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Sam PoV

I was getting ready for my very first training session, not knowing what to expect from it, (I was like 14 years old at the time, so cut me a little bit of slack here please), but I was determined to do this so that nobody would find out that I was on my own, (because I didn't want to go into foster care you know), and Dad would have a house to come back to, (again the poor man definitely didn't need to lose his house just because his mother had yeeted herself out of the picture for some alcohol in the Caribbean).

"So Sammy, when I saw you fight last night, it was against an attacker, and let me tell you dear child, you were amazing, what I want to know is, how did you learn to fight like that?"
"I haven't learnt how to fight Sir, I just did what felt natural for me to do at the time because I didn't want to die"
"You're a proper newbie fighter then, Holy shit, just imagine what damage you could've done to them had you been properly trained by me, but we don't need to worry about it now Sammy, because next time you get attacked, you will be able to do some 'real' damage to them"
"Yeah, thanks I guess Tommy"

You could genuinely ask me why I didn't see how dodgey Tommy actually was, (and I wouldn't blame you for that question as it was blaringly obvious to me as an adult and now that I'm looking back on it), but my answer to you dear reader is that I was barely in high school, (this happened like the very beginning of October and I had started high school in the beginning of September), so I hadn't learned that much on how the world worked yet, (plus my Dad was very over protective of me, especially since my Mom died so I was quite a sheltered child before this whole ordeal, you know), that and I had no other option of making myself some money to live as my Grandma was already sipping on whatever alcohol she could buy in the Caribbean, (and not worry about me being by myself and having very little means to feed myself).

I was able to block a couple of Tommy's hits but I couldn't block them all, (like I have said, I had no fighting training, though apparently I was great for a newbie, Tommy's words not mine).

"Not bad for a newbie I must say Pixie, though there's a bit more work to be done here before you're ready for the ring"
"Ok, what exactly needs work so that I can improve on it?"
"I'm really liking the serious approach to tre training here Kid, you'll get places, look you just have some blocking issues and some of your punches were a bit weak compared to your compilation, but overall you did ok for a newbie"

I went home exhausted from the training session but I was very determined to get better at fighting so that I could get Dad ahead on his mortgage, (I knew that he was behind on it).

Amber then called me on my cell phone, (well I don't really have any other type of phone here), as she wanted to see how I was after training, as she's an amazing friend and I honestly don't know what I would've done for myself without her by my side for all these years, you know.

"Hey Sammy"
"Hey Amber"
"How was your first training session then?"
"Yeah it was alright actually, I learnt a lot from it so I should have a fighting chance in the competition now"
"Sammy, (snorts), God that sounds like the worst Dad pun that I have heard anyone make in the entire world"
"Oh shit, that wasn't my intention here Amber"
"(Snorts), Yeah I know that but you are hilarious anyway Sammy"
"Thank you for your kind words"
"You're welcome"
"I'll see you tomorrow morning then Amber"
"Ok Sammy, I'll see you tomorrow morning"

So Amber then hung up the phone, I then went to do my homework as I needed to do it and I didn't want to get behind on it as that would have sucked, plus I had enough shit on my plate besides trying to catch up on homework here.

I ate some leftover pizza for dinner as I had half of it the night before, (I know that's a weirdly specific here but it makes sense to me), it was peaceful enough for the rest of the evening, though that didn't stop me from locking every single window and door twice as I was scared of being broken into while on my own.

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