Prologue and Chapter One: Diagon Alley

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Okay, first chapter and the prologue is out! I'm so sorry for the delay, so thank you all for waiting! Merry Christmas!
Two beautiful women stepped into Diagon Alley. One was older but still breathtakingly beautiful, but the younger one, her daughter, radiated elegance and grace along with the same, if not more, of her mother's inhuman beauty. The woman's cool blue eyes surveyed those around her with a calm look, while her daughter watched with a fascinated expression on her face. The  woman was one of the last full blooded veela. Her husband was one of the last descendants of Godric Gryffindor, making their daughter one of the very few, if not the only, part veelas with the blood of one of the founders of Hogwarts in them. Eyes followed their every moves, for you see, a veela has a unique beauty, that nothing else can match. The reason of their presence at Diagon Alley was to prepare for the girl's year a her new school: Hogwarts.

Chapter 1-Diagon Alley
Normal POV
"Mother, have you ever been here before?"
My mother laughed. "Yes, carrissima, and you'll find out more than what I can tell you, so you must be patient." I pouted. When you have been counting down the days until a certain date, you get excited when that day comes. Mother frowned, and raised my chin. "You know you shouldn't do that with this many people around." I sighed, but changed my pout into a neutral face. This is one of things I wasn't looking forward to when being at Hogwarts. Now that I am 14, boys start noticing me. Therefore, I must not do anything that adds to my "veela appeal" and bla bla bla. I am excited to go to a school that was in my blood. I'm a descendant of Gryffindor. He's my great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandfather. I think I lost track of the "great"s. Short version is, he is one of my ancestors. You'd think that I would have been going to Hogwarts my entire life. But, no, I got to go to Beauxbatons. I don't think Hogwarts could be much better than Beauxbatons. I may be biased, but in my opinion Beauxbatons is the best school. You know what, I am biased, but you can't blame me for favoring the only school I've ever been to. But this year Father insisted that I go to "his" school. Mother's voice broke me out of my thoughts. "Where do you want to go first, carrissima?"
I replied without a second thought. "The pet shop." Mother nodded in understanding. My owl died rather recently, so I haven't been able to send letters as freely. My jaw dropped at the sheer amount of owls in the shop. I have never seen so many in one shop! I gazed at the different birds, but I kept coming back to a golden brown owl with black markings. I walked towards her. She flapped her wings. I turned back to Mother and told her that I wanted this owl. She rubbed her head against mine when she was taken out of her cage. We found out that I was the first person that she had ever bonded with. I named her Gildie, for the golden color of her feathers. After that, we went to several different book stores to find all the books we needed. As we left, we bumped into two people. I looked up. Mother's eyes widened slightly. It was a man with long blonde hair, and a boy who seemed to be my age with shorter hair. The boy scowled at us. I raised an eyebrow.
"Watch where you're going-" The older man, whom I could only assume was his father, placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Draco, be polite."
The boy, Draco, ignored him, "What is your blood status anyway?" What does that have to do with anything? Mother stiffened. We technically aren't supposed to reveal our bloodline to those who don't know of it. Why, I don't know. Literally everyone knows my mother's last name, l/n, and of course my father's, Gryffindor. Perhaps it's so that people won't be able to match the name to the face. Or is it the face to the name? Mother chose her words carefully.
"I'd rather not say," she replied slowly. The older man tensed. He seemed to be someone who was used to getting his way. Therefore, he wasn't exactly pleased at the fact that my mother refused to tell him what our blood status was.
"Well, then. I assume you must be a filthy mudblood or half breed. At least you have the decency to be ashamed." Mother raised an eyebrow, and I mentally facepalmed. They left us soon afterwards, without even a goodbye. I mean, how rude!
"Why did he assume that we were muggle borns or halfbloods?" Mother sighed. "Because to some witches and wizards, they think that it is shameful to be of muggle descent."
"But that doesn't explain why the assumed that we were muggle borns or halfbloods. We didn't even tell him what our blood status is!" Mother sighed again.
"I don't know the answer to that, Y/N." We walked in silence for a while, and then I decided to speak. "Are the wizards and witches that go to Hogwarts like that?"
"Some are, but the majority of the school thinks that it is ridiculous."
I was lost in thought when we suddenly bumped into someone. Again. This time it was a red headed boy, and a black haired boy with green eyes and glasses. "Oh, I'm sorry!" I looked closer at the boy, and realized something. "You're Harry Potter, aren't you?"
He nodded.
I looked at the other boy. "Who are you?"
He looked at me in slight awe- Darn it. "I-I'm Ron Weasley."
Mother set a hand on my shoulder, and gave me a "we need to go" look. I glanced back at the two boys. "Well, it was nice meeting you!" It wasn't until I was home that I realized that I forgot to give them my name.

Note: In Latin, carrissima means dearest. Sorry about any possible confusion.

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