Chapter 30

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*Holy smokes! 30 chapters!? Anyways, I'm skipping to when they do the show that Chloe, Danni, and Summer come to because nothing good happens and I don't feel like writing a bunch of fillers that have no purpose in my Emo trash life! Enjoy! <3

I woke up on the tour bus like I had every morning for awhile. I didn't realize until the bus pulled up in front of a familiar arena that tonight was the night of the show that the girls were coming to. I couldn't seem to get off that bus fast enough.

"Slow down, Ly," Dad laughed. "The show isn't for a few hours, you know."

"I know," I sighed, walking back to them. "I'm just so excited!"

"Then use this energy to help us carry in the equipment," Uncle Pete laughed. I ran to the bus and started helping to carry in the equipment. 

When we had grabbed everything and were doing a last sweep, I grabbed my grandpa's guitar from it's safe place and took it with me. I had been disappointed when I discovered it'd been slightly damaged in the crash, but I still loved it more than anything and promised myself I'd take better care of it.

We spent the day working because everything had to be ready for the show that night. I would be performing with them like I had at most of the shows. I wasn't afraid to show the world my voice anymore. It felt good to not worry what other people thought of my voice. I had, for once, felt confident in myself.

When concert time was approaching and fans were lining up outside, we were sitting at the table where a line of fans would come to meet the guys and get their autographs and shake their hands and talk to them. Basically everything I had dreamed of for years. The first small group approached the table, where I sat at the back of the tent. They looked so happy, and for a moment, I was jealous of them. When I was younger, before I'd been adopted by Dad, I'd dreamed of being them. I'd dreamed of someday meeting them, just like these people. They were living the dream I'd had. But then I remembered that I was lucky as hell to have them as my family, not just four guys who would forget my name in a few hours.

As small groups were allowed back at a time, I watched from the background. I knew this was how it would be. I was just another person to the fans, no one special. But, there was one guy, I noticed, that took his attention off my family to look me directly in the eyes. He was different from the other fans. He noticed me. He looked at Uncle Joe and said something, but I wasn't paying attention. I saw Uncle Joe nod his head and he motioned for me. I stood up and walked to where they stood.

"Hey, I'm Tristan," he said, holding out his hand. He flipped his dirty blonde hair out of his eyes and looked at me like no one ever had.

"Lyra," I said, shaking his hand.

"I know," he laughed. "I saw the first show on YouTube a few days ago, and I heard the story. Your story. I've seen videos about you from interviews. I've been listening to your story since I first heard about you. I think it's amazing that you've been battling depression. I think it's amazing that you've survived when most people would have given up."

"Well, I had some help," I smiled, looking at Dad and Pete. They had helped me more than anyone on my journey to beat this depression down into a box. "There are parts of my story that go untold, and they probably always will. It was nice meeting you, Tristan." I smiled and he smiled back.

"No, it was nice meeting you, Lyra," he said. He followed his group, but stopped and turned back to look at me. "I'll be in the pit!" he said before leaving. I smiled to myself. Someone actually recognized me for who I was and my story, not that I was the girl Patrick Stump dragged from an orphanage.

"He's pretty hot," Uncle Joe smirked. I punched his arm playfully.

"Quit it," I giggled. 

After all the fans had seen the guys, we went backstage. The seats were packed, and the pit was a sea of bodies. I was standing there, nervous as hell, when I was tackled to the ground by several bodies. It was the girls. We all screamed.

"We missed you so much!" Summer said. We hugged.

"I miss you guys, too!" I said. "I'll be performing with the guys tonight! I'm super nervous, even though I've done this a few times. We're making American Beauty/American Psycho a duet so Dad and I can sing it together."

"How are you feeling?" Danni asked, serious. 

"I'm fine! Honest!" I assured her, smiling. We talked until it was time for them to get to their seats so we could go onstage. 

I grabbed my guitar and followed the others onstage. The crowd was huge, and they were all screaming. I looked towards where the girls' seats were supposed to be, and I saw them waving to me. I smiled at them and turned back to the crowd. I looked in the pit and saw Tristan up really close to the barriers. He smiled at me, and I felt myself smiling back. Uncle Joe noticed me and smirked. I shook my head at him and we turned to listen to Uncle Pete.

"How's it going, LA?" he said loudly into the microphone. The crowd screamed. "We're glad to be playing for you tonight! And we are joined by a special guest tonight, Patrick's daughter, Lyra!" waved at the crowd as they cheer. "Let's get on with the show, shall we?" 

About halfway through the show, we were in the middle of a song when I looked at the pit and noticed a young girl pass out. I stopped playing, and Dad gave me a confused look. I grabbed my microphone.

"Hold on," I said. "We need to stop the song for a minute." Dad turned away from his microphone and the others stopped playing.

"What's going on?" Dad asked away from the microphone. I turned away from mine.

"A girl just passed out in the pit," I said. Everything was silent. I walked over to the edge of the stage and bent down to talk to one of the security guards.

"What's going on?" the guard asked me.

"A girl just passed out in the pit," I explained. "Someone needs to go in there and get her out, or I'll do it myself." He nodded and explained the situation to some other security.

"Can we give the girl some room?" Dad asked the pit. "Please, make room. Give her some space." The crowd parted for security and they gave the girl space. She was carried out of the pit and watched the whole time.

"We encourage you all to stay hydrated!" Uncle Pete said as everyone watched the girl being moved out into the halls. "Coming to our concert is useless if you're dehydrated. You're only hurting yourselves. Please, drink plenty of water! Thank you all for being so patient!"

We continued the rest of the show with no problems. At the end, we went backstage and back to the dressing room. We were talking and laughing when the door opened and the girls walked in. They joined our conversation and we talked about everything. After awhile, the door opened again and one of the security guards came in holding a piece of paper. He handed me the slip of paper.

"I was told to deliver this to you," he said before walking away. I slipped it in my pocket to look at later.

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