Chapter 11: The World Does NOT Revolve Around You, Harry James Potter!

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"Oh yeah!"
"Hurry up and get dressed and meet me downstairs!" Mione said as she ran downstairs. I pulled on a green sweater, dark red jeans, and did my hair. I ran downstairs to join my best friend. I had gotten Mione a candle that smells like old books, a new book, and a journal that had an embossed "H" on it. Ron got a HUGE amount of candy and a set of Quidditch books. For Harry, I gave him a broom cleaning kit, some candy, and a simple but masculine handmade leather journal . Hermione squealed.
"I have always wanted to get this book but it's never in stock! And this candle smells so good! Okay, this journal is beautiful! Oh, it has an H on it!" I smiled at her.
"Well I'm glad you like it."
"Open yours," she urged me. She gave me a beautiful blue, purple, and grey journal with silver clasps, and a elegant necklace that I had commented on at our last Hogsmeade trip. I laughed incredulously.
"I can't believe you remembered the necklace! This journal is beautiful! Thank you so much!"
I handed Ron his present. His eyes grew wide when he saw the amount of candy and the books.
"I've been wanting a set of these books for the last three months! How'd you get 'em? And look at all this candy! It's incredible! Thank you so much, N/N!" I smiled at him.
"You're welcome." He handed me a package. I opened it to find that book that I'd been wanting since it came out.
"I've wanted this book so much! Thank you so much, Ron! Oh, who's this from?" I inspected the somewhat lumpy package.
"My mum." I opened it to find a blue sweater with a red F/L on it, and some fudge that looked absolutely amazing.
"This is amazing! You'll have to thank her for me! It's so soft!" The sweater was. It felt like a cloud, just not so puffy. Harry nudged me.
"Open mine." My breath caught as I lifted out a beautiful necklace. (Whichever necklace that is in the outfit you chose for the Yule Ball)
"Oh, Harry, it's beautiful! Thank you!" I had a huge smile on my face. Harry flushed, and I nudged him. "Open mine now!"
"Whoa.... How did you know that I really wanted a broom cleaning kit? This is absolutely perfect. This journal is wonderful. And wow, this is A LOT of candy!!" Long story short, everyone loved their gifts. We went outside to have a snowball fight, and stayed out there until 5 PM. We would've stayed out longer, but I had looked at my watch just in time, and noticed the time.
"Hermione! We need to go now!" I showed her my watch, and she practically dragged me back to our dorms. I waved goodbye at the boys, who probably didn't see me because they were so focused on their game. We rushed into the dorms, and strangely enough, none of the other girls were there, and it was then that I remembered that most of them are preparing somewhere else. I did my makeup first, (if you don't want to wear makeup then just ignore that) then did my hair with Mione's occasional help. I helped her with her hair, twisting it into an elegant knot in the back of her head, with a few curls left to frame her face. I slipped on my dress and shoes, and put on Harry's necklace. I stood admiring myself in the mirror. I had a right to admire my hard work! It took 2 1/2 hours to do! Hermione walked out of the bathroom in her dress and shoes. We high fived.
"Well, we've got that part done! You look beautiful, Hermione. Ron is going to be so jealous," I said. Hermione rolled her eyes, but a redness came creeping up her neck.
"You look lovely as well. Harry is going to be so jealous." I flushed scarlet.
"What does Harry have to do with anything?" She just smirked mysteriously.
"We ready to go?" I nodded. We made our way to the stairs, and we both perked around the corner. Hermione drew back.
"Y/N, I'm nervous." I turned to her.
"Hermione, you'll be okay. You look absolutely stunning. Krum's waiting for you, and you'll have a wonderful time with him." She nodded, then took a deep breath, and walked down the stairs. I breathed in, and exhaled deeply. I walked down after Hermione, the hem of my dress swishing against my legs/brushing the floor. Cedric was frozen in shock. "I hope that isn't a bad sign," I said nervously. He seemed to snap out of it and hurried to explain,
"No, no, it's just.... You look stunning." I smiled softly, as the heat was creeping up my neck.
"Thank you. You look very handsome yourself." He smiled at me, and offered his arm. I caught a glimpse of Harry's shocked and slightly angry face as we passed him.

Time skip brought to you by something. We'll figure out what it will be someday.

"Really? Are you sure you're not exaggerating?" I raised an eyebrow at Cedric.
"No! I'm serious! That thing was 10 feet tall!" We laughed, and then it died down, and we simply sat in a comfortable silence. He turned back to me, and I was surprised by the softness in his eyes.
"Y/N, do you remember what I told you when I asked you out?" I nodded. "You said really liked me." He smiled at me.
"Yeah, well, as I've spent time with you, I've really enjoyed this. So," he took a deep breath. "Would you go with me to Hogsmeade next trip?" I smiled, blushing. "I've...really enjoyed spending time with you too. Yeah, that would be really fun!" He was grinning at me.
"Would you like to dance?" I nodded, and we got up and joined the other couples on the dance floor. We danced to several songs before I realized that my feet were starting to hurt.
"Um, if you don't mind, well, my feet are starting to hurt, and so would you mind if i took a break?" He smiled at me.
"That's not a bad idea. I think I'll join you." He followed me back to the table, but on the way I snagged a plate of food  from the food table, and in my peripheral view I saw Cedric do the same.
"Oh, this food is so good." I savored the taste of the food. Cedric's hand moved towards my mouth.
"There's something on your mouth, right here." He motioned towards the corner of his mouth. "Here, let me get it for you." He got the rice particle off, as I found out it was, but then stroked my cheek with the back of his fingers.
"You are very beautiful, you know." I smiled softly. I could tell that he meant it.
"Thank you." I said softly. I then realized that many people had left, and that it was midnight. Cedric apparently had the same realization.
"It's getting somewhat late..." I smiled at him.
"It is, isn't it? Well, we should probably get going. I had had a wonderful time tonight, Cedric." He stood up, and held out a hand a hand for me to take. I took it, and he gently pulled me up.
"So did I." He tucked a stray piece of hair behind my ear. "Also, about Hogsmeade- Does the Three Broomsticks sound good?" I nodded excitedly.
"That's my favorite!" He nodded with a huge smile. We walked towards the stairs again, but I was stopped by Harry, and sighed and turned to Cedric.
"Well, I guess I'll see you at the Theee Broomsticks. Again, I had a wonderful time." I impulsively gave his cheek a quick peck. He gave me a smile that lit up his entire face, and smiled and waved.
"I didn't know you were going with Diggory." I turned to Harry, and nodded.
"I know you didn't." He looked at me in disbelief.
"Why did you go with him?"
"Well, why not? He is very sweet, not to mention handsome, and he did ask me," I explained.
"He's another champion!"
"So?" I scoffed in annoyance at this pointless conversation.
"He's probably using you!"
I raised an eyebrow.
"For what?
"Well, it's obvious, isn't it? He is using you to get to me so that he can beat me! He wouldn't have asked you out otherwise." I felt my eyes tear up.
"The world does NOT revolve around you, Harry James Potter! And if you're so worried about who my date is, then you should have just asked me yourself! And besides, we didn't even talk about the Tournament!" By now, my tears were clearly visible. Harry's face softened.
"Y/N..." I turned away from him.
"Just go!" He hesitated, but backed away. I ran back to my room.
"Stupid Potter!" I muttered to myself. I walked in to see Hermione crying on the bed.
"What happened, Mione?" She raised her head and looked at me.
"Ron ruined EVERYTHING!" She said through the tears. "He thinks I shouldn't have had a date."
"Well Harry thinks that Cedric was just using me to get to him, that I wouldn't have gotten asked out if not for him. Boys really are idiots," I said tearfully. I wiped my eyes again. "Come on, let's just go to bed."

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