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Artzy's POV
       I was sitting on the couch watching the tv. JJ was sat on my left and Simon was on my right. Savana was in her room probably calling someone from the wolf pack. Vikk was somewhere else probably recording a video, and Josh was in the kitchen making a sandwich. I had noticed that Simon had been kind of off this morning and I think now would be a good time to talk to him about it. "Hey Simon can I speak with you in the hall?" I said just loud enough so only he could hear it. "Yeah sure." He said getting up as I followed.
       As we got to the hallway I didn't really know what to say so I just went with what was on my mind. "You've seemed different since this morning and I was just wondering what was up." I said awkwardly rubbing my arm. "Well there is something wrong. You were with JJ last night." I was confused. "What's wrong with being next to my best friend?" "You guys we're cuddling And not to mention hugging! You hate being hugged and I know that!" I sighed a bit not wanting to get into a fight. "Listen there is nothing between us. JJ was there when I needed someone and I didn't really care what was happening at that moment." Simon was furious now. "You always care what's happening when I'm around! Anyway what's so important that you ended up cuddling with one of my best friends?!?" I had tears in my eyes but I wasn't about to cry. Not over a stupid argument. "My dad died the day me and Savana ran out unexpectedly. He meant everything to me even though I didn't see him much. My mom isn't even alive either so I had no one to comfort me besides Savana and she was dealing with it herself. JJ was just there at the time I needed someone the most. It wasn't meant to happen. If anything I would have preferred it being you!" I stood there as Simon's expression turned to a sympathetic and apologetic look. He tried to hug me but I pushed him away. "I don't want your hugs anymore Si because apparently you can't understand that I have problems to." I walked towards the back door and outside as Simon ran to the living room probably to get JJ. Just as I was about to set foot into the woods JJ grabbed my arm. "Artzy stop running from your problems, It's not going to get you anywhere. You can just sort things out with Simon he will understand I promise." "Simon won't understand he never does. And stop telling me to stay because I'll tell you what I told Simon, running is what I'm best at." We stood facing each other for a brief second before I pulled my arm away. "I have some things to take care of." I said about to walk away. "Wait! Artzy take me with you. I know your hiding something and even if you don't want to tell anyone you have to at some point. It's better to get things off your chest than keep them hidden." JJ was right if I would tell anyone it would be him. Even if it meant still keeping my secret from Simon. "Fine but if I figure out you told anyone your dead Jide and I'm being serious."
       We made it into a clearing and I turned around to face JJ. "I would keep in mind that you shouldn't scream or freak out because everything will go crazy ok?" He nodded his head not really sure of what was happening. "You see this JJ?" I said pointing to the necklace I always wear. "It's magical and it makes my friends appear. And it makes me be able to turn into a human." I pressed the green emerald and three wolves came running up to me. "Ok so let me tell you their names. There is Elements, Mocha, and finally Savana. You know Savana because she is my sister. I know your like wtf how is she a wolf Savana was just at home! But yeah that's what I'm going to show you next.  When I'm like them I can't talk to you. So yeah be right back I guess." I turned into a wolf and looked at Jide. His face was in shock honestly but I saw a bit of a smile. "Omg you guys are so fluffy!!" I rolled my eyes and turned back into my human form as did everyone else. "That's seriously the first thing you thought of saying?" I asked. JJ nodded his head excitedly. "Ok so on to the next thing. This ring on my finger is another magical thing. It makes me have wings. So if I have the necklace and ring on it makes me a really cool wolf." I explained. I made myself have wings then turned into a wolf with wings. "Does this mean you can fly!?!" JJ said basically jumping up and down. I nodded my head and turned back into my human form. "That's so cool! But why do you have a green flower crown with you?" "Oh..." I sighed. "It's the only thing I have left that my mom gave me so I keep it with me at all times. My dad just died as you know and now I'm the Alpha of the wolf pack. Which I don't even think I can handle." Mocha, Elements, and Savana all pulled me into a hug while JJ just stood there. "Why didn't you tell anyone else? Your like super amazing!" I looked down. "All of the guys would hate me. Maybe you don't know this but humans absolutely hate werewolves. One time there was a pack of werewolves and they happened to attack London. No one is really happy with us now." I felt really tired all of a sudden and I guess it was because I had transformed to much at one time. before I knew it I had passed out.
I caught Artzy right after she passed out. I told Savana to go home and make sure that no one was near Artzy's room so that I could avoid Simon. Mocha and Elements ran off to go do something or whatever saying they trusted me to take care of her. I carried Artzy back to the house and snuck in through the back door. I avoided anyone and quickly ran into her room. The reason i didn't want anyone near Artzy is because of all the questions I would have gotten asked and I would have said something. I laid her down on the bed and sat down next to her. Playing with Artzy's hair always helped me calm down so that's what I did. I told myself 5 more minutes to make sure she's ok and then I'll go get Simon. Unluckily for me, I fell asleep in the process.

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