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Sam PoV

It was the next morning, Amber came and picked me up in her Mini, (like she always did then), but she definitely sensed that something was different about me and my home life that morning, (well to be honest with you she seemed to have a sixth sense about things like that, you know), (or it was truly obvious on my face, who knows though).

"Sammy, what's happened?"
"Amber, you've got to promise me that you won't tell anybody"
"I pinky promise that for as long as I live that I'll keep my pretty little mouth shut about whatever you're gonna tell me Sammy"
"Ok, (sighs), my Grandma has been fired for drinking on the job and now has fucked off to the Caribbean-"
"How are you even going to take care of yourself-"
"Well Amber I have been recruited to fight in underground fights"

Amber's face said all that she thought on the situation, because her face is an open book when it comes to how she feels about anything, (though I don't blame her for feeling a bit skeptical about it as I wasn't one for a fight usually), (also she saw the red flags but I had no choice here).

"First of all, if your Dad wakes up tomorrow morning and finds that your Grandma has gone to the Caribbean then he's going to be pissed off, second of all, I thought that she was a workaholic but apparently she's actually an alcoholic, last of all, if your Dad finds out that you have been fighting illegally for money then he's going to flip his shit Samantha"
"He can't say shit let alone flip it!"
"Why not Samantha!, is it because he's in hospital?!"
"Fuck no!, no Amber, I'm pretty sure that's ableist, anyway he used to race motorbikes illegally for money!, he only stopped the illegal racing because my Mom got pregnant with me!, he might've stopped before had my Mom threatened to leave him because of it but she was a doormat when it came to shit like that!"

Amber was speechless for about a minute, you could tell that she was trying to figure out what to say next as I was giving off weird vibes that day, (though my feelings were all over the fucking place, you know), (though they would be since nothing in my home life was stable).

"Look Sammy, I know that you don't have much of a choice when it comes to how you earn a living, because I know that you wouldn't have agreed to fight unless it was your absolute last option, but just promise me that you'll be careful"
"Well I'm being trained by a professional fighter dude if that makes you feel any better"
"Ok so you're not going in blind, (sighs), look Sammy I don't like this, I don't like that you are on your own, I know that you can't help it as you didn't choose for your Grandma to fuck off on you, but I still don't like Sammy"
"I know that Amber, but it's this or I lose the only home I've ever known because of a selfish woman's desire for getting drunk in a tropical setting"

Amber then continued the drive to school and we chitchatted about our classmates and rumours that we had heard about them too, (yeah we definitely didn't really like our classmates that much).

Amber kept giving me concerned looks in all the lessons that we had together and at lunch time that day, I wanted to hug her and tell her that I was going to be ok, but I also knew that she wouldn't accept that as a answer.

Anyway it was the end of the day, (I mean that's everyone's favourite part of the day here, I mean let's be honest here), I was walking towards Amber as she was my ride home but also she was my favourite person, (yes that was probably a weird thing to admit here).

"Hey Sammy"
"Look, I know that you're worried and you're right to be, what can I say or do to help ease that for you?"
"Sammy there's nothing that you could do or say to help me feel less worried as you cannot afford to not fight here, but you could look after yourself better than you do right now"
"I can try-"
"No, you will look after yourself better"
"(Sighs), I will, look after myself better than I am right now"
"Ok, I can accept that"
"Gee thanks Amber"

So we got into the car and drove vibing out to Demi Lovato, as you do with your best friend of forever, (like in all honesty I would be fucked without Amber by my side, boosting me up here, you know.

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