chapter twenty-three

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My eyes flicker open, and I wince, pressing my face back into the warm blankets. Draco shifts beside me, moving so his face is next to mine. I blink, wriggling closer to him so our noses touch. He smiles at me, his eyes scanning over my face, my hair, my hands. He lies on his back, his face turned to mine. I prop myself up, looking around the room numbly. The room is empty, but I can hear a shower on in the bathroom.

I go to get up- I want to get changed before whoever is showering comes back in- but Draco wraps his arms around me and pulls me back. I sigh, rolling over and propping myself up on my elbows,

"I need to get dressed."


I roll my eyes at him, hovering my mouth barely an inch from his, smiling to myself and then sitting up. Draco scoffs, watching as I slip out of the bed and onto my feet. I find my dress laying on the floor amongst Draco's mess of clothes. I grab it, pulling it on to my waist and turning away from Draco as I pull off his T-shirt. This time, however, I take my time dropping it to the floor and pulling on my dress. I can hear Draco shifting in the bed, and when I turn around, the dress pulled on properly, Draco is sitting up slightly watching me intently.

"Stop it," I mutter, smiling to myself. He keeps looking at me innocently.

I walk over to him in bed and turn away just like I did last night. He sits up, swinging his legs off the bed and standing. His fingers lightly brush the small of my back as he takes the zip in hand and starts moving it upwards. I can feel his breath on the back of my neck, making my hairs stand up as the zip reaches the top of my dress. He runs a hand gently down my back as if to smooth the dress, and I gasp as he presses a kiss to the back of my neck.

I turn to him, my eyes scanning over his bare chest briefly, then meeting his gaze. I sigh,

"Get dressed, you idiot."


When I go to get changed in my dorm room I find it empty, thankfully. I change, brush my teeth and neaten my hair, smiling to myself as I do so. I need to pack some clothes for Christmas break today- I leave tomorrow afternoon. I head out, biting my lip. God, I hope they don't ridicule me for getting back with him. I mean, I'm happy to be talking to him again, but I just really don't want to be teased about it. Hopefully, they won't. I just need thicker skin.

Draco and I walk to breakfast and arrive a little late. Our friends stare at us wide-eyed and smirking as Draco and I sit down.

"Morning," I say,

"Morning." They respond, and Draco and I glance at each other. Pansy bursts out laughing and elbows Millie,

"Told you so."


"You owe me five galleons, my friend."


"Our bet, dumb-ass."

"Oh, yeah, right, that..."


"So let me get this straight- He wasn't cheating on you after all? What precisely was he doing then?" Pansy scoffs, looking over at Draco expectantly, "Or is that off limits."

Draco nods slowly, and Pansy sighs, leaning back in her seat.

"Well, I for one expected that you two wouldn't last long without the other," Blaise smirks,

We sit around a fire in the common room, chatting absentmindedly, though Draco and I getting back together seem to keep resurfacing. We also talk about Christmas, where we're going for Christmas break and the like. I glance down at my hands. I should go and pack my bags, but I can't be bothered. It seems to far away. I just wish we could stay in this limbo of quiet, harmless gossip forever. I glance at the clock that hangs above the fireplace- It reads seven pm. We had dinner earlier, at which point Daphne and Pansy had one of their arguments, making up almost immediately.

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