Chapter 9: Is That a Dress???!!

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Translations are at the end
It seemed like everything was working out just perfectly. Harry survived the First Task, and he and Ron are friends now. Hermione scoffed angrily, and I turned to look at her. She was holding a copy of the Daily Prophet.
'Ms. Granger, a plain but ambitious young witch seems to be developing a taste for famous wizards. Her latest prey, according to sources, is none other than Bulgarian bonbon Viktor Krum.' I scoffed at that.
'No word yet on how Harry Potter is taking that blow.' There were more quotes and absurd speculations, one memorable quote from Pansy Parkinson. "'She's real ugly,' says Pansy Parkinson, a pretty and vivacious fourth year Slytherin student.'"
I scowled at the stupid piece of paper, but then my eyes found another part. 'Lady Y/N Gryffindor, another witch who is the same age as Ms. Granger, is another witch that is friends with Harry Potter. She is supposedly of veela heritage, but in my opinion that she, along with her family, are fakes!'
I outright snarled at the paper, and I began to transform out of my anger. One of the things that I got from my mother is the ability to transform. I stopped myself just in time so that nobody saw my loss of self control, and so I sat down to relax.
Harry and Ron walked over. They looked at the paper that I was clutching in my clenched fists.
"What's the matter, Y/N?" Harry looked at me in confusion. I simply shoved the paper at him.
"Read this."
Harry and Ron both looked at it, and their jaws dropped at the ridiculous and insulting things that that liar has written. Ron looked up, and muttered his catchphrase.
"Bloody hell..." (Okay so I'm not British so I don't know if that's like a swear word or what so could you guys tell me in the comments?) Harry looked at me in shock.
"She actually had the audacity to write that?" I nodded angrily.
"That woman. How dare she lie about such things! How dare she pretend to be a truthful person! I-" I spluttered in anger, and without knowing it, I switched to French. "Comment ose-t-elle insulter ma famille! Elle a du nerf, ce qui suggère que nous sommes des faux! Comment ose-t-elle insulter Hermione! Elle n'écrit que des mensonges! Je vais écrire une lettre au ministère ou quelqu'un pour me plaindre! Je jure que je le ferai! Elle n'est qu'une horrible femme qui n'écrit que des mensonges. Comment peut-on la croire? Il est ridicule de même suggérer que ma famille est un faux! Tout le monde sait qui nous sommes! Il n'y a aucun moyen que nous soyons des contrefacteurs!" By the time my furious rant was over, Harry, Ron, and Hermione were staring at me with open mouths.
"Whoa..." They said collectively. I sighed.
"I gotta go. I'll be back in about 30 minutes or so." I had one person in mind. I stalked over to where the Beauxbatons students were staying. I found Fleur's door, and I knocked on it. She opened it, and after seeing my annoyed expression, she let out a sigh and let me in.
"I've read the paper, and it's all rubbish. None of the students here believe it. Everyone knows that you are NOT a fake, ma cher ami." Fleur patted my arm gently. I sighed.
"Je sais, Fleur, mais ça me rend si furieux. Tu sais à quel point je peux protéger les gens qui m'intéressent. Et ça me dérange vraiment quand les gens l'écrivent disent des trucs comme ça," I said angrily. Fleur sighed and took my hand in hers.
"Ma chérie, je sais ce que tu ressens, mais tu dois garder la tête haute." I sighed again, and switched back to English.
"You're right, Fleur. Thank you." I hugged her. I realized that I should be getting back soon. "I'm sorry Fleur, but I need to go now otherwise I might get in trouble for being out too late. Au revoir!" I smiled at her, and walked back to the Gryffindor common room. I entered the common room to see Ron holding up what seemed to be a dress. I raised an eyebrow, and as I sat next to him, I asked,
"Ron, what in Merlin's name is that?" He looked at me with widened eyes.
"Dress robes, I think?"

Time skip to when McGonagall is teaching the Gryffindor students how to dance...
"The Yule Ball has been a tradition of the TriWizard tournament since it has been created. On the night of Christmas Eve, we and our guests shall gather in the great hall for a night of well mannered frivolity. As representatives of the host school, I expect each and every one of you to put your best foot forwards. This should be taken literally, for the Yule Ball is first, and foremost, a dance." The room erupted in chatter at McGonagall's words. I sighed. All the boys groaned, however. I honestly am really glad that I don't have to ask anyone out.
McGonagall told us to be quiet.
"The house of Godric Gryffindir has commanded the respect of the wizardingworlds world for centuries. I will not have you shaming that name in one evening by behaving like a bumbling bunch of baboons. Now, to dance is to let the body breathe. In every girl, a secret swan slumbers, longing to burst forth and take flight." I snorted. Can I take flight from my responsibilities then? "Inside every boy, a lordly lion prepares to prance. You! Mr. Weasley!" I widened my eyes. This is going to be interesting if what I think is going to happen does happen. "Will you join me please?" Poor Ron looked so incredibly bored. "Now put your hand on my waist." Ron looked at her with wide eyes.
"Your what?" Professor McGonagall narrowed her eyes.
"My waist." The twins wolf whistled. I shot them looks saying to shut up. Filch started the music and I started internally giggling at Ron's face. McGonagall started counting to the rhythm of the waltz. 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, etc. We were then told to find partners. I must have looked a bit lost, because Fred came up to me and bowed jokingly at me.
"May I have this dance, my fair lady?" I smiled, well, smirked at his jovial manner.
"Why, yes, my kind sir." I have had LOTS of practice dancing because of all the balls that my parents would hold. Meanwhile Fred was still struggling with the steps. I could understand the difficulty of the moves. If I hadn't learned to do similar waltzes then I'd be tripping over my own two feet.
"Look, it's simpler if you break it down. First you do this step, and then you add this next one, and finally the last one, and you just repeat it!" He nodded, still somewhat confused, but he got the hang of it pretty quickly. "You're never going to let Ron live this down, will you?" He grinned at me.
"Not for a while." I gasped, and burst into quiet giggles, for something extremely funny had passed into my mind.
"So McGonagall is our head of house, right? And she taught us how to dance. Well, most likely, that means that the other houses are being taught by their heads. And who's the head of Slytherin?" Fred just stared at me in shock, and then burst into laughs. I giggled, and imitated the monotone voice of our potions professor. "Put...your hand...on my....waist." We were both in a fit of giggles that lasted for about 30 seconds. We finally managed to focus back on our dancing. This is going to be an interesting month.

Comment ose-t-elle insulter ma famille! Elle a du nerf, ce qui suggère que nous sommes des faux! Comment ose-t-elle insulter Hermione! Elle n'écrit que des mensonges! Je vais écrire une lettre au ministère ou quelqu'un pour me plaindre! Je jure que je le ferai! Elle n'est qu'une horrible femme qui n'écrit que des mensonges. Comment peut-on la croire? Il est ridicule de même suggérer que ma famille est un faux! Tout le monde sait qui nous sommes! Il n'y a aucun moyen que nous soyons des contrefacteurs!

How dare she insult my family! She has nerve, which suggests that we are fake! How dare she insult Hermione! She writes only lies! I will write a letter to the ministry or someone to complain! I swear I'll do it! She is only a horrible woman who writes only lies. How can one believe it? It is ridiculous to even suggest that my family are fakes! Everyone knows who we are! There is no way we are fakes!

Je sais, Fleur, mais ça me rend si furieux. Tu sais à quel point je peux protéger les gens qui m'intéressent. Et ça me dérange vraiment quand les gens l'écrivent disent des trucs comme ça

I know, Fleur, but it makes me so mad. You know how much I want to protect the people I love. And it really annoys me when people write and say stuff like that

Ma chérie, je sais ce que tu ressens, mais tu dois garder la tête haute.

My dear, I know how you feel, but you have to keep your head up high.

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