

I sigh, "Look, I've got a meeting with Dumbledore before dinner so I won't see you until-"

"Go on then, piss off." Daphne laughs, shooing me out of the room.

"Use protection! I am far too young to be a godmother!" Pansy yells through the door,

I chuckle, closing the door behind me and walking quickly down the corridor then towards the boy's dorms. I need to talk to him about what happened. I need to know if he knew. I need to know what they tell him. I don't think I've ever felt so shaken. I reach his door, hearing a kerfuffle from inside and smiling, turning the handle and pushing the door open.


I blink, jumping and turning around, my cheeks go a bright pink. Both Blaise and Draco were in the middle of changing. My hands fly up to my face and I scrunch up my nose. I did not need or want to see Blaise naked.

"Just because you're arsehole of a sex partner sleeps here does not mean you can just barge in!"

"I'm so sorry Blaise!" I squeak,

"What about me?" Draco asks, amused. Draco, unlike Blaise, had pants on.

I shrug, "I'ver already seen you naked, it's not as much of an event."

Draco laughs, "Oh yes it is. I'm hot as fuck."

I smile weakly at this and I hear him walk up behind me and wrap his arms firmly around me, pulling me into him. I sigh as he kisses my head, and I look up at him shakily. He frowns,

"Are you okay?" He mouths, and I go to answer, I find myself choking on my own words as a lump rises in my throat. No. I'm not.

"You should be thanking me, I know for a fact my naked body is a glorious sight to behold," Blaise says loudly from behind us. I blink and clear my throat. Draco rests his head gently on mine,

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