Chapter Two: The Train and Hogwarts

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Picture above is an idea for what you could be wearing, but obviously without the Starbucks cup and without the purse. But you can use your imagination if you want to wear something else.
Your POV
"Goodbye!" I gave my parents one last hug before entering the train.
"Goodbye Y/N!" I turned to give them one last smile before disappearing into the train. I walked around, suddenly nervous. I would be very surprised if Hogwarts had any other veela students, so what if no one trusted me? I shook my head to bring myself out of my somewhat depressing thoughts. I should have been paying attention to my surroundings, because I bumped into someone. Surprised, I looked at the people who had bumped into me, and also fallen down. It was the boys that I met at Diagon Alley. I think their names were Ron Weasley and Harry Potter. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" I gave them an apologetic smile. They looked at me with wide eyes. Then, Ron spoke up.
"Hey, you're the girl who we bumped into at Diagon Alley!"
I smiled. "My name is Y/N Gry-L/N. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you are Ron Weasley and you are Harry Potter?" They nodded. I wasn't supposed to tell them my last name until we are at Hogwarts. I don't know why. What difference would it make if I told them now vs if they found out later? But, my parents have their reasons, so it is smartest to follow their instructions. My fake last name is my mother's maiden name.
"Are you new to Hogwarts? I've never seen you here before." Ron's voice broke my out of my ideas of why I need to keep my name a secret.
"I'm a transfer from Beauxbatons. This is my fourth year. What year and house are you two in?" This time Harry answered my question.
"We're also in our fourth year, and we're Gryffindors." I'm actually in the same year as Harry Potter? This is so cool! Though I hadn't realized that we had been moving, we stopped at a compartment that seemed to be empty.
"Would you like to sit with us?" Harry asked. I nodded with a smile, but it dimmed slightly as I realized that there was always the possibility that he only invited me because he was under my slight spell. We entered, and to my surprise, there was a girl there.
"Y/N this is Hermione Granger. Hermione, this is Y/N L/N." Ron introduced me.
"How come I've never seen you at Hogwarts before?"
I smiled. "I'm a transfer from Beauxbatons. My father wanted me to go to Hogwarts. I'm in my fourth year."
She nodded with a smile. "So are we," she commented. I returned her smile and sat next to her. I noticed that she was holding a orange cat. "Oh, you have a cat? Can I pet him?" After she gave her permission, I scratched the cat under his chin, and by his ears. Soon, he was purring contentedly. "What's his name? He's so sweet!"
"Crookshanks. I'm glad you think he is a good cat, unlike someone." She glared at Ron. He put up his hands in mock surrender. "How many times have I told you that I'm sorry?"
"Obviously not enough," Harry muttered, just loud enough for us to hear. I just smiled at that remark. For the rest of the trip to Hogwarts, we talked as though we were old friends.

As we exited the train, I stopped to look at the strange creatures that were pulling the carriages. I held out my hand cautiously to the head of the front one, and it nuzzled into my hand. I turned to Hermione, who, along with Harry and Ron, we're looking at me strangely. I ignored their confused looks, and instead asked her, "What are the creatures that are pulling the carriages?" Hermione narrowed her eyes in confusion.
"Y/N, there's nothing pulling the carriages. They've always pulled themselves." I then turned to Ron and Harry.
"You guys can see them, right?" They shook their heads. I turned back to the creatures.
"But they're right here!"
"I don't know what you're seeing, but there's nothing there." Hermione spoke with a sense of finality, so I decided not to repeat my statement. But before going into the carriage, I turned to look at the horse-like creatures again. But by the time we got to Hogwarts, I had forgotten about the creatures. It had been arranged for me to have a private sorting. Before we entered the Great Hall, I was pulled away by a woman who introduced herself as Professor Minerva McGonnagal. We entered the headmaster, Dumbledore's, office, and after seeing the doors, I had more than a slight suspicion that he was biased. The doors were Griffin doors. AKA Gryffindors. The headmaster turned out to be an old man with a long white beard and half moon glasses.
"Ah, Miss Gryffindor. Sit down" I looked around in confusion, but obeyed. How did this sorting process work? The only thing that could possibly do it would be the Phoenix or the headmaster. A hat was placed on my head, and I got a minor shock when I heard a voice in my ear. The hat's voice. Ah, a Gryffindor. Haven't seen one since your father. Well, the house that seems to fit you best is.... "GRYFFINDOR!" For a millisecond I wondered if it was going to put me into another house. I was hurried back into the Great Hall where I inconspicuously slid into the seat next to Hermione. "I got sorted into Gryffindor." I whispered.
"That's great!" She whispered back.

Time Skip to after the feast and you are in your dorms because I'm too lazy to write down Dumbledore's whole speech about the Triwizard Tournament...

This is so ironic. I have literally just left Beauxbatons, which is now coming here. Perhaps I'll get to see Fleur. Even though she is three years older than me, she is one of my best friends. One of the reasons that we bonded like we did was that we are both part veela. I also wonder about the new professor, Mad Eye Moody. Something seems suspicious about him, but maybe it's because he's an Auror. Who knows what's going to happen this year?

Yay! Over 1000 words! So, here we find out that you can see the Thestrals and that you are friends with Fleur. Who do you think you saw die? Comment your guesses!

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