Chapter 7: Finding Out

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So I forgot to put the outfit in here. It's basically just what it looks like, but I had two different hairstyles that I liked so I put them both in.
I groaned in annoyance and despair. Sometimes I hated my heritage. Because of my last name I had to help with the Triwizard/Quadruplewizard Tournament. And I had to deal with Rita Skeeter. And I had to get Cedric and Harry to the tent where they chose the dragon that they would fight. Cedric ran up to where I was standing with my hands on my hips.
"Diggory, where in Merlin's name have you been?" I asked calmly. He looked away from my annoyed gaze.
"I got held up," he said, shifting from one foot to the other. I raised an eyebrow, not sure that he was telling the entire truth. I took in his outfit and sighed when I saw that his tie was completely lopsided. I scowled. I reached out to fix it, and I was aware of the pink that was dusting his cheeks. While redoing it I asked him,
"You do realize that you are going to be interviewed today and therefore should look your best, right?" He nodded. After his tie had been done perfectly by me, I tapped my foot angrily and shook my head, muttering, "Now where in the world could Harry be?" I sighed, and as I saw Fred and George walking by, I called out to them. They walked over.
"What is it?" I sighed.
"Do you have any idea, and idea whatsoever of where Harry could be? The champions are going to be interviewed today and as it is we're already late." They smirked at me, and George said,
"We'll get him for you, love." I smiled at them in thanks, then turned back to the silent Seventh Year than was next to me. After a bit, I asked him,
"Why are you being so quiet?" He scratched his neck awkwardly, red creeping up to his cheeks again.
"I'm not super great at talking to pretty girls." I smiled gently.
"Well, thank you. But I think you're doing pretty great. And from what I've heard, i thought that you were the "Golden Boy" of Hogwarts, and a ladies' man," I said teasingly. Just then the twins dragged Harry up to me. My smile instantly turned into an annoyed expression.
"Do you have any idea how late we're going to be??? I'll have to explain to freaking Rita Skeeter why we're so late." I noticed Harry's lopsided tie and groaned. "What is it with you boys and lopsided ties?" I went to fix Harry's, and I saw his cheeks become red just like Cedric's at my action.
"What's going on?"
"What's going on is that I'm stressed out and the tournament hasn't even started yet. Now let's go." Poor Harry looked scared at my temper. I sighed. "I'm sorry for being so short tempered. I'm just REALLY stressed." We walked towards the trophy room, and I took a deep breath before going in.
"Ah, Ms. Gryffindor, Mr. Potter, Mr. Diggory." I gave the obnoxious blonde a delicate little smile that I used during interviews like this.
"Ms. Gryffindor, we meet again!" She walked towards me. She almost slapped me, as she said, "What hides behind this pretty face? What sort of secrets are hidden in your pretty little head?" She shoved a notebook at me, and I winced at the impact. It was filled with questions, and I paled as I read through them. I went and sat down, writing as fast as I could, and once I was finally finished, I gave he back the book. "There you go Rita." I looked around the room to see Krum and Fleur. I exhaled in relief as I made a beeline towards the only sensible female in the room. Why wasn't a professor here? I tapped my friend's shoulder.
"Hey Fleur." She looked at me and sighed in relief.
"Oh, thank goodness that you are here! I thought that I would be the only sensible woman." I smiled.
"Don't you mean that vis à billes?" She smiled and nodded. We were interrupted by Rita as she said,
"What a charming quartet." I went in the back. I had been given permission to stay, so I walked to the back and stood against the wall with my arms crossed.
"Hello, I'm Rita Skeeter. I write for the Daily Prophet. But of course you four must know that, don't you? It's you that we don't know about. You're juicy news." Yeah, I REALLY dislike this woman. She stroked Fleur's cheeks, and I raised an eyebrow. That's gotta be uncomfortable.
"What quirks lay beneath these rosy cheeks?" My blonde friend flinched as Rita essentially slapped her. She walked towards Krum.
"What mysteries do these muscles mask?" I mentally facepalmed at the cheesy questions. Next was Cedric. "Does courage lie beneath these curls? In short, what makes a champion tick?" Harry looked extremely confused and uncomfortable. Everyone else, even me, glared at her. Her mouth doesn't stay shut for more than three second.
"Me, myself, and I want to know. Not to mention my rabid readers. So who's feeling up to sharing?" She looked around, and as Harry was the only one who wasn't glaring venemously at her, he was chosen. I winced as he was dragged into a broom closet.... That's odd. I walked over to Fleur.
"She basically slapped you." She nodded, wincing. "Why did she take Harry into a broom closet? That's a REALLY odd place to have an interview. Poor guy." Everybody agreed with me.
Time skip to that night.
I was finally finished with the TWT stuff. I was waking back to the common room when I heard voices. My instincts told me to stop, but I couldn't help listening. I heard Harry talk to someone called Sirius. Who is Siri- I actually smacked myself. Sirius Black, duh! Why was Harry talking to a mass murderer? Especially one who helped kill his parents? I decided to walk in and in case somebody tried to obliviate me I had my wand ready. Harry saw me right as I stepped in, and his eyes widened. He bid Black a quick goodbye. I walked up to him.
"Harry, why were you talking to Sirius Black? Isn't he the man who helped kill your parents?" He looked me in the eye.
"I guess you've already seen enough. Well it is a long story but here goes." He told me everything about finding out that Black was an animagus and that Peter Pettigrew was the actual traitor. I looked at him skeptically.
"Are you sure that you can trust him?" He nodded, and for some reason I believed him, and by believing him, I believed Black, I guess. I told Harry that, and he smiled at me. "I am very relieved that you believe me. In fact, I was planning on obliviating you if you didn't believe me." He cringed, realizing how it sounded. "But I would only do that if I had to." I smiled at him. "I was prepared for that, so I had my wand ready," I said sheepishly.
"We should probably go to bed, don't you think? It's almost 10:30..."
"Would you mind telling me about your other adventures? Hermione said something about You-Know-Who being on the back of someone named Quirrel's head." I nervously bit my lip. I hoped that I hadn't pried too much. Harry sighed.
"First of all, don't call Voldemort You-Know-Who.  Fear of the name of something only increasing the fear of the thing, and the last thing that Voldemort needs is more power. And second of all..." He told me about Quirrel, and Fluffy, and about Tom Riddle and the Diary, and also of the petrifictions. It wasn't for an hour that we actually went to our respective dorms.

Okay honestly after writing the part between you and Cedric, I kinda ship you guys. Hope you liked this chapter!

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