Chapter 8

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At the end of the day, Chloe helped me carry my books since my bag and split open at the seam. Summer and Danni met us at our lockers and I led the way outside. I scanned the parking lot and found the car Pete described as Andy's. I walked over with a large grin, the girls following me. I tapped the window and Andy unlocked the door. I opened it and rolled the window down as I got inside. Andy smiled at me and looked at the girls with a smile.

"Who are these girls, Ly?" Andy asked. "Friends of yours?"

"Andy, these are my new friends, Chloe, Summer, and Danni," I introduced. "Chloe helped me out this morning and we became friends. They are really big fans of the band." I had a huge smile on my face. My new friends. My only friends. 

"So they know?" Andy asked.

"I told them what I thought they should know right now," I shrugged. "I did just meet them today, Andy." I laughed.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," Chloe said. They were all three smiling.

"It's a pleasure to meet friends of Lyra," Andy said. "I'm glad she has you girls."

"See you tomorrow!" the girls called to me as they rushed to their families' cars. They waved back at us and I rolled my window up.

"They seem like nice girls," Andy said. "How did you meet them?"

"Well, I got lost this morning on my way to my locker. Chloe bumped into me while neither of us were paying much attention. I dropped my bag and it split open, so I need a new book bag, and Chloe helped me pick my books up. She helped me find my locker, which is right next to hers, and then she helped me get to my first class. We have the same first period. I met the other two at lunch when Chloe had me sit with them."

"How did you come to tell them about everything? I know you don't just straight out tell people that easily." Andy drove the long way home so we could talk.

"Chloe saw me texting Pete and asked about it," I replied. "I tried to cover it up, but Summer swore she saw me with him this morning when he walked with me to the office. I figured there was no way I could deny that, so I told them. They don't know everything, though. I only briefly told them about my parents and getting adopted. They'll know more when I decide how good of friends we are. I can't just tell them everything the first day I met them." Andy nodded. He turned the radio on and we listened to music the rest of the way to Patrick's.

When he pulled up in the driveway, I got out and waved goodbye.

"I'll be by tonight with the guys!" Andy called before driving away. Patrick's car wasn't in the driveway, so I figured he was out. Pete had said today was a busy day for everyone.

I walked into the house and made a beeline for the kitchen. I set my books and ripped bag on the kitchen table and got in the fridge. I grabbed a soda and noticed there was a plate that had a note on it.


I will be out running errands until dinner time. I wish I could have been home when you got back, but I had some things to take care of. I made you something to have after you got back from school (hence the plate in the fridge). I'll make dinner when I get back. The guys will be here at 7:30. We want to here all about your day :)


I grabbed the plate and took off the tin foil. Fruit and celery. I shrugged and set the plate and soda on the kitchen table and took a seat. I ate while I did my homework. It was harder than I thought it'd be, but I got through it. After I finished my homework, I put my plate in the dishwasher and took my soda can upstairs with me. I put a CD in the CD player I had in my room. It was my copy of the Save Rock and Roll album, which was one of my favorites. It was a slightly old and worn copy because I had to get it in the used bin of a CD store within walking distance of the orphanage. 

I had spent a lot of time there. I was friends with the cashier, who would always tell me of any news he had for any of my favorite bands. Devon, the cashier, didn't know I had been adopted. I would ask Patrick if we could visit the CD store sometime. I could now get any CD I wanted. I didn't have to search through the used bin.

I played the music loudly, dancing around and singing all the lyrics. I could never do this when I was at the orphanage. I didn't even have a CD player. I only owned the CDs to have them, in the hopes I could play them someday. I was so distracted with the music and my dancing and singing that I didn't hear Patrick come home. Next thing I know, he's standing in my open doorway smiling. I stopped dancing and turned off the music, embarrassed.

"I see you like our Save Rock and Roll album," Patrick laughed.

"Yeah," I said with embarrassment. "It's one of my favorites because it was the first album I discovered." Patrick sat on my bed.

"What's your favorite song from the album?" Patrick asked. "I like to know what our fans like, and you are exactly the kind of fans we meet."

"Hmm, my favorite is probably The Phoenix, Death Valley, Where Did The Party Go, or Save Rock and Roll," I said. "Oh, and Patrick, can I ask you a favor?"

"Sure," Patrick said.

"Well, I had this friend who helped run a small music store near the orphanage. I haven't seen him in awhile and I used to go there every day. Do you think we could make some time to go and say hi?" I explained. "He doesn't know I was adopted, and I'm sure he'd be thrilled to see who adopted me. We were really close, even though he's like ten years older than me."

"If that's something you want, I'm sure we can make it happen." Patrick left the room smiling. 

I turned my CD back on and daned around for the rest of the album. Then, I went downstairs and found Patrick setting the table for dinner. I took my seat and we ate in silence. It's not that we didn't have anything to talk about, we could have talked about anything we wanted, we just never spoke during meals. It was just something we did. After dinner, we sat in the lounge and watched movies until the guys got there. I was sat up against Patrick, my head resting on the side of his chest, while he had his arm wrapped around me. 

They all made me feel safe, like nothing was going to happen to me. That didn't mean I didn't think about overdosing or cutting, because I did. All the time. I needed to talk to Pete again, tell him how my depression is getting worse, but I just can't bring myself to tell him. I can't bare to see him cry, and I know that's what will happen. I just needed someone to talk to. . .

I was pulled out of my thoughts by the doorbell. "I'll get it," I said, jumping up. I walked into the hall and paused at the door. I plastered the most convincing fake smile I could muster on my face and opene the door. Joe and Andy hugged me as they walked by. "Patrick's in the lounge," I said with a smile. Pete walked in and hugged me, but did a double take on my face.

"We'll talk later," he whispered as he headed for the lounge. I sighed quietly to myself and closed the doors. I joined the guys and sat next to Patrick on the sofa.

"Those girls, they seem really nice, Ly," Andy said smiling.

"What girls?" Patrick asked. "What's he talking about, Lyra?"

"My new friends," I laughed. Patrick could get so paranoid sometimes.

"Well, start from the beginning," Pete said. "Tell us all about your day."

"Well," I started. "After Pete left, I went to find my locker. I tried to find my locker, but ended up getting lost. This girl, Chloe, bumped into me on accident and my bag fell. It ripped open at the seam and all my books fell out. I'm gonna need a new bag, by the way. Anyways, Chloe helped me pick up my books and it turned out my locker was right next to hers and we had the same first period. We ended up being late for math class, but the teacher was cool about it. I spent time attempting to find my way to my other classes for a majority of the day. At lunch, I sat with Chloe and we friends, Summer and Danni. I was texting Pete because he told me to and Chloe saw the messages over my shoulder. Apparently Summer saw us walk in together this morning, so I had to explain. The rest of the day was literally super boring. After school, the girls wanted to meet Andy, so I brought them out to te car with me so they could say hey. Then Andy brought me home, I did my homework, and ate the snack Patrick left in the fridge. Like I said, my day wasn't very exciting."

"Lyra, you made friends at your new school in under an hour! That's incredible news!" Patrick said. "What are they like? What kind of music do they listen to? What are their favorite bands?"

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