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Artzy's POV
"Artzy trust me please." JJ said putting his hand out while Simon back stood looking around. I thought back to something my dad had told me and I looked up at JJ.
"Hey Artzy Wait up." My dad called from behind me. I stopped and looked back. "Yeah dad what's up?" "It's just, when you go out into the human world, don't trust anyone ok? And don't ask anyone to trust you because it means nothing to them. Humans don't work like wolves, they don't keep their promises. So be careful with who you are friends with sweetheart." Nodding my head i turned around without saying a word.
I started to back away slowly as tears fell down my face. "Artzy please come back!" "It's not worth it don't even bother trying." Simon mumbled putting a hand on JJ's shoulder as he tried to walk towards me. JJ turned around and grabbed Simon by the collar pushing him up against a tree. "You may not see it Simon but Artzy cared about you. A lot more than you know." He said now tears in his eyes. "And I saw the way you looked at her to. Simon you can't blame someone on what other people have done." He said dropping Simon. Before I knew what I was doing, I had turned into my human form and i was hugging JJ. "Thank you Jide, but I'm not sure I can come back."  I said into his chest. "Come on it will be so much fun!" "But it will be awkward." He shrugged his shoulders and hugged me tighter. "I have to go." I said reluctantly pulling away. "Why? Can't you just stay with me?" I shook my head. "JJ, you have to remember I have somewhere else to be to. I am the ruler of a wolf pack after all." He looked at me sadly and nodded his head. Stepping back I glanced at Simon to see he had been looking at me. As I was about to turn around I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Please don't go." It was Simon. "Why should I stay, you clearly want me gone." I said in a slightly angered tone. "Listen I'm sorry about what I said. I can't blame people on what others did. I was just a little shocked at what you said that I didn't want it to be true. And I know I'm not that easy to forgive but." I cut Simon off by kissing him on the cheek. "I've got somewhere to be. Now you both need to go home and tell the others I'm fine. Also invite them over tomorrow I promise I'll be home." I smiled waving at them before changing into my wolf form and running into the woods.
"Are you really going to go back?" Savana said in slight disbelief. I smiled wider and nodded my head. "Come on you can't be serious! Don't you understand what they could do to you?!?" Mocha protested. "She does have a point." Elements commented. I shrugged my shoulders and looked towards to territory boarder. "You don't understand how much I love this man guys, And not only Simon but my friends to. They gave me a place to live and I can't just abandon them. You may have your own opinions about the Sidemen but they make a huge difference to me. When i leave here tonight I might not come back in a while besides the check ups I might do." Savana nodded her head and Elements wagged her tail. Mocha looked at me before reluctantly nodding her head as well. I grabbed my bag with my teeth and slung it over my shoulder. "I'll see you guys later ok?" They smiled back at me and I ran out of the territory eager to get home.
After quietly sneaking in through the back door I set my bag in the bed. I carefully put everything back on the shelves where they belong and I opened my door. I wasn't careful anymore about showing my ears and tail since everyone knew about them now. I walked through the hallway and quietly opened Simons door. I smiled at how cute he looked curled up under the sheets. Shutting the door I walked over to Simon's bed and got under the sheets. I was immediately pulled in against his chest and I snuggled into him. "You think your sneaky don't you? Well next time don't pull the covers up so much, it's very cold in my room." I smiled without saying a word back as I jumped when i felt Simon touch my ears. "Their very soft by the way." He chuckled. I looked up at Simon and he looked down at me. "Do you want to be stuck with my crazy ass forever?" I said quoting what Simon said earlier. "I indeed do." He said back. "Then you won't mind this will you." I replied back kissing him on the lips. At first Simon looked shocked at what I did before he started Smiling again. "Let's do this properly now, Artzy will you marry me?" He said still smiling like an idiot. I nodded and kissed Simon once again. "God dammit why do you do this to me?" He asked stroking my ears again. I cuddled into Simons chest before I slowly fell asleep.
I woke up being very cold as I realized I wasn't in my room. Suddenly I remembered what happened last night and I silently laughed to myself. I looked down at my finger to see a green ring on it, one that I didn't have before. I guess Simon put it on there last night. I thought to myself before getting up. I saw some clothes on the floor and a note beside them.
Figured you wouldn't want to leave my room, so I left some clothes for you. I'm not really good at fashion so sorry if the outfit is horrible.

After changing into some better clothes I went to my room and threw them in the bed not caring to clean it up. As I opened my door I heard voices downstairs. Crap the boys are here. I forgot they were coming over. I told myself. "Good morning your finally awake." I heard as JJ walk up besides me. "Hey I was tired ok! And before you ask, yes you can touch my ears." He jumped in delight and pet them softly. "Are the rest of the Sidemen here already?" I asked already knowing the answer. "Yeah they actually just got here about 10 minutes ago." I sighed and looked at the ground. "I promise they won't make fun of you." JJ said putting a hand on my shoulder. I was about to walk down the stairs until I heard someone at the door.

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