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Artzy's POV
       After walking for a while I saw the familiar area of the pack territory. Once I got inside a nurse rushed to me. "Oh thank goodness your back Alpha! There was an attack from the nearby hunters!" Before I could say anything she continued, "your friends were killed in the process and I'm very sorry. We lost some good guards in the fight to. Don't worry we are trai.." I put my paw up to stop her. "Show me where my friends are." I demanded. She walked  past me as I followed looking at the damage done. It wasn't to bad but I had a feeling they targeted my friends. Just as we were about to enter the medical section I asked the nurse a question. "Excuse me, But how long have I been gone?" "Almost 24 hours Alpha." She said nonchalantly. I kept walking with a shocked expression. Had I really been walking that long? Nothing had really sunk in yet until I saw the bodies of my best friends. My life had gone to shit in a day. I couldn't even go home because of the police and the fact that I had to take care of my pack. Me being me left my phone with Simon so that he couldn't call me, but I guess I never thought about if I needed to call him. Without saying a word I left the room and I kept walking I didn't know where i was going but at the same time I did.
Before I knew it I found myself outside the house. I didn't notice it but I really needed the boys. I opened the back door and walked in seeing JJ on the couch. I went up behind him and hugged JJ. "Hey your back!" He said pulling me over the couch and next to him. "Yeah it was just to much for me." I replied leaving out certain details. I opened my mouth to ask a question but JJ stopped me. "No Simon is not recording." I quickly thanked Jide hugging him before jumping up and running upstairs. Before I got to Simons room I stopped by Vik and Josh's room because I know I would end up being in his room for hours. They both gave me hugs and I went up to Simons room. I knocked on the door and opened it without him answering. I looked up and turned around blushing. "Simon put on some trousers." Ok he obviously had boxers on but it was still awkward. I felt a pair of arms around skip around my waist. "But your my wife." He said dragging out the E. "Not yet Simon, Not yet." I turned around and kissed him. "Now go put on some joggers or I will leave you." He hurried and put some clothes before running over to me again. "Don't leave me!" He said hugging me really right. "You know I was just kidding I won't leave you over something that stupid Si." I replied hugging him equally as tight. He pulled me over to his bed and we sat down. "So why did you come back? Not like it's a bad thing! I thought you were leaving for a couple more days." My smile turned into a frown and I started to play with my fingers nervously. "Well that's kind of why I came to your room. I wanted to tell you why I came back." I looked up at Simon before looking back at the bed. "W...well someone attacked my pack." I said stuttering in words. I felt the tears in my eyes but I didn't want to cry, but in front of Simon. "A..and they k..killed my two best friends and my S..Sister." At that point I lost all form of strength i had left and I broke down in tears. Simon pulled me into his lap and help me close to his chest. The whole time Simon didn't say a word, he just let me cry into his shirt. Eventually after crying for what felt like forever, I fell asleep on Simon's lap still thinking about what happened.
Simon's POV
       After about 45 minutes of sitting there with Artzy she finally fell asleep. I laid her under the sheets and got up to record some videos so that I could spend the rest of tomorrow with Artzy. I made sure she was out of shot and I started to record videos.
       I had finished all the videos for the next 2 days and it was honestly very exhausting, but I would do anything for Artzy. After all we are engaged. I was surprised she was still asleep by how much I had almost thrown my chair across the room. I thought I heard someone say something but I shrugged it off thinking it was my lack of sleep. "Simon." I turned around to see Artzy shuffling around in bed a bit. I got up worriedly and walked over to the bed. "Yes Artzy?" Asking a sleeping person a questions isn't the best idea in the world but it would have to do. "Help." She mumbled in her sleep. "Simon help me." She started to cry a little and i quickly shook Artzy awake. As soon as She woke up I pulled Her into a hug. Artzy quietly sobbed into my shoulder as i held her in my embrace. "Shh, it's ok love I'm here now." I said trying be comforting. Artzy stopped crying after about a minute. I just hugged her tracing circles on her back. "Thank you Simon." She said snuggling into my chest more. "That's babe to you." I said making Artzy chuckle softly. "I can call you whatever I want." She said punching me lightly. "Hey that hurt." I replied jokingly. Artzy sighed and I looked down at her. "Babe?" "Yes?" "I'm tired again." I laughed at her statement. "Your always tired." She chuckled and fell off of me landing in the other side of the bed. "I'm going to go back to my room." She said getting up. I pulled Artzy back onto the bed and pulled the covers over both of us. "Where do you think your going?" I said smiling at her. "I'm not going anywhere."

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