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Sam PoV

I was glad that Dad was back but it was also a little weird for me to have Dad back, I guess it was because I wasn't used to having somebody that actually worried about me living with me, (I know that statement sounds really sad but it's honestly true for me at the time).

I had a fight against a newbie, which was fine and obviously I won the fight, (they didn't have Tommy training them), but I came home at 1am, which wasn't so great, because Dad's a worry wart and he gets himself into a tizzy, and I also came home with a black eye, which freaked Dad the fuck out, because I told him that I was a waitress, which we all know was a complete and utter lie but he didn't know that titbit of information at the time, (he knows now lol).

"What the fuck happened to your eye Sammy?"
"Nothing happened to my eye Dad"
"(Sighs), Don't try to bullshit me, that doesn't get you anywhere, you know that and I know that, so what the fuck happened to your eye?"
"A fight broke out between costumers, I was in the middle of them trying to stop them"

Dad just looked like I told him that I was a stripper for a living, which I couldn't wrap my head around at the time, (now I realise that he had his parent hat on and was in worry overdrive about me which I feel awful about).

"Fucking hell, they let you handle it by yourself?!"
"I'm perfectly fucking capable of handling shit Dad"
"You're 17 years old! and 5ft fucking 2!, you shouldn't be handling fights!, and before you go off on one, I am not saying that you're not capable, because you are, what I'm saying here is that I'm just not comfortable with my 17 year old daughter handling fucking fights between grown ass drunken dickheads!"
"Dad you're acting like they broke my fucking arm or something here, it's literally just a fucking black eye here"

I shouldn't have said that, I really shouldn't have said that to Dad, because that made Dad more pissed off than he already was, (so naturally he then became even more protective of me because I'm his baby, you know).

"It's not just a fucking black eye Sammy!, it's the fact that some fucker took a swing at my little girl!, only for her to say that it's just a fucking black eye!"
"I guess that does sounds a bit alarming Dad"
"You guess it sounds alarming?, Jesus did I do such a bad job of raising you that you think it's ok for some fucker to do that to you?"
"No Dad, not at all"
"Then why are you acting like it's not a big deal that you got swung at Sweetheart?"
"(Sighs), It's just that I'm just not used to having somebody check up on me anymore is all Daddy"

I was just praying that he would let it go, as I was tired and I wanted to go to bed, but praying doesn't really do shit for you when you have my Dad as a parent, (as he has always been quite over protective of me), Dad sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose as he's worried about me.

"Sammy Baby, I know that you had to grow up a lot when I got into a coma, especially because it was my mother that was technically in charge of you, but I need you to see where I am coming from here Sweetheart, you were barely in high school the last I remember before the accident, and I wake up 3 years later and you're a senior in high school, you have a job and you're little miss independent, it's just so fucking hard for me to wrap my head around that fact, you know"
"I know Dad"

I hugged Dad as it seemed like he really needed a hug then, you know, that and he also gives the best hugs that you could ever receive from a person, so it made sense to me that I hugged him, you know, as he's just such a huggable human, ok, don't judge me.

"I'm sorry that you're worried about me"
"Worrying about you is part of my job here as your parent Baby, what's not part of the job is that you're breaking up bar fights Honey"
"You have a point there Dad"
"I know that I do Sammy Baby, that's why I said it, (kisses forehead), anyway Sweetheart you should probably go to bed and get some sleep"
"Yeah ok, but you should too Dad as you're also up late"
"Good night Dad"
"Good night Sammy Baby"

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