Chapter 25

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*Don't play song yet! I'll let you know when to play it :)

One month later, I had finished my freshman year. It had been one month without my grandpa. Of course, I hadn't seen him alive in years, but that didn't take away the sting of his death. The words of my birth family were still burned in my mind. I talked to everyone about how I was doing often, and they would always tell me they loved me and nothing anyone said was going to change it. They told me that, despite what anyone said, I was beautiful just the way I was. Bill and I went out sometimes, but he had been growing distant ever since my grandpa died. I was turning fifteen in just fourteen days, and I couldn't be more thrilled. Patrick and Sarah had been planning my party for days.

It was Bill's birthday, though. He turned sixteen and got his license. He was coming to pick me up in about an hour. I decided to wear my favorite leather jacket, skinny jeans, and Jessie's boots. I did my makeup and hair before grabbing my purse and phone and leaving my room. I closed the door behind me and walked down the hall to the music room. I opened the door and Patrick stopped playing.

"He'll be here soon," I smiled. "I'll see you later."

"Okay, be careful, have fun, don't do anything Andy wouldn't do," Patrick smiled. I smiled back "Call if you need anything. I'll be home with the guys all day." I nodded and left the room, closing the door so he could get back to playing. I was walking down the stairs when a car honked outside. I smiled and walked out the door to find Bill in his new car.

"Let's go already!" he called through the open window. I smiled and got in the passenger seat, buckling my seat belt as he pulled out of the driveway. We were driving to a party his friends were throwing him for hi birthday.

"Happy birthday," I smiled. "She sure is a beauty."

"That she is," he smiled. There was something empty about his smile. We drove, listening to the radio. We were about ten minutes away from the party when he turned off the radio. "Hey, I have this song I want to show you. I think it describes our relationship perfectly." (Play song now!) He played Not Meant to Be by Theory of a Deadman. I felt betrayed that this song was supposed to describe our relationship.

"Stop the car," I demanded. "Stop the car right now." He pulled over and I unbuckled, grabbing my purse.

"Where are you going?" he asked. "How do you expect to get home?"

"I'll call a fucking cab, you dick!" I screamed. "Leave me the hell alone! Go to your stupid party!" I slammed the door and he pulled away from the curb, leaving me standing on the sidewalk in tears. I got out my phone and called Patrick. The phone rang for a while before he picked up.

"Lyra? Is everything okay?" Patrick asked. "Did you make it to the party alright?" I sniffed and wiped my face.

"Patrick, you need to come pick me up," I said. I knew the tears were evident in my voice.

"Is everything okay?" he asked. "What happened?"

"I'll explain when you get here," I cried. "Just please come get me. I'm on Cherry Street a few houses down from the old gas station."

"Okay, I'm on my way," he said. We hung up and I put my phone back in my purse. I wiped at my face and crossed my arms over my chest. I can't believe he did that. 

Patrick's car pulled up about fifteen minutes later and I climbed in the passenger seat, still crying. I buckled my seat belt and we headed home.

"What happened, Lyra?" Patrick asked. "Why were you standing there alone? Where did Bill go?"

"He broke up with me," I cried. "We were driving and he turned off the radio. He said he'd found a song that described our relationship perfectly and he started playing Not Meant To Be by Theory of a Deadman. I made him pull over and let me out."

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