Chapter 13

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*Still in Patrick's point of view! I'll let you know when it changes back to Lyra's! :)

I called all the parents and explained the situation in as much detail as I dared. They understood what was happening, and promised the girls could see Lyra whenever they wanted. I thanked them and Sarah, Brendon, and Dallon took them home before going home themselves. They said they felt it was useless to stay there and do nothing in the waiting room, so I promised to give them regular updates. 

The days pasted slowly and there was no change in Lyra's condition. I had called her school and updated them on why Lyra wouldn't be there for a long time. They understood and agreed to update Lyra's classmates whenever I called. I often got text messages from the girls' parents, asking about Lyra. I always told them the same thing. "No improvement" "Nothing" "Same". She was still critical. The doctors said she shouldn't be critical anymore. They didn't know why she still was.

It wasn't until the third week she was in the hospital that her heart rate jumped. They moved her from the critical unit, but she was still in ICU. I called the school to let them know she got better suddenly, but still couldn't have visitors. It was better than what I'd been telling them. I had given them updates every Sunday so that her classmates would know Monday morning. It was a Wednesday night, but at least it was good news. Chloe, Danni, and Summer would be glad to hear she was doing better.

As time passed, she gradually started to get better. She was still in a coma, and would be for who knows how long. All that mattered in those moments was that she was getting better. She was eventually moved out of the ICU and could have visitors if we saw fit. That Sunday, I contacted the school with my weekly update email.

Lyra is doing much better. She has been moved out of the ICU and can now have visitors. She is still in a coma, but we (her family) believe she would love visitors. Visiting hours are from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. if anyone would like to stop by.

Lyra's Father,


I sent the email and looked back at Lyra. She looked peaceful, like she wasn't in pain. She looked like she didn't feel a thing. I hoped she didn't. I didn't want her to be in pain. She was my daughter, one of the only things that kept me happy. I couldn't lose her.

Monday evening, after the high schoolers would have gotten out, Chloe, Summer, and Danni came to see Lyra. I expected they'd come, so I asked Joe to go down and meet them. He brought them to Lyra's room and I greeted them.

"Thank you for stopping by," I said. "If She were awake, she'd love that you girls were here." They walked over to her and set a small vase of flowers on the bedside table. White roses. Lyra's favorite. 

The girls spent a majority of the rest of the day with Lyra. They did their homework in Lyra's room and Joe and Andy went and got everyone dinner. I was glad they were willing to get Pete and I food and coffee whenever it was needed. Without them, Pete and I would have starved. I hate leaving Lyra, so I rarely do it. I would never do it often enough or long enough to get basic needs for the two of us, so I'm glad Andy and Joe are willing.

At about 8:30 that night, the girls' parents started arriving to take them home.

"We'll be back tomorrow," Summer said as she left. She was the last one. Pete and I went back to sitting in the chairs on either side of the bed and I held her hand tightly.

"Please," I whispered into her hand. "If you can hear me, Lyra, squeeze my hand. Just slightly. Anything to tell us that you're still in there. Anything at all." When there was nothing, I continued. "Your friends came to visit today. They brought you white roses. They stayed with you for hours on end. They'll be back tomorrow, they said. Your classmates have sent cards. Sarah and Brendon are coming by in the morning and Sarah is going to spend the day with us. Dallon will be by later tomorrow night. Please wake up soon, Princess." I felt a slight squeeze on my hand, te one that was holding Lyra's, and I jumped up.

"Patrick, what the hell," Pete said.

"She squeezed my hand," I said, absolutely shocked.

"Patrick, go get some coffee, or sleep," Pete sighed. "Or both."

"Pete, I swear she did," I said, tears streaming down my face again.

"I want to believe you, I do, but I don't have any other proof," Pete sighed. He put his face in his hands. "I can't get my hopes up just o be disappointed again." I sighed and slumped back down into my chair. We both had ahold of Lyra's hands. She squeezed my hand again and we both jumped up. Pete ran out of the room and and back with a nurse and one of Lyra's doctors.

They took her up to CT and we called the guys. They would want to know. They had gone to get food and shower, but they'll want to come back. Surly enough, they both showed up right as they were bringing Lyra back from CT. 

"We have good news," the doctor said. "Lyra is much stronger. She has more brain activity than she did on her last CT, so she'll hopefully get stronger over the next few days. I say it'll still be about a week before she actually has the strength to open her eyes and speak and move somewhat like she used to. When she wakes up, I want to keep her here at least twenty four hours for observation to make sure she'll do okay leaving the hospital. Then she'll have to take it easy for a couple days before she can go back to school." Suddenly, Lyra squeezed my hand super tightly and there was soft mumbling. I turned to see her with her eyes starting to slowly flutter open. She was waking up before the doctors expected her to. It was a miracle.

"Oh my god!" Pete exclaimed, rushing to Lyra. The doctor rushed forward and squeezed in besid her.

"Lyra? Can you hear us?" the doctor asked. "I'm Dr. Kence. You're family has been waiting a long time to see your eyes again." She smiled at Lyra and I squeezed her hand in support. Lyra's eyes fluttered open and she looked at me first.

"I didn't die?" Was the first thing out of her mouth. Her voice was hoarse, but I knew what she was saying. I shook my head.

"Why would I have let you?" I asked as tears spilled from my eyes. Just when I thought I had no more to shed, here I was crying again.

"Don't cry," she said. She squeezed my hand. I used my free hand to wipe at my eyes.

"I'm not crying," I said, choking out a laugh. She smiled weakly.

"How long have you been waiting?" She asked.

"A little over a month I think," I replied. "I lost track. The girls came by today. They brought roses." I motioned to the base beside her bed, which held the white roses that her friends had bought.

"That's good," she replied. "I'm glad they came. I want to surprise them when they come tomorrow, so don't tell them I'm awake. Has anyone else been by?"

"Your classmates have sent cards," I replied. "Lots of them, too. Brendon and Sarah said they would be here in the morning and Dallon is coming tomorrow night."

"I love you," she whispered before closing her eyes and falling asleep. 

"I love you, too," I whispered back.

*So hey! Lyra woke up! Yay! The question is, will she remember everything? She obviously remembers Patrick, but what else does she remember? Find out in the next chapter(s)!

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