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Sam Pov

It was later that evening, Dad and I were watching some old cowboy movie, I don't remember which one it was but it was quite old because it was in black and white, I was sitting on Dad's lap, as it was comfy, well for me at least.

"Yeah Baby"
"What was Mom like?"
"How much do you remember of her Sweetheart?"
"I don't remember anything of her when she was alive, I just remember the day she died and everyone around me crying, though I don't know if that's because I actually don't remember her or if it's just my memory trying to protect me"

Dad took a deep breath, obviously trying to calm himself down, as talking about my Mom was a touchy subject for him, (he always cried on their wedding anniversary).

"Well Baby, she was the funniest person I knew, she was also quite sarcastic-"
"Was she more sarcastic than you?"
"She was English-"
"Ah, well that explains a lot"

Dad just laughed a little, as though he understood what I meant by that, (well he probably did know what I meant by that).

"Dad, how did you and Mom meet?"
"Well she had just moved here from England, I was working in the repair shop, she had bought a car from a cars sells place down the street and she wanted to make sure that the car that was sold to her was actually as good as they had sold it to her"
"Knowing that females on their own get shittier car deals, they probably thought that they pulled the wool over her eyes"
"(Snorts), Yeah they thought that they had but that is why after that I went with her to buy cars as they couldn't really attempt to pull the wool over her eyes"

You could see how much my Dad missed my Mom, his eyes were all sad and shit, which I felt bad about it as I asked him about her, you know.

"So how did you two actually get together?"
"Your Mom asked me to dinner afterwards and I said yes"
"So opposite to tradition?"
"Yeah Baby, opposite to tradition"
"Am I like her at all?"
"You do remind me of her sometimes"
"How do I remind you of her?"
"You have never liked people helping you, neither did she, I don't know if it's because she wanted to be as independent as possible or what, also you're fucking stubborn as shit and so was she"
"But you're also stubborn as shit though Dad, so I could've gotten that from you too"

Dad snorted and pulled me into a sideways hug, (that was due to the way I was sitting on his lap).

"Yeah well you also have her heart Sammy Baby"
"What do you mean by that Dad?"
"What I mean by that is that even with all of that tough exterior, you both have a heart of gold that would do anything for the people you love"
"I just did what most people would do for the people they love Dad"
"Most people would've just left me to clean up the mess that your Grandmother left-"
"But that wouldn't be fair to you though Dad"
"You shouldn't of had to think about what's fair or not Honey"

I couldn't really find a counter argument for what Dad said, as there wasn't really a counter argument for that.

"Yeah Baby"
"Don't let get to your head or anything, but you might be right about the fact that I shouldn't of had to worry about the house"
"(Snorts), that has got to be the most long winded way to say that I'm right here that I've heard"
"Well like I said, don't let it get to your head there"
"I love you too Sammy"

I yawned as I was exhausted here, Dad definitely noticed that I yawned, (he's a parent here, what did we expect here?), you could ask why I denied being tired here and I'd get it, but honestly I just didn't want to miss out on any time that I could spend with Dad, especially because he hadn't been out of his coma for long, you know.

"You tired Baby?"
"No, I'm not tired Dad, I promise"
"Denying that you're tired doesn't make you any less tired here Sweetheart"
"I'm not, (yawns again), tired"
"Yes you are, you literally just proved to me that you are, come on now I'll tuck you into bed"
"Ok Dad"

So Dad dragged me up the stairs so that I would actually get to bed, (he knew me quite well as I didn't sleep properly), he then gently tucked me into bed.

"Good night Sweetheart"
"Good night Dad"
"I love you"
"I love you too"

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