Chapter 10: I Really Like You....

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Harry's POV
"Why? Why is it so hard to get a date for the ball?" I said hopelessly as I stared at the ceiling sbove me.
"I don't know, mate. And why do they have to travel in packs? It's so hard to get one alone," Ron lamented in the bed several feet away. I sighed. This is going to be difficult.
I sighed at my brunette friend.
"Look, Mione, I am 110% sure that someone will ask you out! You don't need to stress about it!" Hermione nodded half-heartedly.
"It's just..." She sighed. "I'm just nervous, you know?" I nodded. She continued. "I'm just worried, and stressed. I'm not as beautiful as you are, so boys don't go for girls like me. I mean, you're definitely going to be asked. Not just because you're part veela, but you are just a wonderful person overall. You're smart, funny, brave, loyal, and one of the best friends I've ever had." I teared up, and hugged Hermione impulsively.
"You don't know how much that means to me," I whispered. "All my life I've been seen as only a pretty face, and no one except Fleur, my parents, and now you, have ever seen me for anything other than that." I stepped away from her and held her shoulders. "And Hermione, believe me, you are beautiful." She teared up as well, and hugged me. We were interrupted by Krum. He asked to speak to Hermione alone, so I simply nodded, and walked down the hall. The only thing I can think of as why he wanted to speak to Hermione alone is that he wanted to ask her to the ball. They are cute together, and she did tell me that he watches her in the library. A bit stalkerish if you ask me. Hermione came back to my side.
"What happened? Did he ask you to the ball?" She smiled.
"He did, but I said maybe." I looked at her, eyes wide and a gaping mouth.
"Why not yes?" She looked down sheepishly and blushed.
"Well, I... I want Ron to ask me." My smile grew bigger.
"You guys would be very cute together, just saying." She chuckled at that, but the blush didn't go away.
"Hey! Y/N!" I turned in surprise at the new voice, and smiled rather uncertainly at Cedric.
"Oh, hi Cedric."
"Hi Y/N, Granger." He turned at Hermione.
"Granger, could you please give us some time alone?" She looked surprised, but nodded, then turned to me.
"I'll meet you back in the dorms, okay?" I smiled at her.
"Sounds good." Turning back to Cedric, who was looking at the floor, I raised an eyebrow. "Well?" He looked up at me. He ran a hand through his hair. My cheeks grew slightly warm at the VERY attractive motion.
"So, um, I was wondering..." He trailed off nervously. I smiled gently.  He took that as encouragement. "Would you maybe consider going to the... Yule Ball with me? I know I haven't known you very long, or talked to you much. But I really want to get to know you better. And..." His cheeks flushed slightly. "I really like you." I smiled at his endearing awkwardness.
"That's really sweet, Cedric," I said sincerely. "I... Yes, I...I'd like that. Going to the ball with you, I mean."
"Great! I'll meet you at the base of the staircase. Does that work for you?" I smiled, hugging my books to my chest
"Yeah-that-that's perfect." I gave him a somewhat shy smile. "Um, I'll see you then, if not sooner, I guess?" He nodded somewhat shyly. I turned around and made my way back to the dorms. Flopping onto my bed, I sighed happily. Hermione pulled me up by my arms.
"Okay, Y/N, what happened? Did he ask you to the ball?" I smiled, and said teasingly,
"You're smart, Mione! What do you think?" She rolled her eyes.
"Yeah, he did. I said yes." At the elated look on her face, I shot her a confused look. .
"Cedric Diggory is probably the most attractive boy in Hogwarts, not to mention the most gentlemanly." Hermione said, excitement in her eyes.
"That's...a bit overwhelming. But to be honest, I can see why. He is very handsome and was very sweet," I said with a sheepish smile. "But I'm not going to tell Ron and Harry, because.... Well, I don't know they'll think of me going to the ball with....well, another champion."
Hermione scoffed indignantly.
"Well if they're going to be mad at you, they'll have to be mad at me as well. I said yes to Viktor. I don't think Ron's going to ask me, and, well, Viktor has asked me multiple times." I smiled at the girl.
"I'm glad you decided to go with him, Mione. ."

Time skip to potions lesson brought to you by the Blue Heron, AKA the head with legs.

"Hermione, you're a girl." I stifled a laugh at Ron's blunt comment. To the left of me, Hermione quietly said,
"Well spotted, Ron." I restrained myself from laughing.
"Go with one of us?" I was working on my assignment when Snape hit the three of them on the heads. Ron continued after the Professor had left.
"It's one thing for a bloke to go alone, but it's just sad for a girl."
"Well, believe it or not, Ronald, someone's already asked me." Hermione snapped, then walked up to turn in her assignment, then stopped back to gather her things.
"And I said yes!" She hissed angrily, then walked away. I moved over into her seat, so I could see the board better.
"Y/N, what about you? Go with one of us?" This time it was Harry.
"Seriously?" I said with a disbelieving look on my face.
"Sure. It obviously doesn't look like you've been asked, and it's really pathetic for a girl to go alone." Harry continued bluntly. I scoffed angrily.
"Well, surprisingly," I said sarcastically, "I've already been asked by someone. Multiple people in fact." I had said yes to Cedric, but after that I had also been asked by Malfoy, Neville (poor guy was practically trying not to faint), and a couple boys from Beauxbatons who I didn't even know the names of. I had told them all the same thing. That I was sorry, but I already had a date. I walked up to Snape to turn in my assignment, and was promptly dismissed. Stopping to hiss in the ears of the two boys, I said
"And I said yes to one of them." I caught up to Hermione.
"Ronald, that stupid idiot." She practically growled.
"Don't forget Harry. He had the audacity to tell me that, and I quote, 'It obviously doesn't look like you've been asked'!" I scowled at the memory. Hermione sighed.
"Let's just face it. Those two boys have no courage or tact whatsoever." I nodded in agreement.

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