Chapter 12: The Second Task and Harry's Lovesick Ramblings

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So I honestly don't really have an idea for your outfit, so you can just use your imagination. Hope you enjoy this chapter!
Harry's POV
Y/N still hasn't spoken to me since the Yule Ball. I couldn't help pulling her away from Cedric, but then I had to think up an excuse for my...jealousy. She had looked stunning that evening, though. She made every other girl pale in comparison. The beautiful d/c of her dress complimented her skin perfectly and brought out her eyes. I've decided that I do really like her, (finally as Ron says) and I might possibly love her, but it's a bit too soon to tell. She is just so amazing. Not just her looks, but her personality and mind. She is brilliant, beautiful, brave, kind, a loyal friend, and someone who will never see me as more than a brother. But if she's happy, then I think I'll be okay. And Ron still has not made up with Mione. I was broken out of my musings by a sharp pain.
"Ow!" I said, and as I looked down, I saw that I had ran into the table. I winced again. It still hurt. I slid in to the seat across from Ron.
"So the second task is today..." Ron said quietly. I chuckled mirthlessly. The egg said that I would be missing someone very dear to me.
"Yeah, I've been thinking about it. You know the egg said that I would lose something very dear to me. I'm a bit worried about that. Speaking of which, where are Y/N and Hermione?" Ron's face turned worried.
"I haven't seen either of them. And I don't remember seeing either of them last night." My heart started beating.
"What? You mean that they haven't been seeing since yesterday? What if they got hurt? I know they both can take care of themselves, but I'm starting to worry about Y/N. What if Voldemort got ahold of her? I couldn't live with myself if anything happened to her." Ron smirked, and I stopped my ramblings, realizing that I had been talking a lot. I turned scarlet.
"You've got it bad, mate." I groaned and put my face in my hands.
"You don't think I realize that? Don't remind me." I was pulled out of my daydreams by Professor McGonagall.
"Mr. Weasley, I must see you in my office now, please." Ron shot a confused look in my direction, but followed McGonagall with a promise that he would see me later

"Professor McGonagall wants to see both of us?" Hermione nodded. I furrowed my brows. I haven't hexed or punched anybody recently, so I can't think of why McGonagall would want to see me. Oh Godric, what if I failed a test or something?
"Come on!" Hermione started dragging me towards McGonagall's office. As we walked in, I saw a girl who surprised me.
"Gabriella?" Gabriella turned towards me.
"Y/N!" She ran towards me, hugging me. I chuckled gently at her eagerness to see me.
"Now that you two, Ms. Granger and Ms. Gryffindor, we only need one more person." I turned to see Dumbledore. Ron walked in.
"What's going on?" He asked Dumbledore.  "You four are each the thing that's been stolen from our champions. You will be put in the Black Lake, rendered unconscious by a very safe spell. The main point is, you four are part of the second task." I widened my eyes.
"The-the second task?" I asked nervously. Dumbledore nodded and smiled. We all nodded, and the last thing I remembered was seeing McGonagall wave her wand, and then darkness.

Time skip to the Second Task brought to you by a dancing dinosaur

Harry's POV
I kept looking for Y/N, Hermione, or Ron. I was starting to panic about their long abscenses. What happened to them? Neville gave me the Gillyweed, and at the sound of the cannon I jumped into the water, hoping desperately that the Gillyweed would work. I felt an odd change go through me. I jumped out of the water to test the Gillyweed out. I managed to get past the many different creatures that I had no idea were in the Black Lake. I swam through some sort of seaweed like plant, and I saw Ron, Hermione, a blonde girl that looked extremely like Fleur Delacour, and Y/N. She was floating gently in the water, and still looked incredibly beautiful even though she was unconscious. I stared at my three dear friends, not sure which one to save. Cedric swam past me towards Y/N, and I felt a pang of jealousy pulse through me. I then turned to debate between Ron and Hermione, and decided to try to free Ron. My decision was proved to be correct, as Viktor Krum raced in to save Hermione. I waited for Fleur to come and save her treasure, but there was no sign of her. I freed Ron, then turned to free the other girl. The merpeople sped in, spears pointed towards me. I ignored them, managing to save both of them, sending them up to the surface. I fought my way up to the surface as well, my lungs burning as the Gillyweed had worn off. I gasped for breath, and looked around to see Ron helping the blonde girl out, and Fleur hugged her in relief. Looking around, I saw Hermione talking to Krum, who was saying something to her that made her smile. Turning around again, I saw Y/N being wrapped in a blanket by Cedric, who was saying something to her that made her blush and look down. I narrowed my eyes. I was pulled out of my glare at Y/N and Cedric by being pulled out of the water.
"Thank you, thank you! You saved her! You saved my little sister!" Fleur hugged me, and kissed me on each cheek. She turned to Ron. "And you too! You helped save her. Thank you so much!" She gave the same if and kisses on the cheek to my red headed friend, who now was the same color as his hair. But I suppose that I wasn't much better.
"Good job, Harry," I heard a soft voice say and felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see Y/N.
"Shouldn't you be with Cedric?" I said unintentionally coldly. Her face took on a hurt expression. I sighed.
"I'm sorry, I'm... I was just scared when I couldn't find you or Hermione or Ron this morning. I'm sorry, love." My eyes widened as the affectionate nickname slipped out of my mouth. I couldn't help it. She just looked so beautiful and innocentwith her h/l h/c hair in wet locks. Ron, hearing my blunder, groaned in embarrassment for me. She flushed prettily.
"Love?" She asked curiously. I tried to play it off.
"I thought I'd try out a new nickname. Do you like it?" She nodded, with a somewhat shy smile on her face. Cedric walked over.
"Well done, Harry," He said quietly. I noticed  him standing next to Y/N, with an arm wrapped protectively around her waist. I noticed that his eyes held a quiet but clear warning. It was obvious that he too liked the beautiful h/c/n. I smiled somewhat fakely at him, although underneath I was annoyed that he was being so protective of my friend, but then again, I would probably have done the same.
"Same to you, Cedric."
I sighed at the antics of the two males, a and looked over my shoulder at Hermione. 'Boys' I mouthed to her silently. She smiled-no, smirked- at me teasingly and nodded. I rolled my eyes at her, but with a good natured smile on my face. To be honest, I would do the same to her.

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