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Artzy's POV
I was about to walk down the stairs until I heard someone at the door.
"Hello officer." I stopped and turned around to face JJ. "I'm not going down their." He gave me a confused look and I sighed. "Listen." We both stood silent ease dropping on the conversation downstairs. "I heard that there has been sighting of a werewolf somewhere around this house. Have you perhaps seen one?" "No sir I haven't sorry." I knew that to be Simons voice. "Oh well if you see a werewolf just know they are very dangerous and I would advise to stay away from them and report to the police immediately." I heard the door shut and I slid down against the wall. "Everyone hates me." I mumbled holding my knees up to my chest. JJ put a hand on my shoulder and used the other one to lift my head up so I looked at him. "Listen to me, No one hates you. If they did I promise I would punch that person right in the face. Because they have no reason to hate someone as amazing as you. Do you understand me?" He said in the most calming way possible. I nodded my head slowly as a smile showed on Jude's face. "Ok. Now go fix your make up and crap from crying and meet me downstairs." He got up and walked down the stairs leaving me alone. I smiled to myself at the attempt Jide had made to make me happy. He always tries to hard.
       After Artzy's breakdown I went downstairs leaving her to do her stuff. I walked into the living room and sat down next to Simon and started a conversation. "Who was at the door?" I questioned already knowing the answer. "It was just a police officer. He was wondering if I had seen a werewolf. I hate lying to the police but I'm starting to get really worried about Artzy. It seems every day at least one person asks about our relationship." I gave him a confused face. "How is that a bad thing?" Simon sighed and looked down. "I know how much Artzy wants to keep our relationship secret but at this point I think the fans are staring to figure that out." He said looking at me. I put a hand on his back. "Hey man it's ok. The best thing you can do is talk to Artzy. She is really worried to and I can guarantee your one of the only people who can make her happy. So when Artzy comes down here, support her or I will literally end you." He looked a little surprised at the last sentence but shrugged it off giving me a nod. I moved over as I saw Artzy sneakily enter the room and sit in the middle of me and Simon. I smiled looking at them as I was suddenly hit with a controller. "Come on its your turn to play, don't keep us waiting!" I smiled and grabbed the controller forgetting about anything going on around me.
Artzy's POV
      Everyone was to interested in the game of Fifa being played on the tv, to even notice I had come into the room. I walked over and sat next to Simon snuggling into his side a bit. "What's up babe?" He asked me putting an arm around my shoulder to bring us closer. "Not much just thinking about a lot of things right now." I said looking around the room. "That reminded me about something! I was thinking maybe we should announce our relationship to the fans. And before you protest hear me out. Most of the fans have already figured it out and if we don't say something imagine all of the rumors that could come out of this." Simon stated looking down at me. I glanced at him then at the ground. After a moment I made my decision. "Ok I'm fine with doing the video. I think it's best we don't keep it a secret forever." I pulled a fake smile and focused back in the Fifa game, but I wasn't that focused. I knew what would happen if the police found out who I really was and it was really scaring me. I didn't want to do video with Simon, but I had already made my decision to make him happy.
       After a couple more video games and lots of laughs the boys wanted to know why they were all called over here. Of corse I Showed them my different forms and I even jumped on JJ causing him to almost fall of the sofa. It was one of the best moments of that day. Deciding that it was ok to show the boys I kept my ears and tail out for the rest of the day.
Getting pretty tired I laid down on JJ seeing as he was the only person downstairs. Everyone had gone home and Simon, Josh and Vik went to go record a video together. There was a knock at the door and JJ got up leaving me to fall on the couch. I gave him an upset look but stayed in the same spot. He opened the door and I heard the same voice before. Panicking, I turned into my wolf form and hid behind the sofa peaking around the corner. "Do you mind if I take a look around?" I heard the officer ask. My eyes widened and I sneakily made my way upstairs. After reaching my room I turned back into my human form and hid all of the stuff I had relating to wolves. I ran across the hall and barged into Simons room not caring if he was recording. To my surprise he wasn't but he was still in call with the others. "Um hey Simon can I talk to you for a second?" "Um sure?" He replied in more of a question. We walked over to me and we stood in the hallway. "Si I need to get out of here for a couple days." I said glancing downstairs. "Wait why do you have to leave?" I looked back at Simon. "The police from earlier is downstairs and I reckon he is looking for me. I'll probably go back to my pack for a couple days so you'll know where to find me." Simon put his hands on my shoulders and looked me in the eyes, "why are you being so jittery all of a sudden? Whenever something happened with the police you never freaked out. Please explain to me what's going on." I sighed and glanced one more time downstairs before looking back at him. "So on the news they said some stuff about werewolves spotted in London. As you know they are feared by many people. So basically they know a couple of people who are werewolves my pack being one of them. Now I'm really sorry to be in a hurry but I have to go before I get caught." I grabbed his hands placing my phone in them. Quickly kissing Simon I ran into my room and opened the window. I looked back to see Simon waving goodbye with a sad smile on his face. I smiled back and jumped down from the window safely landing on my feet. As I ran through the woods now I'm my wolf form I thought of how I might be overreacting, but I guess it's better to be safe than sorry. I ran into my pack to get greeted by a couple people. I nodded back and ran past them and into Mochas den. As expected all of my friends were there. "Hey it good to see you again!" Savana said. I said hey back but not in the best tone. Elements gave me a confused look titling her head to the side. "What's wrong Artzy?" I sighed "You probably don't know this but the police are looking for any sighting if werewolves. So that's one part of why I'm here. I kind of have to leave the house for a couple days so that i don't get caught." I said looking at the ground. Mocha was the first one to speak up. "Wait what's the other reason your here?" She asked remembering what I said before. My face lit up and I smiled again. "Oh right. I was going to tell you guys that Simon asked me to marry him again! And I said yes!" "Wait what, You said yes?!? Why would you do that! You know what coul..." I stopped Mocha by putting my paw up. "Yeah yeah I don't need the 'you know what could happen' crap again. But you don't understand, I really love him!" Mocha gave me a disapproving look before slapping me across the face. I put a paw up to my cheek. "What the fuck was that for!?!" I asked anger building up inside me. "Do you hear what your saying?!? I swear you've gone mad! Stop saying you love someone when you don't! He doesn't love you back no one does!?!" I had tears in my eyes and I looked around to see Savana and Elements had the same shocked expression i had. Backing up I ran out of her den and into the woods in a direction I didn't care to recognize.
     I was getting tired because I had been walking for a while. My paws had blisters on them and I could barley walk any farther. I wanted to go home so bad but I didn't know the way to go. I couldn't remember if I had taken a turn or gone in a different direction but I knew for a fact that I had gone to far though. Turning into my human form I slumped down against a tree. At once a million thoughts rushed into my mind, will I ever find the way back home? Will I ever see Simon again? Will I end up getting shot by hunters? Quickly shaking my head I got rid of the thoughts. The only thing I knew was to stay calm. One thing I had learned from experience was that wolves always followed their instinct. And mine were telling me to go the way I came.

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