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Sam Pov

I was in the attic looking for spare car parts for Dad, because apparently he couldn't just keep all his car parts in the garage like most people would do for some reason, (that's such a man thing to do though), when I tripped over a box that I didn't see, (the attic was cluttered as fuck, so it was possible for me not to see the box here).

I looked around me to see if I actually broke anything, (because again there was so much stuff up there), but thankfully I hadn't broken any of the stuff that was there in the attic but there was a ton of photos all over the attic floor, (they were somehow all still in tact), Dad was in most of them with a redhead, and if I looked close enough she kind of looked like me but it felt like a stretch for me to do so.

I could feel that I had hurt my lower right leg and my right ankle somehow but I didn't know quite how I hurt it, (as I was wearing skinny jeans which are pretty restrictive here, ya know my dudes), I was trying to calm myself down before calling out for help, (I know that it sounds pretty ridiculous here but I wasn't thinking clearly and I didn't want to worry my Dad).

Anyway Dad then came up into the attic on the sturdy attic ladder before I did call out for help, as I guess that when I fell over I had made some sort of a loud thud noise, (It wasn't a panic filled moment though as me falling wasn't that unusual of thing to happen in the house to be honest with you here), Dad then entered the attic, (we had a massive attic ok, don't question it).

"Sammy Baby, are you ok?"
"Yeah Dad I'm ok"
"Do you know what you fell over Sweetheart?"
"Yeah I fell over what seems to be a box of photos as there's photos everywhere now"
"Are you hurt in any way?"
"No Dad, I'm not- well maybe-"
"Baby, did you break any bones?-"
"Oh no, I didn't break anything, I think that I have hurt my right leg and my right ankle somehow though-"
"Ok we have to get you down the ladder-"

I was shocked that I actually yelled at Dad, (not because I yelled, because I'm fucking loud regardless of what mood I'm in, but because I didn't realise how wound up I got), I kind of felt bad immediately afterwards but I couldn't change the fact that it happened, (I don't have the ability to time travel, though that would be really cool).

"Yeah Baby"
"(Sighs), Who is the redhead in all of these photos with you?"
"You don't recognise her Sammy"
"No, I don't recognise her, should I?"
"Well uh, she is your Mom Sweetheart"

I was slightly shocked that I didn't recognise my own Mom in those photos but I wasn't entirely shocked about that as I didn't have any memories of her even though she died when I was 7 years old, (I found it kind of strange that I didn't remember her at all when the memory part of my brain would've started to remember by then, but I can't create memories out of thin air here).

"Oh, well she was very pretty Dad"
"Yeah she was, (kisses forehead), you look like her Sammy"
"I do?"
"Yeah, of course you do, you're literally like a blonde version of her"
"Really Dad?"
"Yes really Sammy, honestly I don't think that I even got a look in when it came to your genetics Sweetheart"

I personally didn't see it myself looking at the pictures of Mom and knowing what I look like, but Dad had actual memories of her while I only had the photos to go off on.

"I knew that I got her eyes as your eyes are blue and you don't really get green eyes out of thin air, ya know"
"That's true Sweetheart, shit-"
"I forgot to ask about your head here, you didn't hit your head when you fell Sammy, did you?"
"No Daddy, I didn't hit my head, I promise"
"(Sighs), Ok, that's good to know Sweetheart"

So Dad scooped me up, (even though I could walk perfectly fine still), Dad then somehow got me down from the attic, I say somehow as it usually is a tight squeeze to get in and out of the attic hatch at the best of times, (and you usually wouldn't be able to carry anyone down through the hatch), but it was like he magically made the hatch bigger, (now he didn't because magic isn't real but he definitely matnoverd us quite well).

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