chapter thirty

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I wake up slowly, feeling the warmth of Draco's body inches from my own. I blink, sitting up slightly and glancing around the silent dorm room. The other boys are asleep, and I am so glad I thought to put Draco's only tee-shirt on last night before we fell asleep. I would not want to be completely naked right now. I smirk at Draco, who sleeps soundly next to me, his hair a mess, the blankets pulled up and over him. My eyes briefly fly over the dark mark the peaks out from underneath them, and I frown, looking away. 

I slip out of bed, moving quickly to pull on my uniform for the trip back to my room. Thankfully, Draco and I got back early enough to be finished by the time the others went to bed, so we won't be facing any mortifying consequences for having sex in the dorm room. I pull on my shirt and skirt, bundling the rest of my clothes up and hurrying out the door. Draco won't mind me leaving, in fact, he'll probably be glad. I tiptoe down the freezing hallway, turning the corner to the girl's dorms and making my way to my door. I step inside, squinting to see in the dark room. I smile at the faint snoring- We've discovered that Daphne snores quite a bit, especially when she's cold. 

I head straight for the bathroom, tossing my uniform on the floor and turning on the shower. The lights flicker on and I quickly unbutton my shirt and drop my skirt to the ground, stepping into the hot water and shivering. I pull the curtain closed, tilting my head back and feeling the hot water run through my hair. I didn't realise how cold I was. 

"So how what last night?" I jump, reaching for the curtain and peering around it to see Pansy. She has her arms crossed and leans back on the sinks with a smirk on her face. I roll my eyes, 

"Fine, thanks for asking." 

"Oh, I'm sure it was better than fine." Pansy scoffs, and I pull the curtain closed, trying to ignore her. "It's Draco Malfoy we're talking about. I may be gayer than Dumbledore, but I reckon he isn't bad at whatever he does," 

I sigh, "Is there something you want, Pansy, or are you just jealous of all the sex I'm having?" 

She laughs, "As if! I was just wondering if Rosa is alright, actually. There was a lot of blood pouring out of the poor thing last night." She pauses, "Like, more than the second day of your period, you know. We're talking a lot." 

"She's fine now I think. Can you pass me the shampoo?" I ask, 

"Strawberry or Rose?" 

"Rose," I answer, and her hand appears through the curtain holding a bottle with a large red and white label on it. I take it from her, "Thanks,"

"I don't know why Daphne has to use the Strawberry one. I think it's a bit too sweet, sickening, actually, but in combination with her perfume they balance out and she just smells soft, you know?" Pansy murmurs absentmindedly. 

"Yeah, sure," I smirk in response, squirting some of the shampoo into my hand and passing Pansy back the bottle as I start to work it into my hair. Pansy sighs, 

"I think I'm in love with her, Clara." She says quietly. "And I don't know what to do about it." 

I pause, "Why don't you just tell her?" 

"Because she'd freak out. She's terrified of commitment, or at least I think she is." Pansy says quickly, and I start to rinse the foaming shampoo out of my hair, biting my lip, 

"Pansy, we don't know what will happen tomorrow. We might not be here. The world might end. Blaise might actually find a date. Life is too short and unpredictable for 'maybe'." I say, "Conditioner, please." 

She passes me the conditioner and sighs, "What if she says she doesn't love me back-"

Suddenly, the room falls silent, and I frown, washing the last of the conditioner out of my hair. I hear a light chuckle, 

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