Chapter 3

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Talking about my depression and my life before I met Patrick must have upset Pete. He was crying, although it wasn't that noticeable. I could tell, though. I'd cried those silent, unnoticed tears plenty of times myself.

"I don't mean to upset you," I said. I looked at the floor as tears threatened to flood from my eyes. I heard shuffling and then felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Pete.

"You didn't," he said. "I just can't believe, can't begin to comprehend, that our music was what saved you. And then Patrick was drawn to you. It's just unbelieveable."

I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him. I couldn't have asked for a better group of people to adopt me. They cared, they really cared. There was this mutual love between all of us. Not like the kind of love you find with a boyfriend or girlfriend, but stronger than a family love. It was a brother/sister love that you couldn't find anywhere else. Patrick may have adopted me so I was legally his daughter, but he didn't think of me like that. He didn't think of himself as an authority over me, as a father, but as a brother. They all did. And I couldn't have been more grateful. It was something I could only dream of as a little kid. 

"We love you," Pete whispers to me. "Even If you aren't ours through blood in some way or another, we love you." I nodded.

"I know," I whispered back. This is what I love about Pete. He understood me in a way the others didn't. He understood my thoughts, my feelings, everything. Because he suffered the same thing. The same, agonizing thoughts drilled into your head by others, only made stronger by your depression and lack of self-confidence. He understood everything.

The doorbell rang loudly, ruining the moment. Patrick jumped up.

"I'll get it," he said. He left the four of us in an unbreakable silence.

"Lyra," Andy spoke up finally, "you can always tell us what's going on. We may be guys and not understand girl problems, but you can always tell us. If we don't know how to help, we'll find someone who does. Even though we just met you, we love you. Nothing will ever change that."

Patrick came back carrying three large pizza boxes and some paper plates. He set the pizza down and gave me a sympathetic look before leaving. He came back with four beers and a soda. He gave the guys a beer each, keeping one for himself, and handed me the soda.

"Hope you like soda," he said with a smile. His perfect smile. 

"I've never had one before," I replied. "They didn't allow sodas in the orphanage or the home." They all stared at me, dumbstruck. I simply look at Patrick with dead serious stare. My face hidden of all emotion.

"Stop doing that," Patrick laughed. His laugh was just as perfect as his smile. "It's kind of creepy." I smiled slightly and took a paper plate from the stack. I piled on loads of pizza, since I hadn't eaten at all today.

"You act like you haven't eaten in days," Pete laughed. I looked at him with a serious expression. My eyes said it all, I just know it, because his mouth opened slightly in shock. He jumped up. "That can't just not feed you!" Pete roared. The other guys were just as angry.

"How long ago did you last eat?" Andy asked with the most serious expression I've ever seen on someone. I thought about it for a long time. When was the last time I ate?

"I don't remember," I answered honestly after a long, dragged on moment of silence. 

"That isn't right!" Pete roared. He was enraged. 

"Well, they gave us small bits of food for meals everyday," I said. "But the girls were always beating me and stealing my share for themselves." I stared at the floor.

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