Chapter 5

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We checked out several high schools in the area before deciding on one nearby the house. I just said the house. . . . As in, I practically called it my house. Anyways, Patrick took me to this little place (I can't spell so I gave up and used place :) It's like a cafe type place) for lunch before we went shopping. While we ate, we talked and Patrick learned more about me. Eventually, he brought up last night.

"I found you and Andy in lounge this morning," Patrick said. "He told me you were there when he got to the house last night. He said you told him you didn't like being alone. Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't tell you because I don't want you to just stop doing all the things you did before I came into the picture," I said. "You should be able to go out with the guys without worrying about me. I'll be fine, I promise. I'll get used to it. Don't worry about it."

"If you didn't want me to leave, you could have said so," Patrick said gently. "The guys and I go out all the time. I can go with them whenever I want. The band has a new responsibility now that takes power over going out to drink. You. You are more important to us all than any place we could ever go." I held back my tears. "We'll get you a cell phone while we are out shopping today. You can use it to call any of us anytime you need us. Never hesitate to call. If you need us to, one of us will be there in a heartbeat."

I stood up, tears threatening to spill from eyes. "I'll be back. I'm going to restroom." I walked into the woman's restroom and leaned against the sink. My hands were on the edge and i looked into the mirror. I reached up and gently wiped away a stray tear, careful not to mess up the makeup I tried so hard on this morning. I couldn't cry now. The door opened and a woman entered. She looked at me with a smile.

"Are you okay, dear?" she asked. I nodded.

"It's been a long day." I smiled at her. "I was just adopted yesterday and I'm here with my new dad." I felt weird, saying dad. I'd never used the word in my life. It was strange. It didn't suit Patrick.

"Congratulations," she said. "I hope you have a great family."

"I couldn't ask for a better family," I replied. They really cared. 

The woman went into one of the stalls. I wiped my eyes carefully one more time before walking back out to join Patrick. I slid into my seat across from him. We had both finished eating and he was digging in his wallet for money to pay.

"I have some cash," I said. "I'll get the tip." He nodded and smiled at me. He dug out his debit card and walked up to the counter with his debit card and the meal ticket in his hand. I got in my purse and dug out a few dollars to leave on the table. I then got up and joined Patrick at the counter. He got his debit card back and stuck it in his pocket. We turned and left, getting in the car and driving to a cell phone company.

Inside, Patrick told me to pick out a nice cell for myself. I ended up choosing an IPhone 5c. I handed it to Patrick and he was with a woman getting it set up while I looked at cases. I ended up not getting a case from there. I wanted to see what I could find while we were out shopping. Patrick handed me my new cell phone and we left.

"I'm going to get a case somewhere else," I informed him. "I didn't see any in there that I liked. I'm sure they have some better ones somewhere else."

"That's okay," Patrick smiled. "I'm sure you will find something you like. And I've already put my number in your phone. You can put other numbers in there, if you want to. It's up to you." I nodded. 

I pulled out the slip of paper that had the guys' numbers on them and put them in my phone while Patrick drove us to the mall. I then texted all the guys so they would know it's my number. They all texted back that they got my number in their phone and they hope I'm having a great time. I slid my new cell phone into my back pocket while I got out of Patrick's BMW. I grabbed my purse and closed the car door. Patrick and I walked up to the mall and went inside.

After several hours in the mall, we walked out with our arms full of shopping bags. Most were HotTopic bags. I had gotten several pairs of pants, shirts, a few pairs of shoes, a phone case, and a couple of dresses for formal wear. I wasn't one for dresses, but Patrick insisted I get a few. They were all black. I also got new makeup: eyeliner and eye shadow palettes. We went into a beauty store and bought a hair straightener and curling iron. We headed home with the trunk full to bursting with shopping bags.

When we got back to the house, we unloaded everything and put it in the laundry room to wash later. I went upstairs to change before the guys got there while Patrick ordered Chinese food. I put on a black crop top with off the shoulder sleeves, skinny jeans, and my favorite heeled boots. I had stolen them from Aleah before I'd left the orphanage, and I was goddamn proud of it. The doorbell rang and I went downstairs. Patrick was nowhere to be seen, so I opened the door. The guys walked in.

"Where's Patrick?" Joe asked.

"Good question," I replied. "Haven't seen him since we got home. Last I saw him, he was getting on the phone to order food." The guys shared a look. Pete just smiled.

"I'll go get him," Pete said. He walked up the stairs. I heard bang on a door. "Patrick! Get off the equipment and get out here!"

"He's playing," Joe said. "He does that sometimes. He gets lost in the music." I nodded. I did the same thing. Soon, Pete came back downstairs with Patrick not far behind him.

"Sorry, guys," Patrick said. "Didn't hear the door." 

We walked into the lounge like we did last night. We played video games and talked and laughed. I felt like I actually belonged now. I loved the guys, all four of them. They loved me, too. It was different. I had forgotten what love felt like over the years. The last people to love me were my parents. The only thing I have of them is a few pictures I was given by my grandpa. He had wanted to keep me, but my grandma told him I wasn't allowed to stay. He didn't even ever visit. I had been completely alone until I met Patrick. It was like I was meant to be here, and I'm not one to believe in fate or destiny or anything like that.

The guys stayed all night. We all ended up falling asleep in the lounge. The next morning, I was the first awake. I went upstairs and showered before changing into fresh clothes. I threw on a random Fall Out Boy tee shirt and shorts with my new tennis shoes. By the time I had finished and gotten downstairs, all the guys were up.

"We were wondering where you went," Patrick smiled.

"I just went up and showered and changed," I shrugged.

"Nice shirt," Pete laughed.

"You like?" I laughed. "$8 at the Good Will." I laughed again so the guys wouldn't get distracted by the fact I had to purchase it at the Good Will. It seemed to work, because no one elaborated on the subject.

"I say we all go out for breakfast today," Andy said. "Any ideas?"

"IHop," the other three said in unison. I giggled.

"IHop it is," Andy laughed. "I vote we take Pete's car."

"Why mine?" Pete complained.

"Because you were late and blocked everyone in," Andy laughed. Pete pouted for a short time, but eventually laughed and grabbed his keys.

"Let's go children," Pete said, putting on the most fake mother voice he could. "Everyone in the car." We all laughed as we headed out to the car. I rode in front with Pete while the others squeezed into the back seat. Then we were off.

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