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Artzy,s POV
      Waking up in a really uncomfortable hospital bed is not the best experience. I opened my eyes and immediately shut them again growing at the bright light above me. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I reopened my eyes letting them adjust to the white walls and ceilings. "Your finally awake." I heard JJ say. I replied with a mumbled yeah and put my hands on my head instantly regretting it. "Hey hey be careful, the doctor says you have a really bad concussion and you lost a lot of blood." Jide said pulling my hands back down. "Where's Simon?" I asked sleepily. "He's sitting on that side of you. Simon hasn't left since you got here. He also hasn't slept and he fell asleep about 30 minutes ago." JJ said gesturing to the sleeping Simon beside me. My smile turned to a frown and I looked up at Jide. "Can you take Si home? He needs to have a good sleep." JJ nodded walking over to the other side of my hospital bed and picking him up. "Oh god Simons heavy." Jide said with a laugh before making his best attempt at waving at me. The rest of the guys came in and bombarded me with questions before the doctor made them leave and said not to pressure me. Long story short I have a really bad concussion because I hit my head super hard and I'm not supposed to think that much it make many decisions because it stresses me out. So yeah I basically get to be left alone for a month.
After I got home I went straight to my room and laid down on the bed. But for some reason I couldn't sleep. Getting up I slowly pushed myself off the bed and lazily walked to Simons room. I knocked on the door waiting for a response. When I didn't get one I assumed he was asleep and turned around to go downstairs. After reaching the living room I sat down on the couch and turned on the television making sure the volume was quite low so i didn't wake the boys up. About an hour later I got pretty tired and I didn't fell like walking all the way up the stairs again so I just laid down and closed my eyes. "Artzy?" I heard as I was being shaken. I hummed in response not even bothering to move. "I think it's best you go upstairs." I covered my face with my hands not answering to the person i was talking to. I was not conscious enough to even say anything or make rational decisions, which made me do this. I pulled whoever was in front of me close to my face and tried to kiss them. I got pushed away and shaken a little bit more. "Artzy have you drank something?" I nodded. "So what?" I slurred, "it doesn't make a difference. It's fun!" I said a little to loud. "Shh And Where did you even get alcohol? No why did you even drink any you know what the doctor said." The person questioned. "Your not supposed to ask questions." I backfired not even being able to control myself anymore. "Ok just shut up for a second." I got picked up and brought up the stairs. There was a loud knock on a door and then people talking. "Simon take your wife back." "Oh god what is it this time Jide." "It's not like she drank to much and tried to kiss me or anything." "Wait what?!?" "Simon keep it down!" The person which I now knew to be JJ shushed. Reaching out to who I think was Simon, I got switched into Their arms and brought inside the room. Getting placed down on the bed I was put under the sheets as Simon slid in beside me. "Your reckless you know." He asked me unaware of the state i was in. "Your the reckless one Mr. Minter." I slurred laughing for no reason at all. Simon was about to say something but I interrupted him. "Do you want to see my ears?" "Sure." Simon reluctantly answered. I showed my ears and tail, jumping with excitement. "Calm down, the boys are literally going to think we are fucking." Simon said grabbing ahold of my waist and pulling me close to him so I would stop squirming. "I wouldn't mind." I said trying kissing Simon. "You don't know half the things your saying Artzy. I think it's time you go to bed." "But we were having fun." I said pouting. "Just go to sleep so you can get better." I relaxed and slowly let sleep overtake me.
I woke up having a massive head ace. I didn't remember anything that happened after I got home and couldn't sleep. I remember knocking on Simons door but I don't think he answered. How did I get in his room then? I thought. I shook my head remembering about the concussion I had and laid back down. I sat there scrolling through social media until the door opened. "Your finally awake." Simon said walking over to the bed as I sat up. "Yeah and I honestly feel like shit. I don't remember anything that happened last night and i don't know why." Simon's smile turned to a frown. "What's wrong?" I asked seeing as he hadn't said anything. "You got really drunk last night and Jide found you downstairs on the couch. You also tried to kiss him which I found saddening." "Wait I actually tried to kiss JJ!?! What the heck is wrong with me." I said banging my head against the head board. "Yup forgot about my concussion to." I said rubbing the back of my head. "You need to be more careful." Simon said putting an arm on my shoulder. "I'm sorry." He suddenly said after a moment of silence. "Why?" "I'm the one that made you get hurt in the first place." "Si it's not your fault ok. So stop blaming yourself for stuff." He nodded in response and i smiled hugging Simon.

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