Chapter 8: Draco Malfoy, the Amazing Bouncing Ferret

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The outfit above is what you're wearing for the day of the First Task. You can use your imagination for other parts in the story.

I was walking with Harry when we were interrupted by a very unwelcome voice.
"Why so tense, Potter?" I groaned internally. Malfoy. This isn't going to end well. "My father and I have a bet going, you see. I don't think you're going to last ten minutes in this tournament. He disagrees." Malfoy jumped down from the tree. "He thinks you won't last five." I snorted out loud.
"Do you make it a habit of sitting in trees waiting for people to tease to come by?" Malfoy wasn't given the chance to reply because of Harry.
"I don't care what your father thinks. He's vile, and cruel, and you're just pathetic." He turned around, dragging me with him, but we stopped when we heard Mad Eye's voice.
"Oh, no, ya don't, sonny!" We turned to see in Malfoy's place, a white ferret. "I'll teach you to curse someone when their back is turned!" I outright laughed as Mad Eye bounced Malfoy around, and even put him down Crabbe's pants. "You stinking, cowardly, scummy, back shooting-"
"PROFESSOR MOODY!" McGonagall ran towards him as Malfoy the ferret was being tossed around in the air. "What are you doing?"
"Teaching," Mad Eye responded in the most casual way, making the whole situation funnier.
"Is that a student?" McGonagall looked aghast.
"Technically, it's a ferret." I was holding on to Harry to keep myself from falling over from laughter.
"Professor, we never use transfiguration as a punishment! Surely Professor Dumbledore must have told you that!" Mad Eye shrugged. "He might have mentioned it." Just then, Ferret Boy climbed out, and with a flick of McGonagall's wand, he was normal again. I pouted, then stopped myself. Malfoy backed away frantically from Moody.
"My father will hear about this!" Mad Eye stalked towards him.
"Is that a threat? I can tell you stories that will make even your greasy hair curl!" Malfoy simply ran back towards the castle. I sighed happily, closing my eyes. Harry nudged me. "What is it?" I smiled.
"I never want to forget that. Draco Malfoy, the amazing bouncing ferret." Harry chuckled at that, and pulled me closer to his side as we walked. I blushed slightly at our close contact.

Time Skip brought to you by a dancing Dumbledore

It's the day of the first task and I am still stressed. Well, it could be worse. I could be on the judges panel. I shuddered at how stressful that would be. I decided to go say hi to the champions and check on how Harry is doing. I walked in to see Harry standing by the wall of the tent. He looked pretty nervous. I walked towards him, throwing a smile at Fleur.
"How are you?" He sighed.
"I'm really nervous."
"Well you shouldn't be! All you have to do is... Fight a dragon...that could kill you..." I trailed off.
"Don't remind me." He looked like he needed a hug, so I gave him one. He stiffened at first but then hugged me back. I was startled by a bright flash and a click, so I turned around to see none other than Rita Skeeter.
"Young love! Oh how stirring. If everything goes unfortunately today then you might make the front page. "
Krum stepped forward.
"You have no business here. This tent is for champions and friends," He said, motioning to me and Hermione, whom I hadn't noticed, when he said friends.
"No matter. We've got what we wanted." And with that said, Rita walked out.
Dumbledore and Barty Crouch Sr. walked in.
"Good day champions. Gather round, please. The moment that you've waited for a wondered about has finally arrived. The moment only the four of you can appreciate- Ms. Granger, Ms. Gryffindor, what are you doing in here?" Hermione looked surprised.
"Sorry, I'll just go now." I followed her out. I sighed.
"He seemed really nervous..." I said quietly. Hermione nodded. We walked to the stands in silence, as both of us were deep in thought. We finally got to our seats, and Ron joined us soon after. Filch fired a cannon, and the first champion walked out. Cedric looked somewhat nervous. But he did well, and didn't get too injured. Next was Fleur. I cheered for her. I grew a bit nervous when the dragon set her skirt on fire. But she put it out, just like I knew that she could. She finally got the egg, and walked away with a pretty good score. Krum was next. I felt sorry for the poor dragon when her eggs were crushed. He got points taken away because no harm was supposed to come to the eggs. So, next was Harry.

Harry POV
I was still in the tent, waiting to be called up.
"Three of our champions have now faced their dragons, and so each one of them will proceed to the next task. But now our fourth and final contestant!" Dumbledore called me up. I heard people chanting my name, and I looked around the rocky arena. I scanned the area for a shimmer of gold, and I let out a relieved breath when I saw it. I started walking towards it, but was thrown back onto one of the boulders. A few people shouted my name. The dragon turned to look at me, and then it pulled its head back. I started running towards a rock that I could climb. As I jumped up to grab onto it, I realized that it was a smooth rock. I slid back down. I gripped the rock tighter, and just as I reached the top, the Hungarian Horntail brought its spiky tail down close to my head. As I slipped down, I heard people screaming. I caught sight of Y/N leaning over the edge of the railing, her beautiful e/c eyes filled with worry. I gritted my teeth. I had to do this, not just for myself, but for her. The Horntail swing again. Letting out a small scream of surprise and pain, I rolled and hid behind a rock. There was fire behind me, and as I looked back, I saw that people thought that I was dead. I remembered Moody's words.
"Accio firebolt!" My broom zipped down, and I jumped onto it, as I flew away from the dragon. Everyone cheered, and I smiled. I heard a small snap. The dragon's chain had broken. It chased me all the way to Dumbledore's office, where I thought I had lost it. I turned around to look for the dragon. Bad move. I was knocked off of the broom, and barely managed to grab onto the roof. I started to back away while holding onto the roof as the Horntail climbed towards me. I saw my firebolt on a window below me. It was now or never. I let go, right above the window so that I would land right on it. I kept on pulling on my broom that was stuck, as the dragon crawled towards me. I pulled it loose and fell right as the dragon crashed into the window that I was just at. I flew towards the stone bridge. I suddenly dipped under it, making the dragon run into it. I flew back to the arena. Everybody was silent until they saw me, and I grabbed the egg. I was led back to the tent to let my injuries be tended to.

Time skip brought to you by Snape dressed in Neville's grandmother's clothes

I was lead into the common room by the Weasley twins. I was greeted by my name being changed by a bunch of people. George even said,
"Knew you wouldn't die!" Thanks....? I guess...? I was attacked by a hug. I looked down to see Y/N. I hugged her back, even though my cheeks were probably tomatoes. She whispered,
"That was really scary. I thought... I thought that-that you were dead." I rocked her back and forth gently. She let go, and smiled at me, sending butterflies into my stomach. I know that she was a veela, and it might just be her veela-ness, but I think I'm in love with this girl.

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