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Sam Pov

So I was getting ready for a fight, even before I set foot in the ring, I knew that the crowd was going nuts, as they were loud, (God it was deafening at times with how loud they'd scream for you), Tommy then came in to give me his pep talk before the fight, (lol not that they were very inspiring but he thought that he was helping me out here).

"So this is the last fight of the season Pixie, it doesn't matter if you win or lose this match as nobody can beat you points wise"
"Tommy, I need to tell you something"
"Ok, you can tell me anything"
"I'm quitting after this season, Dad's back and the mortgage is paid off, which is what needed to have happened for me to quit-"
"You have a contract-"
"I have not breached my contact as you require 3 months notice as stated in the terms and conditions that you set and I've given you 4 months notice"

So I went onto win that match, (yeah Tommy was fucking pissed about it though that didn't really matter to me as I knew that I wasn't in the wrong for his mood because I gave him the proper amount of notice here, you know).

I got home and Dad was reading something, (which was slightly weird as Dad wasn't a night time reader normally), though he stopped as soon as he saw me come through the front door.

"Hey Dad"
"Hey Baby"
"I quit today"
"You did?"
"Yeah, I always told him that I'd stop when you were back on your feet, which you are so I quit today"
"Do I have to beat that dick-"
"No Daddy, you don't have to beat anyone up as I actually read his terms and conditions and used that against him"
"Did you win at least?"
"I did win today, not that I needed to do today's fight as I had the most points by a landslide but would've felt wrong to just take the prize, you know"
"I get that Sammy, was he pissed off that you won?"
"Yeah he was"

I was just happy that I didn't have to fight for a living anymore, as I knew that Dad didn't sleep until I came through the front door, (and that I wasn't too beaten up), which again I always felt bad about that while I was still fighting, (sometimes looking back on it, I still feel bad about it even though I don't fight anymore).

"Yeah Baby"
"I just wanted to say that I love you"
"I love you too Baby"

I sat down on the couch, as I was quite tired and all, Dad wrapped his arms around me as he knew that made me feel safe, you know.

"You tired Sweetheart?"
"Ok Honey, you go ahead and get into your Pjs, ok"
"What about you?"
"I'm already in my pyjamas Sweetheart"
"Yeah but you stayed up-"
"I know that I did but that's what any parent does when their child is out, wether they want to admit it or not"

So I went upstairs to get into my pyjamas as that was the comfiest option plus it was quite late at night, I then came back down the stairs and sat beside Dad.

"Does Amber know that you've quit today?"
"No, not yet, I'll tell her in the morning when she's awake"
"Ok, (kisses forehead), come on, let's go to bed"
"Ok Dad"

So we went up the stairs and Dad tucked me into bed as he wanted to I guess, but I wasn't going to complain here as I felt quite safe when he tucked me into bed, you know my dudes.

"Yeah Baby"
"I did make the right decision by quitting today, right?"
"Of course you did, you now don't have to worry about the coppers finding out Sammy"
"Why?, are you worried that you didn't make the right decision here Baby?"
"No no, it's not that Dad, but it's just that even though I didn't break the contract, I'm still kind of worried about him-"
"Nah, you don't have to worry about him Sweetheart, your Grandad knows somebody who could take him out-"

I was fucking confused as shit, because to my knowledge, one grandfather was dead and the other one was in England somewhere, though Dad didn't know much about Mom's family back in England other than she cut herself off from them.

"I thought that your Dad was dead?"
"My Dad is dead Sweetheart, your Mom however did have a best friend who adopted her"
"Oh, that makes more sense"
"It does, doesn't it, anyway good night Baby"
"Good night Dad, I love you"
"I love you too Sammy Baby"

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