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Artzy's POV
I hadn't gone to bed as i told JJ I would because i wanted to go out. I hadn't been in my original form for a while and I thought tonight would be a good time. I had also planned to meet up with some of my wolf friends. As i got up and opened my door i quietly walked through the hallway. Just as i was about to reach the stairs someone grabbed my arm. "Where are you going at this time of night?' Simon said sleepily. "I Um.. I'm going to get some fresh air ill be back though." I said smiling a bit to cover my nervousness. Simon frowned and put his head a bit sideways, "But your not supposed to go out at night because then you will get hurt. Come stay with me so that you wont get hurt." He said trying to pull me with him. The way Simons logic was when he was tired almost convinced me to go back to bed but i shook it off "Si go back to sleep you need it the most." i said pulling him back to his room.
After I was sure Simon was asleep i got up and quietly went out the back door of the house. And walked far enough into he woods before transforming into a wolf. Ahh it feels good to be back. I said before running in a familiar direction. As i reached a small clearing i saw a couple of my friends playing in the grass. "Hey Elements, hey Mocha." I said before running into the field. "hey! Long time no see!" Mocha said waging her tail. "Ooo hows human life going! Is it fun for you?" Elements said jumping around. I laughed at their behavior and shook my head. "Nothing really changed from last time i talked to you guys except one thing. there is this guy named Simon' you remember him right?' They nodded their heads. "Well he was asking a lot of questions about why i always went out at night." "Oh no did he find out!" Elements interrupted. "No he didn't which i was lucky to have gotten out of before Simon did find out." Mocha sighed, "You need to stay away from him because seeing as what you've told us about simon before, i fear he might like you. And another major problem is that i think your falling for him to." I shook my head in disbelief of what she had just said. "Why would I like Simon you know how humans and wolves mix together how do you think we exist?!?" Mocha sighed again as Elements watched from beside her. "Listen i don't care if you end up falling in love with him, its just the fact that if you guys kiss and he does something bad to you, its game over. Not only that but if you guys have a kid there could be a 50% chance that he/she is just a regular human. You know how that would make the pack feel, and worst of all if the child is a werewolf it would be to hard for him/her to learn how to hide their ears and tail." We all stood there in silence while the sun started to rise. "I think its time we get going, Alpha Keith wont be happy if we are gone." Elements said awkwardly as they got up and started to leave. "Bai guys!" "Bai!" I hurried home and changed back unto my human form before taking a long shower to think about what Mocha said.

Werewolves: A MiniMinter FanficWhere stories live. Discover now