Chapter 17

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I felt my heart and my life crumble and fall with two little sentences. What did I do? Did I upset him somehow? Am I being punished for something I don't remember doing? Or does he just not love me anymore?

"You'll pack your things tonight," he continued. "I'll drop you off at school tomorrow and Sarah is picking you up. You're going straight to their house. You're stuff will be waiting for you there." I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"Do the guys know?" I choked out, trying not to cry.

"No," Patrick said, shaking his head. "I haven't told them yet." 

I got out of the car and sprinted up the stairs into the house. I went straight to my room, locked my door, and collapsed on my bed in tears. I took out my phone. I wanted to call Pete, but I didn't think I could stop crying enough to speak, so I opted for texting him instead.

Lyra - Pete, come to Patrick's now. He's sending me away. I have to pack all of my things tonight, but I can't do it. I'm suicidal, Pete. I have been for awhile. I need you to come and stop me before I do something I shouldn't. Please hurry. I'd rather die than leave Patrick. I don't know how much longer I can go.

Pete - What!? I'm on my way with Andy. If anyone can talk some sense into him, it's Andy. I'm coming, Ly. Don't do anything. Promise me. I'll be there soon.

Lyra - I can't promise you anything. I'm sorry. Please just hurry.

Pete - I'm coming. Hold on for me, Ly.

I set my phone on the bedside table and cried myself hoarse. When I couldn't take it any more, I walked into my bathroom and looked in the mirror. I was disgusting. It was no wonder Patrick didn't want me anymore. Who'd want me? I sifted through everything in the bathroom and came across a nearly full bottle of Ibuprofen. I empty the entire contents into my hand and filled the glass on the sink with water. I took a deep breath and was about to put the pills in my mouth when the front door slammed open. There was yelling and loud footsteps on the stairs. There was a loud knock on my locked bedroom door and someone was trying to open the door.

"Lyra? Lyra open the door!" Pete's voice yelled from the other side of the door. "Lyra? Lyra, please don't be dead!" He was nearly in tears. I choked on a sob and clutched the pills in my hand. I walked into my bedroom from the connected bathroom and unlocked the door before opening the door.

"Pete," I choked out. I was in tears and collapsed to the floor. He dropped down next to me and noticed my hand was still tightly closed.

"Lyra? What's in your hand?" he asked nervously. I reluctantly opened my palm to reveal the pills from the nearly full bottle of Ibuprofen. He took them from me and threw them into hall in anger. He held me while I cried and whispered encouraging words into my hair. I could hear Andy and Patrick arguing loudly downstairs. I couldn't make out what they were saying, but I didn't usually hear either of them yelling. I didn't think I'd ever heard either of them that angry or yelling so loudly.

After ten minutes of crying while I listened to them yelling and Pete holding me, Andy appeared in my doorway. Pete turned his head towards him, but didn't take his arms away from me.

"I couldn't convince him," Andy sighed. "I don't know what's gotten into him. But, Lyra isn't going to stay with Brendon. I'm taking her to my house for a few days until we figure out what's up with him." He looked at me. "Lyra, just pack for a few days. Don't worry, we'll get this figured out and you'll be back in no time. It'll be okay. We figure it out." I nodded and started packing a bag with the things I would need for the few days I'd be staying with Andy. "And what's with all the pills scattered in the hall, Pete?"

"Let's take this downstairs and let Lyra pack," I heard Pete say.

~ Pete ~

I took Andy downstairs, scowling at the pills as we passed the lot of them.

"What's going on, Pete? Did Lyra--" Andy asked. He didn't have to finish his sentence for me to understand.

"When she texted me, she told me she'd been suicidal lately," I said. I held back the tears. "She said she didn't know if she could make it before we got here. She had the pills in her hand when she finally opened the bedroom door. She was going to do it, Andy. We almost didn't make it in time. Please, watch out for her. Hide all the medication you have in your house and keep a close eye on anything sharp. If she starts eyeing the knives or acting weird, call me immediately." Andy nodded.

"I know, Pete," he said. "Did you forget we had to watch you at one point in your life? We had to hide your medication and only give you what you needed at the time. We also had to watch you and make sure you actually took it. We had to hide anything sharp enough to cut you. I know, Pete. Lyra is safe with me, I promise." I nodded, satisfied with the answer. I didn't usually like when the guys brought up that phase of my life, but he used it to assure me he was going to keep her safe.

~ Lyra ~

I put on my shoes and took my bag downstairs where Andy and Pete were waiting. Patrick was standing in the doorway of the lounge, but he said nothing. I wiped at my face, which was tear stained and red. I walked outside with Pete and Andy, avoiding Patrick's eyes. I didn't want to look at him when I felt like this. I didn't want to give him more reason to hate me. Standing next to Andy's car, Pete looked at me.

"Listen, call me if you need anything, okay?" he said. I nodded. "I'll come by later this week and we'll talk. I'll catch Joe up and we'll figure this whole Patrick thing out. I'm sure Andy will tell you anything you want to know about what's happening if you want to know. You'll still go to school and just act like nothing is happening while you're there. If you want to tell your friends, I won't stop you. Be good, Lyra, and stay safe." He hugged me before we parted ways. He headed for his car while I got in the front seat of Andy's. We drove in silence all the way to his house.

When we got there, he led the way inside and showed me where I would be staying. It was a decent sized guest room. The room didn't look like a grown, straightedge, vegan man decorated it. I was glad to be here, though. It was better than the position I could be in right now. Right now, my alternative position would be dead. I was grateful to have the guys.

"I'll order dinner," Andy said from the doorway. "Is there anything specific you want?"

"Pizza would be good," I said. "But whatever is fine with me."

"I'll get some pizza," Andy said with a smile. "One pepperoni and a cheese?" 

I nodded. "Sounds good," I said. I gave him a small smile before he turned and left to order the pizza, leaving me to unpack. 

I put all of my clothes in drawers and my hair and makeup supplies on a small vanity in the corner. I plugged my charger into an outlet by the bedside table. Then, with my phone in my back pocket, I walked out of the room. I followed the original route we had taken to the room and soon found the living room. I sat on the couch and soon, Andy came in.

"Oh, I see you found the living room," he smiled. "Pizza will be here in about half an hour." I nodded. "Do you want to play board games or watch a movie or something?"

"Sure," I replied, shrugging.

"I'll go get the board games from the closet," Andy said with a small smile. He left and came back shortly with several board games. Then he turned on the TV and we put on a Disney movie. We started playing Sorry and before we knew it, the doorbell rang. Andy got up to get it and came back with two pizza boxes. We spent the rest of the night playing board games, eating pizza, and watching Disney movies. By 10:30, I decided I should go to bed. I still had school the next day, whether I wanted to go or not.

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