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Artzy's POV
      It had been about 5 hours since I had been home and I knew all the boys would be worried sick about me. Simon would have been the only person to know what general direction I was in. One of the main reasons I didn't go home was because I was in charge of taking care of Savana for a couple days. She was sleeping next to me in her wolf form. I smiled feeling tired myself as I slowly drifted off to sleep.
Simon's POV
       I slipped away from the boys unnoticed as they tried to figure out where Artzy went. Me being me, I took the matters into my own hands and started to walk into the woods. I knew this was the direction that she had gone in before so I picked that as my way to go. After walking for a bit I saw someone. I walked closer and realized it was Artzy. I wanted to hug her and say I was sorry but then I realized she was sleeping. I looked in her lap to see there was a little wolf snuggled into her. Picking Artzy with the pup in her lap I started to walk home.
       Again I managed to get inside the house and upstairs without being noticed. I put Artzy in her room and laid the wolf beside her. I walked back downstairs and everyone finally acknowledged my presence. "Where have you been Simon! We didn't need someone else getting lost!" Josh exclaimed. "Well thanks to my disappearance I already found Artzy and she's alright." I got bombarded with questions right away. "Is she awake?" JJ asked. "Because I would like to go see her." "Seeing as JJ is her best friend I think he should go see her." Vikk pipped up. I nodded my head as he went upstairs. And suddenly I was asked more questions.
Artzy's POV
       I woke up to feel someone playing with my hair softly. I looked up to see JJ. "Nice to see your finally awake." He said smiling down at me. I sat up and felt a fluffy object in my hands. I quickly recognized the wolf to be Savana and then I remembered falling asleep in the woods. "How did i get here?" I asked JJ. "Well Simon brought you here because he found you somewhere. Also you have some explaining to do." He said gesturing to the wolf asleep in my arms. "Oh um I'm just very good with animals and after a while I guess I just became friends with a couple of them." I said making up a lie on the spot. "Oh well can I pet it?" He said hesitantly putting his hand out. "Yeah she won't mind. she is very friendly I promise." As JJ was petting Savana she put her head on his lap and the rest of her body on mine. I put my head on JJ's shoulder and slowly fell asleep again.
It had been about 10 minutes since Artzy fell asleep again when the door opened. "Am I interrupting anything?" Simon said opening the door a bit more. "Nah dude come in. She kind of fell asleep like this." He went and sat down on the end of the bed. "Any explanation about the wolf?" He said. I nodded my head. "Yeah she's just really good with animals I guess." "Oh." I looked back at Simon to see that he kept glancing at Artzy. "Hey Sidog?" "Yeah?" He said snapping out of his thoughts. "By any chance do you like Artzy?" He looked down and nodded his head. "Hey nothing to be ashamed of but you better treat her well because If not your dead." He nodded his head once again and we sat in silence. I had to admit this day was full of ups and downs.

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