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Sam PoV

I went to bed after Dad's speech, because I was knackered and I wanted to sleep, (it felt like it had been the longest day ever), (plus Dad did say to go to bed so I did just that), as soon as my head hit the pillow, I slept like a log, which was rare at the time because I was a worried little bean, (I mean something had to give after being forced to become a mini adult at 14, lol).

I woke up Saturday morning at about 10 o'clock in the morning, as I usually did as I had nothing else to do, only to find Dad to what I assumed at the time to be asleep on the couch.

"Dad, the couch will fuck up your back if you keep sleeping on it"
"I'm not asleep Sweetheart, I just feel guilty is all"
"Well why's that Dad?"
"Because I chose to ride my bike like a complete fucking asshole on a motorbike rather than looking after you-"
"But the driver that drove into you was drunk driving through Daddy"
"Sammy, Baby, that doesn't mean that I wasn't being a fucking asshole on the road that day, just means that I was less of a fucking asshole that day"

I didn't know how to answer Dad, so I didn't answer him, however I did lay down beside Dad and gave him a hug as that was the only thing of comfort that I could've given him, (I'm usually not great at comforting people here).

"Yeah Baby"
"Is it weird that I still sometimes forget that you're not in a coma anymore?"
"I don't think that's all that weird at all Sweetheart, I've only been out of a coma for a couple of days, so it's going to take a while for you to wrap your around it Baby, (kisses forehead), so anyway is there anything that I missed while I was gone?"
"You mean other than 3 years?"
"Yes Smart ass, other than 3 years"
"Not really, I got a job but you already knew that"
"Yes I already knew that, have you eaten yet?"
"No I haven't yet Dad"
"Right, go grab yourself some breakfast then"

So I grabbed a cup of coffee and went back to sitting on the couch next to Dad, (Dad had sat up at this point), because I wasn't really hungry, (plus coffee helps me keep awake here).

"Sammy I didn't mean for you to grab a coffee and no breakfast"
"Yeah I know that Dad but I'm not hungry yet"
"How often do you skip breakfast?"
"I skip breakfast whenever I'm not hungry"
"Can you actually tell me how often that happens Sammy?"
"I mean I don't really keep track of these things Dad, but it's probably more than you would want me to skip it to be honest with you Dad"

Dad pulled me into a hug, as Dads have a want to do, especially if he thinks that I haven't been eating properly, (I had been but it had been difficult as I awake up at different times on different days for different things).

"Sweetheart, that isn't good for you"
"I know that Dad, I know"
"Ok, I'll make you breakfast this morning Sammy-"
"No no Dad, come on, you don't have to do that-"
"You wouldn't be eat properly if I don't make your breakfast for you Samantha"
"No need to full name me there though Dad"
"But there was a need to use your full name though Sammy"

So Dad made me breakfast and brought it to the table, as Dad's have a want to do, you know, especially if they think that you're not eating properly, (to be fair it's like a parent thing in general though but Dad won't admit that lol).

"Thank you Dad"
"(Kisses forehead), You're welcome Baby"
"What about you Dad?"
"What about me Sammy?"
"What are you eating for breakfast Dad?"
"I already ate my breakfast Sweetheart"
"Ok Dad"

So I ate my breakfast, as it was made for me and I didn't want it to go to waste here as that would've been a bit sad, you know my dude.

After that we watched some old cowboy movie, as that was something that Dad watched a lot of and I learned to just tolerate them, you know, plus I'll appreciate them more when he's dead, (as that's a thing that happens when people that you love die).

"Yeah Baby"
"Who first introduced you to the cowboy movies?"
"My Dad as it reminded him of home"
"Where was he from?"
"He was from Texas Sweetheart, he always wore the cowboy boots"
"He sounds pretty cool"
"He was, he died just before you were born Baby"

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