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Artzy's POV
    I had planned to go out tonight and take a visit to my pack. Quickly getting dressed I ran outside in fear of being stopped by Simon again. As i walked farther into the woods i stopped and sighed. "Simon go home." I said a bit to harsh. "Tell me where you are going first." "Simon i said go home." I sensed him about to grab my hand. "Don't you dare think about putting a hand on me." Simon stepped back and i turned around. "You know what i realized Artzy? Your different at night. You get a lot more angry and you don't like people knowing where your going. So tell me Artzy. Where are you really going?" I stepped back as Simon stepped forward. "Simon I said go home." I sternly replied avoiding his question. "Artzy tell me where your going or i wont hesitate to get JJ." Simon knew that JJ could almost get me to say anything or do anything. I reached my hand up and pressed a green gem on my necklace. At first Simon was confused until Elements and Mocha showed up beside me in there human forms. "Wait you have more weird night friends to?!?" Simon said a little surprised at what just happened. "They aren't weird and lets just say I'm really sorry." "Wait wh.." before he could finish his sentence he was knocked out cold. I picked Simon up and walked back to the house safely putting him into his bed. As i walked outside Mocha was mad. I turned back into my wolf form following them through the woods. "I thought I told you to stay away from him you know all he is bad news. Now Simon knows to much!" She stated. I looked to the ground. "He asked me on a date before hand and i couldn't say no." "But Artzy you know that the closer you get to him the closer he gets to finding out about us. Even the little things like going out on dates with Simon and him following you is just as bad as if he found out." Elements spoke up. I nodded my head as we walked into our territory. "Nothing has changed much i see." I commented on the place. "Yeah no ones really been up for a change its to homely." Mocha said walking off to chat with a friend "Artzy!" A voice shouted at me. As i saw a not so little pup run up to me i smiled. Hey Savana what up! I missed you!" I said nuzzling the girl. "Your finally back! Does that mean I can come with you guys yet?" Savana said a bit to excitedly. "No not yet your not ready to face real human beings. Go play with Kylan he's probably wondering where you are." I said smiling as she ran off. The sun was rising so i said a few quick goodbyes and ran back home just in time to see Josh's light turn on. Quietly and quickly i ran back upstairs slipping into my room. As i laid back down i fell asleep.
    i woke up to the sound of people laughing outside my room. I could make them out to be JJ, Simon and Vik. As they quietly walked into my room they were discussing things. "Ok are we going to wake her up first or whip cream her first.?" JJ asked. I'm awake but if they try to wake me up there going to get killed. "Guys i don't think we should do this Artzy was up all night and she's probably really tired." Simon protested against them. At least someone cares about my heath. I thought. "Oh come on it will be funny!" JJ replied. "listen I'm just here to film i had nothing to do with this if she asks ok?" Vik said as they walked into my room. just as JJ was about to throw the plateful of whipped cream on me i stopped him. "I wouldn't do that if i were you Jide."i said sitting up. "You were awake this whole time?!?" he asked surprised. "I'm just going to say you guys aren't that quiet." i laughed rubbing my eyes trying to clear them from sleepiness. "Now i would recommend taking your stupid asses out of my room so i can get ready. also thank you Simon for actually caring about my heath unlike some people." "hey what did i do?!?" Vik asked. "you didn't even try to stop JJ! whatever just get out!" i said rolling my eyes.

A few minutes after everyone finished eating Simon asked to talk with me privately so i followed him up to his room. "so what did you need me for?" i said sitting down on his bed. "care to explain what was up yesterday night?" Simon said crossing his arms. "Wait you remembered that! crap i thought the girls did a good job." i mumbled the last part. "what was i not supposed to know that you have some weird magical necklace that can summon your friends? to be honest i cant tell if they were even real or fake." Simon said throwing his hand in the air. "No you weren't supposed to know and would you keep it down i don't need anyone else finding out either." "just tell me what's going because I'm very confused right now!" I stood up in anger. "Simon you don't know what I've been going through. you don't know how hard it is to keep a secret your whole life. Mocha was right i should've stayed away from you in the first place. Simon you know that you ask to many questions and that's not going to get you any answers." i held my head in my hands and paced back and forth in front of Simon. "maybe you just need to.." i cut him off. "Calm down, yeah i know only if it were that easy. you know to much about me and i have the option to leave but i stay Simon. i stay because i love you. i hate to admit it to myself just as much as i hate admitting it to you. listen you wanted an explanation and maybe i didn't give you what you wanted but at least be grateful of what you know because no one else does." i fell back onto Simons bed exhausted as he stood there in shock. i wasn't the type of person to yell at anyone. only a couple sudden outbursts when i got really angry but that was not often. "A....Artzy? did you really mean what you said. about liking me?" Simon said in tears. for once i didn't know the reason for someone's problems and for once i didn't have an answer. i stayed staring at the celling as i felt the bed sink down next to me. "our relationship is a wreck" Simon said holding my hand. he looked at me and i looked at him. it would have been the perfect situation for a kiss but i turned around and faced away from him. "Simon there is no relationship between us and there never will be." i said getting up and walking out of Simons room him following me. i stopped as we got to the edge of the woods. "Do you want to end up like last night?" i coldly said turning around. Simon didn't say anything. "That's what i thought, now leave me alone please." he sighed, "Why do you keep running from your problems when all we want to do is help." "maybe because running is what I'm best at." i said turning around and running into the woods. i didn't know where i was going but at the same time i did. i couldn't go back to the pack with Simon following me its not safe. my way out of this was risky but i would risk anything for my pack. i ran behind a tree and quickly turned into a wolf. the plan i had was to scare Simon off but i didn't know if it would work. i jumped out from behind the tree as Simon stopped in his tracks. i growled taking a step towards him. "hey there little doggy I'm nice i don't want to hurt you." he said. i stopped growling and stood up straight tilting my head to the side acting confused. "yeah I'm nice. now please don't hurt me."  i laughed to myself a little but walked forward as Simon walked backwards. i barked and growled as Simon took more steps backwards. "Artzy! Artzy where are you its not safe here!" he said calling me. in my mind all i wanted to do was go up to Simon and hug him saying i was sorry. in my mind i knew it was wrong. After successfully scaring Simon off, i walked into the woods and went to hang out with my pack for a while.

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