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Sam PoV

It was a couple of minutes until I began my first fight, and I was feeling kind of ok about it, much to Ambers dismay here, (though to be honest here, I think that lack of nerves could have been me warming up so that distracted me from the nerves of it all, you know).

"Sammy, I want you to promise me something here"
"Ok Amber"
"Ok, (sighs), look just promise me that if this fighting gig doesn't work out for you then please come and live with my Mom and I"
"I promise Amber"
"Good, now come on, you need to do the pinky promise in order for the promise to be valid"
"I pinky promise that I'll come and live with you and your Mom if my fighting gig don't work out"
"Good, I'm glad that we've sorted that out then Sammy"

I then heard the announcement that it was nearly time for me to go into the ring for my first fight, the anxiety was rapidly building up inside my stomach, (or I didn't notice it before, who knows though), so much so that I wanted to puke my guts up, I didn't because then I would've been disqualified from the season, which meant no money for the house.

"Sammy, before you go, I wanted to say that I love you"
"I love you too Amber"
"No no Sammy, I mean I love, love you"
"You mean that you love me like as a girlfriend?"
"(Mouth is open), yeah, how did you-"
"I love you too Amber, but we'll have time to discuss this more when I'm done with this match, ok?"
"Ok sure, good luck in the ring Sammy"
"Thank you"

So I then walked to my fate, sweat was slowly dripping down my face, (disgusting I know), my breath hitched inside my chest, but I focused on the task at hand, knowing that I couldn't just leave Amber hanging there without an answer from me, you know.

My opponent was a good foot taller then me, not that it would be hard for her because I'm 5ft 2, but I didn't let the fact that she was a foot taller than me scare me, (that was the Anderson in me coming out though, let's be honest here), because if I did, I wouldn't have an income for my home, (and I didn't want to be homeless or end up in the foster care system just because I was a coward, you know).

"For the first match of the day, our first opponent is the one and only Star Duster!"

I swear to God that the screams surrounding us were just as loud as at any boy band concert, (if not louder), which I was not expecting because it's a fucking illegal fight here, (it honestly felt like an out of body experience and I honestly don't know how to feel about it now that I'm looking back on it, you know).

"Our second opponent is a new comer Pixie!"

There was a cheer for me but it nothing like that boy band screaming at a fucking concert shit that happened for my opponent, (I was sort of weirdly glad that they didn't do the boy band screams as that level of screaming hurts my head to be honest with you, especially when it's your first match, you know).

"Now let the fight commence!"

When that starting bell rang, she attacked first, which showed that she had a lot of experience here, (which had me internally screaming), I dodged her first swing at me, I failed to dodge the second punch, my left eye was throbbing but I didn't want to just give into her because then I would've trained for nothing.

So I carried on with the fight here, I first went to punch her, but she doged it, (I wasn't really surprised about that as she was a veteran of the competition here), so then I kicked Star Duster in the ribs, which made her fall to the ground, (I didn't think that I kicked her that hard but I must have if she went to the ground), and then I just kept punching her face until she was knocked out, (yes that was as sadistic as it sounds here but I couldn't afford to lose my first match).

"And the winner is, PIXIE!!!!!"

The ending bell literally triggered the wave of relief for winning that first fight literally washed over me like a wave in the ocean would have done, it was almost like I had proven myself to everyone there that I could actually do it, (nobody actually said that I couldn't do it but I always had a feeling that everyone thought that I couldn't because I was a kid).

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