Chapter 6: Strange...

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So at one point in this chapter I have put down h/c/n. It means hair color name, so like blonde, redhead, brunette, ravenette, etc. Also the picture above is what you wear to Hogsmeade, but (again) without the Starbucks cup and without the purse.


"He knew how much I wanted to enter! Why didn't he tell me how he did it?" I sighed through my nose at Ron's comment.
"Look, Ron... I don't think that Harry actually put his name in the cup. I mean, he's not an idiot, right? Yes, he attracts danger, but he doesn't go looking for danger. It just doesn't add up." Ron simply stormed off, so I turned to look at Mione. She sighed and said,
"I don't want to think that Harry put his name in the Goblet, but what else could have happened?" I nodded, acknowledging her point. She left to go get another book from her dorm, and I suddenly found myself being dragged by none other than Ron Weasley.
"Where are you taking me? I was JUST about to eat my cinnamon roll!" I was very annoyed. That cinnamon roll looked so yummy. And it was still warm...
"I'm taking you to meet my brother Charlie." At my lack of recognition he told me that "Charlie" was his second oldest brother. We walked outside, and we stopped right in front of about four dragons. A man who looked like an older version of Ron came up to us.
"Hey Ron! Who's the girl?" Well, this must be Charlie.
"This is my friend Y/N. I just wanted to introduce you." I smiled and shook Charlie's hand.
"Well, it is good to meet you, Y/N. I better get back to the dragons though!" He waved while running backwards. I turned to Ron.
"So how many siblings do you have?"
"Six siblings. 5 brother and one sister," Ron replied. I widened my eyes in surprise. He nodded.
"Correct me if I'm wrong, but your sister is still in Hogwarts, correct?" He nodded again. "Then.... why haven't I met her?"
"I don't know. But do you want to go meet her?" I nodded excitedly. We raced each other back to the castle, and it was a tie. We walked towards the Gryffindor Common Room. I saw a girl with red hair talking to Hermione, and Ron made a beeline towards them, pulling me along.
"Ginny, this is one of my friends, Y/N. She is a transfer from Beauxbatons." I smiled and held out my hand to shake hers. She shook my hand rather stiffly. My smile changed into one that was more thoughtful. I like to think that I can read people pretty well, and for some reason, it might be the somewhat cold handshake that she gave me, I had a feeling that Ginny didn't like me too much. I mentally shrugged it off, and tuned back in to the conversation that was going on. Well, I say conversation. The argument between Ron and Mione was about-... Well actually, I don't know what it's about. I shook my head in disbelief at the two of them with a small smile on my face. They never stop, do they?

Time Skip brought to you by Draco Malfoy, the Amazing Bouncing Ferret

"Get up, get up, get up! Everyone else has already left!" I was woken from my peaceful sleep by a very excited Hermione. I yawned.
"Five more minutes...." She sighed. I heard the quiet words, "Aguamenti" and then I felt ice cold water.
"HERMIONE JEAN GRANGER!!!!!!" I held back from chasing her because I was freezing cold and soaked with ice cold water. After I had changed, and loosely curled my hair using a spell, I walked out of the bathroom with my wand drawn, as I prepared to chase Hermione and give her a taste of her own medicine, but I turned to see Hermione backing out of the dorm door that went to the common room.
"OH NO YOU DON'T!" I chased her down the stairs, wand at the ready.

Harry POV

I was sitting on one of the couches reading a book- yes, a book! Aren't you proud of me Mione?- when I heard a loud shriek of "HERMIONE JEAN GRANGER!!!" I assumed that it must have been Y/N and Hermione. I returned to my book, curious about the shriek but not too curious. But I was interrupted (again) by Hermione bolting down the stairs, followed by a beautiful but angry Y/N. I sighed dreamily at the lovely h/c/n. She was a very beautiful girl. Anyone with eyes knew that. But she was even more attractive when she was mad. Her eyes were brighter and her cheeks were flushed even more than normal. I held back a laugh when Y/N promptly cast an aguamenti on Hermione.

"Y/N! This will take forever to dry!" The said witch rolled her eyes.

"Magic exists for a reason. So do warming charms." She then noticed me. "Hi Harry! Are you going to Hogsmeade today?"

"Eh.. I don't know yet." She nodded slowly, then brightened up again.

"Well, I hope I see you there!" I nodded with a smile.


I smiled back at Harry, then turned to Hermione. "Well, should we go?" Instead of a verbal response, she dragged me out of the common room. We got to Hogsmeade just fine, and we decided unanimously to go to the first bookstore we see before anything else. At first glance, the store seemed to be a tiny little thing, but it was definitely bigger than it looked. I spent most of my time looking at some beautiful handmade journals, and I bought a couple for me and for gifts. I have a slight obsession with journals. You can never have too many. I also looked for a new book, but nothing really caught my eye. We left with a couple purchases each, me with my journals and Mione with some new books. I then dragged her into a shoe store, because I needed some rain boots. After that, we went shopping for Christmas gifts. Yes, I know that it's only November! Oh wow, it's November already.  We finished our Hogsmeade trip by going to the Three Broomsticks for some butter beer. After we got our drinks we talked for a bit, but after a while we simply sat in a comfortable silence. I opened my mouth to say something when I felt a tap on my arm. I looked to see who had tapped me, but there was no one. I shrugged it off. But then something grabbed my arm, and I turned to point my wand discreetly at my side.
"It's me, Harry," the invisible thing said. I put a hand over my heart and turned so that it looked like I was talking to Hermione.
"You scared me half to death! Oh, Harry's sitting next to me in his invisibility cloak," I said as Mione gave me a questioning look.
"How in Merlin's name did you know about the cloak?" The astonished question came from both Harry and Hermione. I shook my head, still looking at Hermione.
"It was either that or some sort of spell to make you invisible, and considering that I've never heard of that kind of spell, it's very likely that you have an invisibility cloak. And before you ask how I didn't think you stole it, I don't know where you could get an invisibility cloak, and so you probably inherited it from someone. I'd say your father." Hermione's eyes were widened in shock and her mouth was gaping. I could only assume that Harry's face was the same.
"Whoa, how did you know all that? It's all true!" I smirked at him.
"Logic. Anyway, why are you under the cloak?" He sighed.
"People don't make fun of something they can't see."
"Oh Harry, I'm so sorry. I'd hug you but it would be suspicious if I hugged the air." Poor Harry. He never gets a break, does he? We went back to the castle, and made it back in time for dinner. After that, I followed Hermione into the common room only to stop as we saw Ron and Harry arguing again.
"-And for now, stay away from me!" Harry said angrily and loudly to Ron.
I whispered to Hermione,
"Well that works perfectly except for one slight problem. They technically share the same room." She nodded in agreement. As I passed him, I rested my hand on Harry's arm for a second. He turned to me on surprise and as I turned away I could've sworn that there was some red on his cheeks. But I didn't have time to look again because we were already in our dorms. I fell asleep, dreaming of a certain cute bespectacled Gryffindor boy.

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