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Sam PoV

I was at school, praying that lunch time would hurry up and come already, just so I could bitch to my best friend Amber about Jenny the know it all and how every class I had with her felt like being in the fucking second grade all over again, (which was not a good time for me as my Mom died).

My head was thumping, I don't know why it was thumping but it could've been foreshadowing or something else like that, but don't quote me on that though as it's not a proven theory here.

So when one of the school secretaries rushed into the classroom that I was in, (I had Biology with Mrs Jones), I was slightly shocked as I hadn't done anything to get myself into trouble so I felt a bit anxious, you know.

"Samantha Anderson, you need to come with me right now?"
"To where exactly?"
"To the principal's office"
"Ok crazy lady, lead the way"

So we went out of the classroom, down the hall and into the principals office, and then I knew that something was up as the air then felt really weird to me, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it here, as I didn't have hindsight to back me up.

Ok look the reason why I knew something was up here was because my Grandma was there, and normally she would be too busy with work to not work as she was a workaholic, but I kept my mouth shut here because I wasn't going to get myself into any more trouble than was absolutely necessary here, you know.

"Samantha Anderson, please have a seat next to your Grandma"
"Principal Loverage, where's my Dad?"
"He's not here-"
"I can see that, what I mean is where is he?"
"Oh Samantha-"
"I'm letting you know that if you're going to accuse me of something or suspend me from school Principal Loverage, then I want him here as my moral support!, is that too much to ask?!"

The atmosphere in the room seemed to shift, (and not in a good way), (not that there's a good way for things to shift), since the adults were definitely hiding something from me, (because of course they were), and since I didn't know what they were hiding from me at the time, (unfortunately I'm not a mind reader), I guess I got annoyed at them, because my Grandma then started talking, (she normally would avoid starting the conversation like it was the Black Plague).

"Sweetheart, he's in a coma"
"What!, no, Grandma, (failed attempt at deep breath), come on, (gasps), you must be pulling my leg, (gasps), I talked to him this morning just before I went to school-"
"He was fine this morning, (gasps), sure he was a little sleep deprived, (yet another failed attempt at a deep breath), from not really sleeping last night but he was fine-"
"Sammy calm down-"
"Are you fucking, (gasps), shitting me here?!, (gasps), is this some kind of sick, (gasps), fucking, (gasps), joke to you Grandma?!"
"I wish that it was a joke Sammy, he was out on his bike before he went to work like he always did and a car crashed into him, the other driver was drunk Sammy"
"Where is he?!"
"He's at Saint Dominic's hospital"

I ran into the girls bathroom as fast as my little legs could physically carry me, I found an empty stall and locked it, then I threw up and burst into tears while sliding to the floor, (would not recommend crying in the school bathrooms because contrary to popular belief, crying in the bathroom is not comfy and other people can see and hear you having a cry and have a panic attack about what's going to happen to you).

"Uh, Sammy, are you ok here?"
"No I'm not ok here, who's that?"
"Right you can't see me, I'm Anna, the redhead that you have Algebra with"
"Oh, uh hi there"
"It's going to be ok-"
"No, it's not going to be ok as my Dad's in a coma from an accident caused by a drunk driver!"
"Yeah ok, that's not going to be ok for a while, uh is there anything that I can do for you Sammy?"
"No no, you go ahead and do your business in here like you were going to do in the first place"

I don't know quite how long I was in the bathroom crying my eyes out for but it felt like I had been crying in there for a million years, my chest physically hurt from all the crying that I did, I knew that things would not be the same ever again as Grandma was a workaholic and she would never change for anybody.

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