19. (Final Chapter)

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Fwi this chapter is short due to leaving it on a cliff hanger. Also I've only been to like some weird African wedding so I don't know how they actually go.

Artzy's POV
        Today was the day of the wedding and I was in the back talking to all the girls. (Aka Sidemen girl friends and some of her friends from her pack.) As we were discussing things I couldn't help but feel like something was going to go wrong, but I pushed the feeling away and kept up a smile. "I think you'll be fine there is no need to worry! Simon will absolutely love your dress!" Freya reassured me. "And I made the best cake so we can celebrate after!" Emily cheered to. "Ok thanks for the support guys but this isn't helping my nervousness." I said looking from person to person. "When you get up there I promise you won't be scared anymore." "It's not that, I just feel like something isn't right." "I think it's just that your missing your sister and friends." Sarah said putting a hand on my shoulder. Freya spoke up trying to lighten the mood. "When you throw those flowers at the end you better aim for me, because I've been dating josh for like 7 years and he still hasn't asked me to marry him." "Hey he's taking it slow just give Josh some time." I said giving her reassurance this time. Just as we finished talking it was time for us to go out.
-skip all the walking down the isle stuff because that's boring-
     We were both standing there looking at each other and I had tears in my eyes as he said his vow. "Artzy you are one of the most amazing people I have met. And I know this sounds really cliche but I really love you and I hope to spend every day with you till the day we die." I could barley say my vow as I was almost crying. "Simon you make my world light up from all its darkness and you never fail to make me smile when I'm sad. Even through all of the mistakes we've made I hope we can love each other forever." "Simon Minter do you take Artzy Swift to be your wife and promise to love her forever?" "Yes." I almost jumped in happiness. "Artzy Swift do you take Simon Minter to be your husband and promise to love him forever?" "Yes." "Ok, are there any objections." The priest was about to say something until the doors burst open. Police sirens everywhere and I went into a full panic mode. "You Artzy Swift are under arrest for trespassing into this country as a werewolf."

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